Author: Zaid
Hazrat Firouz Dilmi “MAPH” (Part 4)
Narration of the hadith
One of the characteristics of Hazrat Firouz (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was that he would attend the meetings and gatherings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as much as possible, and he would hear and narrate the hadith from him.
But since he came from the land of Yemen and the people of that land were Christian and Magi, he wanted to return to his region after converting to Islam and visiting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and fight against atheism and polytheism and invite people to monotheism and Islam; But it was very rare for him to come to Medina from the land around Yemen which was miles distance, by camels and donkey, and to get benefit from the boundless sea of Islam and to be watered from the Faith of Nabout.
This caused him to go to Medina less and narrate less hadiths; However, it seems that every time he came to Medina, he must have asked a question from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and heard a hadith from him and narrated it to others, especially his son Abdullah, who narrated many hadiths from his noble father. The storage of hadiths is a testament to this.
Imam Ibn Asaker, may Allah have mercy on him, writes in the history of Damascus: (Hazrat Firouz (may Allah be pleased with him) traveled to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and narrated a hadith from him, and his two sons narrated a hadith from him under the names of Abdullah and Zahak.)
Imam Bukhari also confirms the narration of his hadith and says: «ديلم الحميري ويقال هو فيروز الديلمي روى عنه ابنه عبدالله بن الديلمي»; (Dilam Humiri: It is said that he is Firouz Dailami, his son Abdullah narrated a hadith from him.)
Imam Ibn Abd Al-Barr Andalasi, may Allah have mercy on him, says in connection with the confirmation of a hadith that he has narrated, and some narrators have spoken about it: «حديثه عنه في الأشربة حديث صحيح»; The hadith that Hazrat Firouz (MAPH) narrated from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) about the wines and their rulings is a correct hadith and there is no problem in its authenticity.
Imam Ibn Sa’d, may Allah have mercy on him, writes about the narration of the hadith of Hazrat Firouz and what name the narrators call him when narrating him: «فمن أهل الحديث من يقول حدثنا فيروز بن الديلمي، وبعضهم يقول الديلمي، وهو واحد، يعنون فيروز بن الديلمي». ; (Some narrators when narrating him say: «حدثنا فیروز بن الدیلمي» that is: Firuz, the son of Dilmi, has narrated a hadith to us or «حدثنا الدیلمي»; [And it is necessary to know what Firouz should say] are both one person and they mean the same Firouz, the son of Dilmi.
Allah willing, in other sections, we will deal with his jurisprudential, jihadi and political aspect in order to benefit in these respects as well.