Author: Om Aisha Morjaeh Sect (16th part) The Ahl-Sunnah View on Faith Many scholars, including Imam Abu Hanifah may Allah have mercy on him, believe that…
Month: June 2024
Author: Abu Raef Colonialism (18th part) Attack on Khanano Village in Musa Qala, Helmand In another instance of war crimes, British army special forces martyred eight…
Author: Abu Aisha Mu’tazila (26th part) Preface: Enjoining good and forbidding evil are among the fundamental principles of Islam. This principle holds a very high position…
Author: Abu Raef Colonialism (17th part) Attack on a residential house in Kabul The occupying forces of the United States of America on August 29, 2021.…
Author: Zaid The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid”, MAPH (5th part) Khalid bin Walid in the arms of Islam Abstract: In the…
Author: Mohajer Azizi Personable Muslim (15th part) Negative Consequences of Talkativeness 1. people hating: People don’t like a talkative person because healthy human nature doesn’t favor…
Author: Om Aisha Morjaeh sect (15th part) Morjaeh’s Reasons They cite the verse: «فمن یؤمن بربه فلا یخاف بخسا ولا رهقا» “And whoever believes in his…
Author: Abu Raef Colonialism (16th part) Kandahar massacre In the series of American war crimes in Afghanistan, a war crime was committed by one of the…
Author: Mohajer Azizi Personable Muslim (14th part) Talkativeness and its consequences on Muslim personality The religion of Islam is a religion of moderation and equality, and…
Author: Zaid The Biography of the sword of Allah Khalid bin Walid R.H (4th part) Khalid’s plans in the Peace of Hudaybiyah In the 6th year…