Author: Om Aisha
Morjaeh Sect (16th part)
The Ahl-Sunnah View on Faith
Many scholars, including Imam Abu Hanifah may Allah have mercy on him, believe that faith is the acknowledgment of the heart. This acknowledgment is a prerequisite for applying religious rulings in the world. If someone affirms something in their heart without expressing it verbally, they are considered a believer in the sight of Allah but not in the eyes of worldly laws. On the other hand, confessing verbally without belief in the heart makes a person similar to a hypocrite. This understanding is also upheld by Sheikh Abu Mansoor.
Allamah Sadr al-Din Damashqii in his book “Sharh Al-Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah” writes about the concept of faith: “Scholars differ greatly in the concept and meaning of faith: Imam Malik, Imam Shafi’i, Imam Ahmad, Imam Uza’i, Ishaq Ibn Rahwayh, and other people of hadith and people of Medina. May Allah have mercy on them, and the Zahirya sect and a group of theologians believe that faith consists of acknowledging with the heart, confessing with the tongue, and acting.
Imam Tahawi and many companions believe that faith means confessing with the tongue and confirming with the heart. Some scholars consider verbal confession as an additional pillar rather than the main pillar of faith, a view shared by Abu Mansoor Matridi and also attributed to Imam Abu Hanifah.
Allamah Ibn Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, says about the truth of faith from the point of view of Sharia: “Faith is a combination of words and deeds, words are two parts: the word of the heart, which is belief, and the word of the tongue, which is pronounced like shahadah, and action is also two parts: action of the heart, which means its intention and sincerity, and the action of the parts of the body. if these four parts are destroyed, faith will be completely destroyed.
If there is no confirmation of the heart in a person, the other parts will not benefit; Because the acknowledgment of the heart is a condition for having faith in it and its usefulness, and if the action of the heart is destroyed despite the inner acknowledgment, this is where there is a conflict and difference between the Morjaeh and the Sunnis, the Sunnis are unanimous that faith is completely It disappears and acknowledgment is of no use when the action of the heart ends, and what is meant by the action of the heart is its love and obedience. Just as believing in the truthfulness of prophets did not benefit the devil, Pharaoh and his people, the Jews and the polytheists of the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, the polytheists who openly and secretly admitted to this inner belief that he isn’t a liar; But we don’t follow him, and we don’t believe in him.”
The difference between Imam Abu Hanifa (may Allah have mercy on him) and other imams and imams of Ahl al-Sunnah over the concept and meaning of faith is a formal and apparent difference; Because the actions of part of the body are necessary and the effects of the faith of the heart or a part of it, and everyone agrees that the perpetrator of a major sin doesn’t leave the circle of faith; Rather, he is in God’s providence and will. Otherwise, the Prophet (peace be upon him) rejected faith from adulterers, thieves, drunkards, and looters, and according to the consensus of all scholars, this doesn’t cause the name of faith to deteriorate from these people in general.
There is no difference among the Sunnis in that Allah the Exalted has asked His servants to promise and act, and the meaning of a promise is to confirm with the heart and confess with the tongue.
The (Jamhor) Reasons of Sunni scholars
Almighty Allah says: «أولئک کتب في قلوبهم الإیمان»”This group is those in whose hearts Allah has written faith.” «وقلبه مطمئن بالإیمان» “And let his heart be calm and confident in faith.” «ولما یدخل الإیمان في قلوبکم»”Faith hasn’t entered your hearts yet.”
And the Prophet, peace be upon him, says: «اللهم ثبت قلبي علی دینک»
(Ya Allah, keep my heart steadfast on your religion.) «قال النبي صلیاللهعلیهوسلم: لأسامة رضیاللهعنه حین قتل من قال: لا إله إلا الله: هلا شققت قلبه؟»؛ (The Prophet, peace be upon him, said to Osama, may Allah be pleased with him, when he killed someone who had uttered the words La ilaha illallah: Why didn’t you cut his heart? –