Author: Zaid
The Biography of the sword of Allah Khalid bin Walid R.H (4th part)
Khalid’s plans in the Peace of Hudaybiyah
In the 6th year of Hijri, the Holy Prophet of Islam, PBUH, and his Sinceres companions, may Allah be pleased with them, set out on a journey to Makkah in order to perform Umrah. But the residents of Mecca did not allow them to enter the holy city and visit the Bait-al-Haram. The Muslims gathered in an area called “Hudaybiyah” and they all pledged allegiance to the Prophet of Islam, who was with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and defended him until the end of their life.
The polytheists learned about this matter and planned to destroy the Muslims. They prepared a large army under the command of Khalid and set off in pursuit of the Muslims. Khalid approached the place where the Muslims settled to observe their movements and whereabouts closely. Until the Muslims performed congregational prayer led by Imam al-Anbiyyah and Sayyed al-Mursaleen, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Khalid did not attack. After the prayer, the companions dispersed, and each one was busy with their duties. Khalid regretted his inaction, questioning why he had not attacked immediately. He waited for another prayer, but Divine revelation prevented him from attacking.
Recently, the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, realized that someone was following and spying on them. A group was dispatched to confront this threat, causing Khalid to retreat and leave the field.
Khalid’s behavior during the first Umrah of Muslims
Khalid’s behavior during the first Umrah of Muslims revealed his deep aversion towards Islam, the Prophet of Islam, and Muslims. Unable to see the Muslims happy or flourishing, Khalid left Mecca until the Muslims concluded their Umrah.
The result of this section
The result of this incident highlights Khalid’s shrewdness, success on the battlefield, and understanding of warfare tactics. His victories benefited the Muslims significantly. The life of the noble companions, may Allah be pleased with them, offers valuable lessons. Khalid’s traits of intelligence, responsibility, humility, and acceptance of truth set examples for others to follow.
In conclusion, the esteemed companion Khalid exemplified devotion to tasks, seeking truth, sense of responsibility, and humility. His actions serve as guiding principles for gaining insights into Islamic history and warfare tactics, providing valuable lessons for all.