Author: Om Aisha Qadiani’s reason for the death of Jesus, peace be upon him This sect claims that God has announced the death of Jesus Christ…
Month: April 2024
Author: Om Aisha Entry: In the previous part of this article, we tried to have some material about the difference between the “true prophet” and someone…
Author: Om Aisha Epitome Throughout the history of the Islamic nation, various sects have emerged, each of them having strange and sometimes misleading and deviant…
Author: Shokran Ahmadi Study culture, Challenges and solutions Key words: Study, Book, Crisis, Youth, plans Abstract The crisis of not studying and staying away from books…
Auther: Mohammad Asem Esmayilzahi The Beauty of Islam (1st part) (الحمد للهِ رَبّ العالمین، حمداً كثیراً الى یوم الدین، وأَشْهَدُ أن لا اله الا الله وحده…