Author: Om Aisha
Entry: In the previous part of this article, we tried to have some material about the difference between the “true prophet” and someone who claimed to be a false prophet, and the position of both is clear and obvious to everyone; Because someone who does not support the arguments and proofs will definitely fail in his policy and one day, instead of being proud and proud, he will become infamous and dishonorable. (History is the best witness of this.)
In this part of the article, we will talk about the life of the claimant of prophethood, his family, the stages of calling and other related matters.
Biography of the founder of Qadianit
Mirza Gholam Ahmad (founder of the Qadianite sect) in 1839 AD, corresponding to 1213 AH. Sh. He was born in the village of “Qadian”, located in the Indian state of Punjab, and died in Lahore in 1908 due to cholera. His body was taken to Qadian and buried there.
Ancestry and family
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is a descendant of the Mongols, the shade of “Barlas”, some researchers have said that his family is from the descendants of “Gorkaniyeh”, But he himself claimed that he was inspired by God, that he is of Persian race. In the footnote of the book “Al Bariyeh” he mentions this and writes: “I was inspired like this: if faith is in the star of Soraya, a man from Persia will achieve it.
And also in the book “Arbain” he writes: “Until now, what has been said about my family has been based on speculation; Now it has become clear to me from the Lord that our family is from Persians, and I also firmly believe in this. Because the valid and correct word is the one that is expressed by divine knowledge.
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani’s family was a capitalist family and his grandfather owned many villages and properties and owned an emirate in Punjab. His grandfather (Mirza Atta Muhammad) lost all his properties in the war that took place between him and the Sikhs. They destroyed all his possessions and expelled him and his family from the city of Qadian. Then, in 1818, England allowed them to return because of the military services their father had done for them and returned some of their villages and properties to them. Mirza Ahmad writes in this regard: “In those days, my father faced many problems and his property was taken as a ransom by the infidels, until Allah Almighty returned some villages and properties to my father during the time of the British government.”.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad spent most of his time learning Islamic sciences, scientific debates and preaching to the people; He studied logic, philosophy, religious and literary sciences from his professors and learned medicine from his father, who was a skilled physician.
It is said that he has been very interested in reading books since childhood. To the extent that his father always controlled him so that too much study would not harm his health and well-being. When he grew up, he took responsibility for the inherited properties and lands at his father’s insistence. He says: “Accepting this responsibility was against my will.”
When the Christian pastors were doing extensive propaganda in the Indian subcontinent, he fought against them and wrote the book “Ahmadiyya Arguments” in this regard. He has written many works, more than seventy volumes of books, treatises and articles in Urdu, Arabic and Farsi have been left by him, which have been collected in a collection called “Ruh Khazain” in twenty-two volumes and by his followers. It has been published in Pakistan. Some of his most important books are: “Proofs of Ahmadiyya”; It was published about proving the authenticity of the Qur’an, the Prophet and the religion of Islam. The promised book in four volumes with five hundred and sixty-two pages; “Sira Al-Abdal”; About the signs and symptoms of Abbad Rahman. “Mohaveh Rahman”; In describing the miracles and beliefs of Ghulam Ahmad and the reasons for his invitation and mission. “The Truth of Al-Mahdi”; Contains the reasons of Ghulam Ahmad being the Messiah and Mahdi. “Laja El-Noor”; Including his treatises and letters for Arab scholars, Sham, Iraq and Khorasan. “Ilmahiya Sermon”; Expressing the inspirations and revelations of God on him and the reasons for his mission and that he is the promised Messiah. “Miracle of Christ”; In the interpretation of Surah Hamad. “Tabilgh Islam”; It contains his letters to Arab and Persian nobles, the approval of the British government, propaganda, invitation and acceptance of people to his words and claims.
The history of Qadianite appearance
Qadianiyat dates back to 1889 when he announced at the age of 40 that he was the subject of divine revelation and inspiration and was one of those whom Allah would raise one of them every hundred years to renew the religion of Islam. He also claimed that he was commissioned by God to pledge allegiance to the people; he claimed that his opponents would unnaturally kill. It happened; and
During the colonial period of India by the British, he wrote several treatises and books celebrating and supporting the British government. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad believed that the British government saw all classes of people with equal vision in terms of freedom and freedom and in this regard it was observing the perfection of fairness and justice; the nations had achieved their wish under the shadow of their tenderness and since the time when they
In his book Haghighat al-Mahdi, he claims that if he had not been afraid of the British sword, he would have been killed, so he was grateful to the British government.
This connection and attachment continued after Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, to the extent that the second caliph of this sect, Basharuddin Mahmoud Ahmad, wrote a book called “Gift of the Prince of Wales” for the King of England, “The Gift of the Prince of Wales”, and gave it to him as a gift. But the current leaders of the cult see themselves as opposed to England, America, and Israel, and believe that they have had no past or present understanding with England.
Stages of invitation of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani
first stage: the stage of invitation to Islam, in which Ghulam Ahmad claimed hostility and claimed renewal, and this stage began in 1879 AD and continued until 1891 AD; At this stage, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed that he is reformed and reformed and has been commissioned by God to reform the world and call to Islam, and at this stage he performed three types of activities:
Gathering followers;
Writing books.
Second stage: It is the stage when Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed that he is the promised Messiah; This stage started in 1891 AD. At this stage, he announced that he is the promised Messiah that the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, have informed about, and that he is the reformer that all ethnic groups and groups have been waiting for his coming for thirteen centuries. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad defended himself by reasoning from his statement: “I swear to God, I am the promised Messiah and God Almighty has given me a clear and obvious proof”; The promised Messiah knew.
third stage: it was the claim of prophethood; Perhaps this is the stage that led to the emergence of Qadianit and the spread of its work. Here there is another approach that negates the claim of prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, but when discussing the words of the followers of this approach, we do not find anything about the negation of the claim of prophethood to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad; There is also a third approach here, whose companions prove the claim of prophethood for Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
The claim of renewal and mission
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad says: I was once inspired and the meaning of it was: “God wants to will and make a decision for the revival of His religion; However, the one who is the most important has not yet been determined in the Supreme Court.
In this same dream, I saw people looking for a revivalist, and one of them came to me and pointedly said: “This is a man who loves the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.” It is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, who is realized in this person (me).”
He says: “One night I was writing something and I went to sleep and in my dream I visited the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace; Their blessed faces were bright like the full moon; They approached me and I felt that they wanted to hug me and they hugged me. After that night, the doors of inspiration were opened for me and the Lord of the world made me his audience.
The claim of Christianity
At the end of 1890, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed that God revealed to him that he was the Messiah son of Mary whom the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, had announced his coming, and that Jesus, peace be upon him, had died like the prophets of the past.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad used to say: “I say out loud that my God revealed this right to me with His inspiration and induction; In fact, Messiah son of Maryam has died and his soul is in the second heaven with the soul of his cousin Yahya. The Messiah who was supposed to come for this time has been informed to me in authentic news that I am him.
The claim of prophethood
Gholam Ahmad did not stop with the claim of Mahdism and Christianity; but also added the claim of prophethood. He says somewhere: “God called me a prophet with Vahis.” Apparently, what he means by being called a prophet by revelation is this honorable verse that Allah Almighty says:
«وإذا قال عیسی ابن مریم یا بنی إسرائیل إنی رسول الله إلیکم مصدقا لما بین یدی من التوراه ومبشرا برسول یأتی من بعدی اسمه احمد فلما جاءهم بالبینات قالوا هذا سحر مبین»
Translation: “When Jesus son of Maryam said: O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of God to you, the confirmer of what is with you from the Torah and the bearer of good news to the messenger who will come after me and his name is Ahmad; So when he came to them with clear signs, they said: This is a clear dawn.”
He also considers himself the embodiment and manifestation of all divine prophets and says: “God has made me the embodiment of all the prophets; Therefore, I am Adam and I am Seth, I am Noah, I am Abraham, and I am the embodiment of the name of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, that is, I am Muhammad and Ahmad in the form of Zaliyyah. He also claimed to have a miracle and called it “Al-Ijaz Al-Ahmadi”. Referring to himself, he says: “God showed him unusual things and revealed clear signs and strange victories”. In another place, he expressed himself as a miracle that the plague was spreading everywhere, but he was not affected by the plague.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad says: “This honor was given to me only at the risk of obeying the Prophet, peace be upon him. If I were not a follower of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and my deeds were equal to all the mountains of this world, I would never have been able to have this honor of conversation and audience.” to find Because for the time being, except for the prophethood of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, all prophecies are closed and no prophet possessing the law can come; Except someone who is a nation; Therefore, I am both a nation and a prophet.
His belief about Mahdism
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said that Dajjal means Christianity and Gog and Magog, Russia and the West, and he said that if Mahdi had a separate existence, he would have been mentioned in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim. Imam Bukhari and Muslim did not mention hadiths about Hazrat Mahdi; It seems to convey that the hadiths of Mahdism were not correct with those two nobles; Of course, he said the hadiths “There is no Mahdi except Jesus” mentioned in Ibn Majah and Mostadrak al-Hakim as correct, and he believed in the same opinion. This is why he brazenly says: “I am the promised Messiah and the promised Mahdi.” God blessed me with revelation and inspiration and spoke to me, just as he spoke to his beloved messengers.
The establishment of Qadianit and its worthy people
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (1839-1908 AD) was the main instrument for the creation and establishment of Qadianism; He belonged to a family that was famous for betraying religion and country; Among his followers, he was known for having a disturbed temper, many diseases and being addicted to drugs. He has more than fifty books, treatises and articles, the most important of which are: 1. Removing illusions; 2. Ijaz Ahmadi; 3. Proofs of Ahmadiyya; 4. Lights of Islam; 5. The miracle of Christ; 6. Reporting; 7. Divine manifestations.
Nur al-Din Beravi: Caliph and the first successor of Qadianism, England put the crown of caliphate on his head and the disciples followed him. Among his works is: “The Chapter of Rhetoric”.
Muhammad Ali: He was Amir Qadiani in Lahore, his views, a colonial spy, and he spoke as the editor of a magazine called Qadianiyan. made a distorted translation of the Holy Quran in English; Among his works are: “The Truth of Difference” and “Prophecy in Islam”.
Mohammad Sadiq: Mufti of Qadiyan, whose authors include “Khadem Khatam al-Nabiyin”.
Bashir Ahmad bin Gholam: Among his works are: “Sirat al-Mahdi” and “Kalma Al-Al-Chusl”.
Mahmoud Ahmad, the son of Ghulam and his second caliph: among his works are “Anwar al-Khilafah”, “Tahfa al-Muluk” and “Haqiqah al-Nabawa”.
Branch in Qadianit
There are two groups of followers of Mirza Gholam Ahmad: