
Auther: Mohammad Asem Esmayilzahi
The Beauty of Islam (1st part)
(الحمد للهِ رَبّ العالمین، حمداً كثیراً الى یوم الدین، وأَشْهَدُ أن لا اله الا الله وحده لا شریك له، و اَشْهَدُ أنّ محمداً عبده و رسوله. اللهُمَّ صَلَّ وَسَلّمْ عَلی مَنْ بَعَثَهُ رحمة للعالمین. و علی آله وأصحابه و أزواجه و التابعین الى یوم الدین)
(Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, many thanks until the Day of Judgment, and I bear witness that there is no god but God alone, with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger. O God, bless and grant peace upon whomever He sent as a mercy to the worlds. And upon his family, companions, wives, and followers. n to day Religion)
And then, according to his infinite wisdom, mercy, and love, God created man from non-existence, and gave him virtue and superiority over other creatures.
“كَرَّمْنَا بَنِی آدَمَ وَحَمَلْنَاهُمْ فِی الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ”
“We honored the children of Adam and carried them on land and sea” (Isra: 70)
to lead him from the darkness of ignorance and delusion to light, reason and understanding,
وَیُخْرِجُهُم مِّنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ”
“And He brings them out of darkness into light” (Al-Ma’idah: 16)
And with a cold chain, submissiveness, submission, and devotion to the opinion of the people of Raha, and with the revelation of the Qur’an, the righteousness of two people and two people were not created, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, the Seal of the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon him), and with a program and a nominal law that applies to the nature and creation of mankind, I am glad to see that my life is safe and I am saved, and with it, together with the tyranny and the religion of Islam, I have called for our growth.
تَعَالَوْا إِلَى كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاءٍ بَینَنَا وَبَینَكُمْ أَلَّا نَعْبُدَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ وَلَا نُشْرِكَ بِهِ شَیئًا وَلَا یتَّخِذَ بَعْضُنَا بَعْضًا أَرْبَابًا مِّن دُونِ اللَّهِ فَإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَقُولُوا اشْهَدُوا بِأَنَّا مُسْلِمُونَ”
“Come to a common word between us and you: that we shall worship none but God, nor associate anything with Him, nor take one another as lords besides God.” If they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we are Muslims.” (Al Imran: 64)
And with justice, equality and social justice, he gave democracy to the people of the earth in all fields, and with the revelation of the Qur’an, he taught equality and individual and social rights and respect for each other’s rights and a peaceful life to all human beings, he taught them to know their rights. And he invited compliments, compliments, teasing and cooperation with each other to the extent that in the Arabian Peninsula, which was famous for boasting about human beings, kindness, racism and nervousness.
“الاعرابُ اشدُ كفراً و نِفاقاً
“Arabs were invited to be equal and respect each other’s rights and avoid violence and ethnic prejudices.
Allah says: In this verse,
“یا أَیهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ”
the human society, regardless of race and tribe, is addressed to equality and respect for ethnic, national, cultural, political, and economic values, and they must act on it. (Hjuraat13).
Because the heavenly law of the Lord is adapted to the human nature and the color of oldness does not sit on its face and it does not become less valuable. The passage of time does not reduce its value and validity, because obsolescence occurs in matters that are not the desire of human nature, such as laws or customs that arise in societies and with the passage of time, they are forgotten and lose their value. But the laws and programs that are boiled from human nature and temperament and respond to his natural needs, never become obsolete and worthless with the passage of time. Is it possible to imagine that one day seeking justice, seeking truth, freedom, intellectual independence, courage, sacrifice and similar things will become worthless in human nature?
It is on this basis that the religion of Islam is a heavenly religion whose teachings do not become old and worn out with the passage of time and different eras, and its value and credibility do not decrease.
The passing of the Middle Ages and the end of British and French colonialism and exploitation in most parts of the world, including India, Algeria, Iraq and in general in the Middle East region, as well as the collapse of the Soviet republics after 75 years and the fall of rebellion and dictators of the time, including The Shah of Iran and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, who after 35 years of Anfal and the genocide of right-seeking Kurds and the killing of dozens of Dajil Shiites and chemical bombs killed more than five thousand people in the Iraqi city of Halabja, as well as an awakening and transformation in the people of Iran and Sardasht has created. These developments and awakenings indicate the movement towards freedom in different parts of the world. (1)
And this is a clear reason for the fact that the law of the religion of Islam, which is known as the
الحقُّ یعْلوُ ولا یعْلِی عَلَیه (truth is above and beyond it) promotes human rights and freedom and will gain the freedom of human beings through Jihad for justice and human rights. This is the path that will lead people to freedom and in other words, the spring of freedom.
Eventually, the awakened conscience will reach this truth and people will gradually wake up from the sleep of ignorance by acquiring knowledge and information and real understanding and self-knowledge. This reality is such that a human being is by nature everywhere and from any race and ethnicity, he must have the right to live and see himself as independent and feel responsible in personal and social issues.
It is obvious that the spirit and attitude of a person who sees man as a powerless and handcuffed being and believes that he has no influence on his destiny is different from someone who considers himself the ruler of his destiny and believes that man is naturally free. Nothing annoys and depresses a person’s soul as much as when he loses his freedom and sees himself as powerful and responsible for his destiny and feels his absolute control over him. Therefore, according to his nature, man is born free and must live freely. Man’s honor and dignity are his special characteristics.
God has given greatness and authority only to man. “And glory belongs to Allah and to His Messenger and to the believers” (Munafiq in: 8)
Islam has guided all human beings to move in the path of dignity, creativity and equality. The word “لِتَعارَفوا” is a comprehensive word that contains hundreds of notes and articles in various laws. This word is derived from the root “Araf” which means knowledge.
This concept includes human differences such as piety and service to people, as well as respect for international law. In general, Islam emphasizes the principles of democracy and social justice and says that you should respect and not despise each other. Everyone should be invited to compliment, friendship and reject exploitation and colonialism.
یا أَیهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَجَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا
O people, we created you from a male and a female and made you into peoples and tribes that you may know one another (Surat Hujurat 13).
The creation of people with differences such as skin color and different languages is a sign of unity of humanity and the basis of equality and negation of racial differences.
وَمِنْ آیَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافُ أَلْسِنَتِکُمْ وَأَلْوَانِکُمْ
And from the verses of the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the differences between your tongues and your colors (Surah Rum: 32).
All classes of people of every race, ethnicity and language should respect each other and the governments of the world should cooperate in all fields such as political, commercial, cultural and social relations. They should not use cultural and religious differences as an excuse for conflict. Governments adhere to Islamic principles and consider people’s rights as their main priority. They should respect the ethnic groups and respect their culture and language. Support their customs, traditions and culture so that there is a strong and democratic government that does not discriminate and all people, including Arabs, Persians, Kurds, Turks, Baloch, etc., consider it their government and defend it.
Verse: أَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ وَأُولِي الْأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ) مِنكُمْ» “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and the first among you” (An-Nisa’: 59)
It refers to the importance of people’s love for the government and stability of the country. Without this love, no government can remain stable. Islam describes all aspects of life for people and encourages them to achieve perfection, technological advancement and moral atmosphere. In fact, the more perfect someone is in terms of these characteristics, the more religiously he is known, because the Qur’an says:
إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ)
“I will honor you with Allah, and I will fear you” (Hujaraat: 13)
However, Islamic governments sometimes do not pay enough attention to Islamic laws and principles and have caused people to be pessimistic about Islam. This situation causes mistrust and despair in the hearts of young people. We should pay more attention to the justification of people regarding Islamic principles and values.
In 2003, when the United States and its allies invaded Iraq and Saddam’s regime fell, the formation of the Haqam Association stated that Islamic law should not be considered a democratic law. These empty statements show that governments ignore Islamic principles. If the prejudice and racism of governments and nations prevent progress and excellence and they only pay attention to their ethnic interests, it can lead to instability.
For example, if a nation pays too much attention to its religion and beliefs and lags behind in the study of science and knowledge, this may lead to losses for the society. Also, if people get busy with worldly affairs and neglect self-improvement and personal development, this will cause problems for the society. For example, Prophet Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and says
“قطع ظهري ،اثنانِ عالمٌ مُتَهَتِكُ, جاهَلُ مُتنسّكُ
The latter, with its ignorance, makes people shy away from worship and inner purification. Islam is a wide-ranging religion that pays attention to human dimensions and is generally opposed to one-dimensionalism and religiousism, and respects all human religions and beliefs and individual, social, and political rights. and the economy is observed and emphasized by Shari’a will give.
The first mission of Prophet Musa after being chosen as a prophet was to fight against oppression and corruption.. Islam, individual, social, political, economic, and religious rights, is a source of confirmation of a decision made by God, and through it, the Almighty is the source of the confirmation of the decision. In order to create a university in Baydar and its honor, the principles and principles of Islamic education, the welfare and the reward of Kurds.
وَجَعَلَ أَهْلَهَا شِيَعًا يَسْتَضْعِفُ طَابِفَةً مِنْهُمْ يُذَبِّحُ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ وَيَسْتَحْيِي نِسَاءَهُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ مِنَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ (قصص: ٤)
Islam is the murderers and corrupters on earth, like the pharaohs in any age, who divide people into groups of insiders and non-insiders. They strengthen the insiders and weaken the rest, imprison or kill their children, and keep their wives alive. They fight against them as Jihad and consider it a pillar of the foundation of Islam
Islam’s goal was not to open the world, but its purpose was to eliminate oppression and violence from the oppressed of the world, wherever there was oppression, and whenever injustice occurred, Islam considered itself responsible for eliminating it.
Islam made its way to Spain (Andalusia) out of a desire for justice, and the oppressed people there were rescued from the hands of the oppressors of the Jews, and they spent many years under the banner of Islam in prosperity, safety and comfort.
14 centuries ago, freedom of vote and equality in rights and justice was born by Islam, and in the last sermon of the Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad Al-Mustafa, in the days of Tashriq in the desert of Arafa, a universal universal declaration was issued by the Prophet of God.
ايها الناس: إنَّ ربكم واحد و إِنَّ أباكم واحد، كلكم لأدم، و آدم من تراب اكرمكم عند الله اتقاكم، وليس لعربي علي عجمي ولا لعجمي علي عربي، ولا لأحمر على أبيضَ، ولا لأبيضَ على أحمر فضل إلا بالتقوي
O human, Christian, Jew, Islamic, etc., your Lord is one, the father of all of you is one, and all of them came into existence from Adam, and Adam is also the most pious of you before God. The Arab race is not superior to non-Arabs, Kurds, Persians, Turks, etc., and whites are not superior to reds and blacks and vice versa, except through piety. The ruling human world and the culture of ignorance, darkness, and chaos had covered the world at this time of the Lord of the world, according to his infinite wisdom and mercy, through his last prophets, Hazrat Muhammad Al-Mustafi Lala Lala, with a plan and law, God who has no bias and selfish desires and the outsider did not take into account the world, which remains like a village, saved it from the abyss of collapse. The religion of Islam is the law and life plan of the people of that village, and it heals the pains and sufferings of human society. It is in accordance with nature and nature.
He is a human being and the old color does not sit on his face and he adapts to every age and time.
Islam is not a social phenomenon, nor is it created by human hands
It is not that it is a special effect of time and place, and as a result of the disappearance of those conditions, its rules and regulations become obsolete and disappear, but its rules and regulations are in perfect harmony between the human institution and the laws of Sharia, (creation) and (legislation). Allah, who is the nature of the people, whose nature is that God created everyone with that nature.
Community bonding is the spiritual dimension
Islam has introduced the spiritual dimension as the cause of unity, humanity, unity and solidarity of the society, the most important and strongest factor for the union of a society and a government, especially the government of different races, that is the spiritual dimension and true and unbreakable faith and respect for human personality and dignity and respect for rights. And the culture and freedom of his native language, which can never be compared to the normal bonds of people in human societies, nothing is as important as the religion of Islam to the unity and bond of human beings, the Qur’an says in this regard.
وَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ لَوْ أَنفَقْتَ مَا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا مَّا أَلَفْتَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ أَلَّفَ بَيْنَهُمْ إِنَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ
(Anfal: 63)
And it was God who transformed the Arab people despite their fierce enmity in the light of Islam, and created harmony among them and made their hearts full of malice and hatred close to each other and kind. that if you spent all that is on earth, you would not be able to establish love and affection between their hearts, but Allah placed love and affection between them, because He is dear and wise.
Since human communication is formed not based on external criteria but based on high indicators of the spiritual dimension and penetrates deep into the hearts, all geographical and even historical borders will be broken and they will be found in every corner of the world from every race, color and language.
to be and even at any time of history, it connects like the seeds of a chain.
Equality – democracy
The basis of the religion of Islam and the formation of a single Islamic Ummah is based on this basis, and in this way, it covers all the different ethnic groups, Arabs, Persians, Kurds, Turks, etc., under its cover in the same proportion, and a single Ummah government (one without racial discrimination) And regardless of color, language, ethnicity, formation, and everyone enjoys cultural, economic, political, and social benefits and rights.
Such a meaning and interpretation of (Islam) is in no way comparable to the concept of other humanist schools, such as Marxist internationalism, etc., because they are founded only on the basis of common economic benefit and do not pay attention to the different dimensions of human society, while the religion of Islam emphasizes dignity and The greatness and character of man has all-round attention and he has considered the various dimensions of man in terms of direction, color, language (culture) and has given it respect, approval and special attention.
Islam Religion
Almighty God for the exaltation of man and the achievement of perfection and salvation from the bonds of servitude and (religious) captivity in the name of (Islam) according to the requirements of wisdom, mercy and love, whose grace and love has overtaken the lovers and lovers of his door. And it’s a verse يُحِبُّهُمْ وَيُحِبُّونَهُ It has been established and presented to the world of humanity so that it can save the world from ignorance, ignorance, humiliation, intimidation, division, and enmity, and continue to live a life of honor, dignity, greatness, friendship, purity, and love. And they should avoid duality, slaughter, bloodlust, fear, terror, and terror, which are abhorrent to Islam.
Religion is based on two foundations. One is the principles and the other is the first branches. The principles of religion consist of an inner belief that only God and his owner know about, and this inner belief is called faith, as the Holy Prophet said. Faith has six pillars and foundations
الایمان آن تؤمِنَ باللهِ و ملائكته وكُتُبِهِ و رَسُولِهِ و اليومِ الآخِرِ و القدر خیره و شره
That is, faith is to have faith and belief in the one and only God, the creator of everything, and in the angels and the books of the house, in the prophets and in all the prophets and in the Day of Resurrection and in the magnitude of good and evil. jewelry and body parts should be done and not be hidden from the eyes of others, which are known as the pillars of Islam and there are five.
Pillars of Islam
As the Holy Prophet said: On the authority of Abdullah bin Umar, she said:
قال رسول الله بين) الاسلام على خمس شَهادَةِ أَنْ لا اله الا اللهُ و اَنَّ محمداً رسول الله اقام الصلاةِ و ايتاء الزكاة و الحج و صوم
According to the text, above the pillars) (Islam refers to these five, based on the word martyrdom, prayer, zakat, fasting (Hajj), because each of them forms a side of the aspects of Islam, because the pillar of everything is the same as it and outside of it. It is not, for example (martyrdom) is the pillar of faith, offering prayers, the five pillars of worship, living and direct contact with God (zakat) is the pillar of regulating actions and self-cultivation, cleansing the inside and creating compassion and affection in the human heart (Hajj), the pillar of political life and it is cultural and social and the study of knowledge and familiarity with the customs and traditions of different peoples of the world. According to this, the religion of Islam is composed of two parts and two pillars. The first part is the principles of religion. The second part is the branches of religion. To the external action and actions and behavior of human beings through the body and accessories, which is interpreted as (Islam) and is the expression of Islam. Narrated by al-Bukhari, Muslim, al-Tirmidhi, and al-Nasa’i, Taj – Volume 1, p. 24. (Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Tarmazi, and Nasai Taj, Volume 1, pp. 25-24.
Therefore, the religion of Islam has two internal pillars) and (practice is inseparable from each other and without it (religion) is devoid of truth and devoid of soul and remains a human being without legs) says the Qur’an. ﴿إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِندَ اللَّهِ الْإِسْلَامُ ) (Al-Imran: 19) In the sight of God, religion is Islam. The addition of religion to Islam is an addition to the statement. They say no Lamia means that religion is the same as Islam, and Islam is the soul of religion. Because in combination, the verse of Islam is news for religion in the essence of Islam. From the beginning and the news, the word Islam informs about the religion and introduces the religion to man. And in the verse Warazito Lakmu al-Islama Dinah (remaining: (3) the word (religion) is clean for Islam and clean is the same thing.
(طابَ زید نفساً)
Zayd is pure from the point of view of the soul, which is the same soul as Zayd and constitutes the reality of Zayd. As a result, the religion of Islam, which is the pure happiness and welfare of mankind from God through Hazrat Gabriel to Hazrat Muhammad Al-Mustafa, has two pillars and a huge faction that Without it, there will be no religion, one of the principles and pillars of religion, which also has six foundations, called (faith) and the other branch of religion, which is also based on five pillars, called (Islam), and without practicing it, only a soulless name remains. It remains as soon as a person enters the circle of Islam, the duties of following the pillars of Islam and receiving his rights from it are directed at him, and he is obliged to perform its actions, orders, orders and regulations, and in front of it, he must bow down with humility.
لَا إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدّين
(Al-Baqarah: 256) It is understood before being a Muslim, not after.
The meaning of Islam:
The two words (Iman) and (Islam) with all their subsets (Arkans, Forou and Asham) originate from the word (Religion) and feed from it.
The specific and general meaning of the word (Islam):
Islam refers to two specific and general meanings: general is a religion that, through the Seal of the Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, sent tulips from the Creator of existence, God (Ajjal), for the sake of happiness and the achievement of humanity to perfection and salvation from ignorance and misguidance in the world of jinn and Anas has been revealed. According to this meaning, a Muslim is a person who has accepted the religion with the satisfaction and inner belief and has surrendered to the book and Sunnah of the Prophet, in faith and in practice. Islam means: It is special that a Muslim person has its pillars and shares.
The Prophet of Islam wanted those who entered Islam to directly engage in the practices and duties of Islam and receive their share and status from it.
Islamic shares
Literally, share means interest, and in other words, it is obligatory on a Muslim to perform and establish the eight types of Islam, and if he loses a share, he will be considered one of the deprived. Al-Bazaz narrated from Siddiqa that the Prophet of Islam, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Islam is eight parts, and Islam is a share, and prayer is a share, fasting is a share, and almsgiving is a share, and Hajj al-Bayt is a share, and the Prophet of Islam divided it into eight parts, and every Muslim He has the right to benefit from it – 1 – Islam itself – 2 – Prayer – 3 – Fasting – 4 – Zakat – 5 – Hajj – 6 – Enjoining what is good 7. Forbidding what is bad 8 – Jihad in the way of God for the exaltation of the word monotheism and the removal of oppression from the oppressors and The dignity and authority of Islam.
Allah Almighty said:
قَالَتِ الْأَعْرَابُ آمَنَّا قُل لَّمْ تُؤْمِنُوا وَلَكِن قُولُوا أَسْلَمْنَا وَلَمَّا يَدْخُلِ الْإِيمَانُ فِي قُلُوبِكُمْ
The Bedouin Arabs say that they have believed, but say that you have not believed, but rather say that you have submitted to the appearance of your mission, because faith has not yet reached your hearts. The above verse is a proof that when God called his prophet near to his mercy, the Arabs were still (Muslims) without (faith) having come to their hearts, they saw that a ruler like Abu Bakr Siddique stood up and called Madinah, Makkah and Taif from He asked the people to join his religion and testify that there is no god but Allah and that Prophet Muhammad is his servant and messenger, and to do what he has made obligatory upon them, he recited the verse of Surah Bara’at to them.
إِنَّمَا الْمُشْرِكُونَ نَجَسٌ فَلَا يَقْرَبُوا الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ بَعْدَ عَامِهِمْ هَذَا
Repentance) (28) polytheists are impure and they should not come near Masjid al-Haram from the following year. Muslims) Arab non-believers because faith had not penetrated into their hearts when they saw that the prophet was a man because others died for him, the one who rose to the task of caliphate after him and they knew him and they know that he too will suffer death now from the hidden Their hearts and hidden things were revealed, they revealed that they believed in the government of the Prophet of Islam, without their hearts having believed in him. They left the religion of Islam.
Their representatives said to Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique: “We offer prayers but we do not pay zakat. They loved money more than religion and considered themselves greater than that to give taxes and zakat to a person who does not receive revelation or news from heaven. Another group of Arabs In their thoughts and apostasy, they looked towards the death of the Prophet and did not stay before it, they apostatized, not because of zakat, or because they chose wealth over religion, but Quraysh.
They did not know that he was worthy of a prophet, therefore a new phenomenon arose among them (Tanbawa) prophethood in Rabi’ah, especially among Bani Hanifah, the prophethood. The land for Quraysh and half of it for us.
Enter the beautiful world of Islam
Islam is a pure truth and a full-fledged system that has a plan for the growth and excellence of humans in all aspects of life, and governs the civility of human societies based on law, morality, and order, giving meaning to life and raising its quality. win. The fixed and changing principles of Islamic culture manage human societies according to the requirements of time and social conditions with the new criteria of each period and time. Conscious religiosity and modern life of each period and time in The principle of religion and life will be legal and rational.
Today’s man is not yesterday’s man, and tomorrow’s man will not be today’s man. Therefore, the growing and dynamic culture of Islam meets the needs of today’s people in every age and time in the best way. If the sublime culture of dear Islam did not have this ability, it should not have a universal and eternal mission. Islam has given people freedom and expression of personal and social freedom to the highest extent. The freedom of Islam has certain limits within which the rights and rights of others can be respected. The freedom of man is so much that it harms the freedom and humanity of his fellow human beings. The correct knowledge of Islam is the prelude to humanity and love for Islam. He has Islam, but if he has even a brief understanding of Islam, his conscious and sincere faith grows and grows stronger in his heart, and the best human and moral manifestations are manifested in his speech and actions. The love for activity and sublime movements originates from a pure and beautiful heart that is full of the light of knowledge and faith. It gives action to science, religion to human life, purity of beauty, brightness and purity mixed with satisfaction, and makes a person free from emptiness and Vanity and manifestations of corruption and social evils and following whims and fancies are left behind and are protected from the shooters of internal and external devils. Understanding and understanding of important teachings, religion, friendship and fear of the Beloved Allah (SAW) rule in the heart of man, the attribute of friendship of Allah, the Exalted and Exalted, forces man to follow the instructions of religion and walk in the path of the beloved Prophet (PBUH). They are accepted on the will and awareness that is the product of the correct knowledge of Islam. With the correct knowledge of authentic Islam, a person can with enthusiasm and pride put all the moments of his life on the basis of religion and strengthen his faith and will to believe and always improve his scientific and human dignity. upgrade Any person who is not guided by the light of knowledge and the practice of Islam, the beloved religion, lives in the darkness of ignorance, even if he has the highest academic degree Be.
Is superior and nothing is superior to Islam.
(الاسلام» يعلو ولا يعلى عليه )
Talking about the ever-radiant and precious gem of the gift of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, that is, Islam is a sensitive and important work, the Qur’an, the pure and pure life of the correct prophetic hadiths and the most correct understandings of the cultural heritage, the superior cultural Islam is rich, dynamic, flourishing and progressive. The infinite sea of the most accurate and reliable knowledge and awareness and the best solutions and guidelines is thought and logic and spiritual and material capital as the Prophet (PBUH) said:
Islam is the source of all reality and the manifestation of beauty and beauty, goodness, rationality and the source of light and strength, guidance and guidance, and the full-fledged voice of God’s love and God-finding and reaching God, Islam is a program of methods, science, instructions, a complete and comprehensive means for life. Individual and social human beings are to achieve dignity and happiness in this world and salvation and salvation in the hereafter. Islam is a supreme truth and source of dignity and honor and a scientific and practical program that is the cause of intellectual awakening and acceleration of excellence. Dear Islam, the future of all aspects of existence and A great gift for humans and a safe window for the communication of servants with their creator. Islam is a universal and eternal culture and mission, it has a leader, Islam is the most privileged person, the creation of God, may God have mercy on the world, has a torch of guidance and guidance for all humans and for all eras of time and all. For generations, the nature of Islam is the mercy of God Almighty, Islam is the middle religion and herald of humanity and a source of honor, happiness, justice, growth and development.
Islam is the source of the highest and most stable human characteristics and values, relying on this holy religion, which in its essence is full of goodness and perfection, justice, freedom, and rationality as the most central elements of individual and social dignity and happiness, with the highest potential for the growth of human societies. This supreme religion is a perfect system for a pure, beautiful, prosperous and powerful Islamic life, all of which are connected. If the totality of Islamic culture in human life and also in Islamic countries is governed and implemented, it will become the most peaceful and reliable, and life will be lovely and pleasant. And with the tireless labors and loving efforts of guidance and justification of His Holiness (PBUH) he entered the lives of people and caused the creation of the most glorious Islamic civilization in the golden age of Khair al-Qurun and until the time when the whole authentic culture of Islam was dominant in the countries and from it. Scientific and practical follow-up made the life of the Muslims noble, dignified, prosperous and powerful. They hoped that all the Islamic Ummah would regain their original dignity and authority by scientifically and practically returning to the principle of Islam.
ان شاء الله تعالى وحده العزيز – امین یا رب العالمین
Maulana Jamaluddin Balkhi says:
Your efforts are valuable
You used to worship your ancestors
The necessity of Islam in human life
Islam is our origin, originality and identity, Islam is the guideline of our world’s life, Islam is the support and guarantor of our security and peace, the knowledge and preservation of Islam is more important and priority for us than any issue and trend. Culture, cultural Islam is in harmony with the requirements of the times. This is the secret of immortality and stability in adapting to the requirements of the times, learning the science of cultivation, the soul of Islamic education makes us pure, beautiful and happy and protects us from all social evils and moral vices. Therefore, the need for Islam is a spiritual need and one of the spiritual necessities of existence. We are human beings with correct knowledge, Islam with structure, Islam with sincere faith, following orders, religion, piety and righteousness, we become a perfect human being and a superior nation.
originates Islam’s sense of friendship is one of the natural elements of the human soul. This vital need, which casts a shadow over many human needs like an umbrella, cannot be fulfilled except by Islamic Sharia. Islam is the only holy religion that guides human life.
with morality, high human values and spirituality, wealth and honor, Islam is still a source of virtues and manners, spiritual high human and moral values It is to the human needs to have a dignified and authoritative life.
Islam has passed its test and history is a proof that Islam has presented the right and sublime way of life to people, if someone could not or did not want to reach happiness, peace and security by using its solutions and guidelines, it is a sin of indolence and not knowing this. The great blessing of Allah Subandhu wa Ta’ala is that a person who does not have religious knowledge and practice is a person without roots, without originality, and insignificant. If we do not benefit from Islam scientifically and practically, it means that dear Islam has been removed from the stage of our life and we are living the life of an animal that Satan wanted. The cursed has been driven away and other enemies of Islam have turned away. If our life is not fragrant with the perfume of Islamic culture, that life will be empty, meaningless and worthless. Muslims are nothing without knowing Islam and practicing its requirements. It is this knowledge and practice of Islam that makes life sweet and lovely for human beings. Therefore, we should take light and strength from Islam and by creating a monotheistic life and following the instructions of Islam in our lives. To be honest, in today’s age when the world has become a global village, the necessity of Islam in life has become more evident than ever. Islam brings a person to spiritual and spiritual freedom and high levels of humanity. In this type of freedom, man can meet his needs and use his freedom in such a way that the rights of his fellows are fully respected and their humanity and freedom are not harmed. It is in this sense that despite the cultural invasion and the hostility of the enemies, not only the value and importance of Islam has not diminished, but the people of the world are realizing the truth and effectiveness of Islam day by day and are turning to Islam. This current shows the need of man for Islam and the necessity of Islam in human life Gives.
Scientific and practical return to Islam
A scientific and practical return to Islam, an authentic return to monotheistic life, which is the leaven of the original culture of Islam and a spiritual capital, a scientific and practical return to the pure nature of God, a scientific and practical return to self-cultivation and a polite and perfect Islamic education, a scientific and practical return to ethics and behavioral culture, Islam is a scientific and practical return to the pure way of life and the correct Sunnah, the Prophet, the rightly guided caliphs and scholars, the divine return to the human Islamic origins of manners and virtues, the spirituality of the highest human and moral values that fill the highest torch of guidance and guidance with purity And they bring beauty and spirituality
Paying attention to the human principle and returning to human principles and Islam, authentic does not mean returning to the past, but it means the revival, the revival of religious thought, paying attention to oneself and removing negative effects from oneself and alienation from the remembrance of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and false worldly relationships and sediments. It is the cultural invasion of the enemies and the practices of ignorance and trying to find new and modern methods and tools to continue the pure and beautiful Islamic life.
and his will of faith stimulates and activates him to perform the duties of servitude. Our honorable, prosperous, and powerful Islamic life depends on the correct knowledge of Islam and having religious knowledge and practice. The real and correct understanding of Islam is very necessary to protect and preserve its inherent health, so we must always seek a more correct understanding and religious teachings in order to reach the root, spirit and truth of Islam and to preserve the main content and inherent health of the culture. Let’s work hard for Islam, because as long as the principle of Islam remains in its originality and it can be a movement that creates excellence scientifically and practically, it will be prosperous.
Shaykh Moslehuddin Shaadi Shirazi, may God have mercy on him, who found the right and truth in the pure Sharia of Muhammad (PBUH) and interpreted the way of His Holiness (PBUH) as the path of purity and followed the Sharia scientifically and practically according to the instructions and methods and guidance of His Holiness (PBUH). P) source of honor, happiness and perfection
It is impossible, says Saadi, who knows the way to Safa. You can go except after Mustafa.
All scholars, rabbis, leaders of Islamic movements, and all reformers and missionaries, with different interpretations, believe that the way to salvation and the way to the prosperity and perfection of the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) is to return to the true values and beliefs of Islam, which was prevalent during the time of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions who sacrificed their lives. Therefore, we must introduce the pure Sharia of Muhammad (PBUH) into our life scene and make the precious teachings of religion the source of all currents and issues in our lives, because the value of grandeur, dignity and authority of us Muslims is in the scientific and practical observance of the Islamic Sharia and passing Life is based on common sense and the thoughts and knowledge of the new times, the new standards of life and generally centered on the Sharia of Muhammad (PBUH), because the true dignity and happiness and the highest and most valuable honor is the honor of achieving the pleasure and satisfaction of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Is.
The fruit of knowing Islam
Man is a weak being in the universe, with Islamic studies and following its requirements, his character is provided with intellectual independence and intellectual stability, he becomes great, valuable and strong. The pure Sharia of Muhammad (PBUH) acquires useful knowledge and valuable and progressive awareness of today’s culture so that he can always be awake and alert with a sensitive conscience and high human knowledge. The correct understanding of authentic Islam and following its instructions according to the method and instructions of the Prophet (PBUH) is like spring rain, which creates in the hearts of people a sense of responsibility, a desire for excellence, a desire to follow the orders of the Shari’ah and enlightenment, a state of hatred and a spirit of abandoning whims and whims. Contamination with corruption and other moral vices gives rise to false and negative factors. Knowing the true nature and essence, Islam is the highest blessing and the greatest capital that leads man in the valley of growth and excellence. gives and brings to the peak the knowledge and practice of Islam, our identity and the guarantor of our health in this world and our salvation in the hereafter. If the knowledge of Islam is rooted in the form of human existence, if he knows the sweetness of faith, he will have a better taste and realize the value and greatness of Islam, and he will be steadfast and a self-sacrificing defender for Islam. Such knowledge becomes knowledge. And it is a lot of insight
It gives man’s thoughts, insight and scientific and rational perspective, expands man’s existence and fills man’s existence with enthusiasm to follow religious orders and follow scientifically and practically the morals and behavioral culture of Islam. The mind and heart should worship Allah, the Beloved and Exalted. The spirit of such a worship transforms excellence, gives joy, spiritual pleasure and comfort, it becomes a conscious religion and a pure and beautiful life of monotheism. It turns Islamic knowledge and practice into a source of honor and pride for a person, a person who is loved by Allah (swt). Let’s put our trust in God (J), he will have relative wealth from the people. Taking refuge in God Almighty causes not only a person to not pay attention to the desire of the self because of material relations and position, but also to have a strong sense of self-esteem and pride. Protect yourself and don’t drag yourself down to humiliation and humiliation. From understanding and understanding, correct action and essential knowledge, religion, faith, sincere belief and complete certainty of the Day of Resurrection, the true nature of man is on the way, the dynamic of growth is seeking excellence and on the way. The development of clean, beautiful and balanced Islamic life is forced.
Knowledge of Islam raises the level of human thought and knowledge, so that man becomes such that he is not only not fooled by Jewish and Christian missionaries and humanist schools, but he can strongly rely on science instead of relying on the wooden intellect that increases the darkness and the rationalist intellect of alienation. Empirically, he takes refuge in the revelation of Allah Almighty and the message of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and sincerely accepts the commands of the soul-giving God (J) with his faith and pure heart, and with the benefit of conscious religiousness and a pure and beautiful life, monotheism in full spiritual joy and peace. Imagination takes coldness and becomes the master of others. It gives birth to the power of faith. Order without arrogance, polytheism, anti-tyranny, anti-righteousness and falsehood, avoidance of superstition, removal of fertility, the ability to analyze and distinguish the original from the right from the wrong, the right path from the deviant path is manifested in the light of knowing Islam and following its commands. Knowledge of Islam is soulful, it makes a person fly in the sky of beauty and beauty, high human and moral values. With the establishment and institutionalization of the culture of religious knowledge and practice in the institution, a person has complete trust and confidence in God. Beloved (c) emerges and spirits emerge in man whose fragrance fills the atmosphere of life, spirits such as finding the sovereignty of friendship and fear of God in the heart of sacrifice and self-sacrifice, etc. are acquired. Friendship and Fear of Allah (c) is a spiritual tool that polishes the mirror of the heart, so the true friendship of Allah Almighty with the knowledge of Islam and following the orders of the Sharia should be manifested in the individual and social life of a person, not emotional love without knowledge and practice of religion. A friend insists that May Let’s live our activity and life with the center of the pure Sharia of Muhammad (PBUH), which is the absolute right, and not on falsehood.