Author: Zaid
The Biography of the Sword of Allah “Khalid Bin Walid” (Part 42)
Hazrat Khalid’s attack on the city of Anbar and Ain al-Tamr
Hazrat Syedna Abu Bakr Siddiq ordered Hazrat Ayaz ibn Ghannam (RA) to attack the land of Iraq from the north and conquer it.
When Hazrat Syedna Khalid Ibn Walid (RA) was sure that the land of Hira, Tigris and other regions that were under the rule of Islam were safe from any danger, he appointed a person named Qaqaa Ibn Amr as the head of this land.
He himself moved to the north of Iraq along with Shiran Delawar’s army to unite with Hazrat Ayaz Ibn Ghannam, may Allah bless him and grant him victory.
Allamah Shalabi, may Allah have mercy on him, writes: Hazrat Sayyidna Khalid Ibn Walid, MAPH, who had assigned Iqra Ibn Habis and Asim Ibn Amr to the front and heart of the army, reached the land of Karbala and stayed there for a few days. After resting for a few days, he left and reached the Anbar area. When the people of Anbar city learned about the arrival of Khaled Ibn Walid, they dug ditches around the city and refused to reconcile with him. They appeared in their shelters and on the roofs of their forts.
At that time, Shirzad, who had a high understanding and intelligence, ruled over this city; He was very respected and had a special status among the people of Iran.
When Syedna Khalid ibn Walid, MAPH, reached that city, he started the war without considering the ditches. He ordered the shooters to start shooting and target the enemy’s eyes. The snipers carried out this order, as a result of which a large number of Iranian soldiers were blinded and received deep wounds. They went to Shirzad and shouted that all the people have become blind and cannot resist.
Shirzad’s proposal for peace with Khalid
When Shirzad saw this situation, he was shocked and wrote a letter to Syedna Khalid ibn Walid asking for peace. When the letter reached Syedna Khalid ibn Walid, he rejected Shirzad’s request and did not agree to his terms.
The trenches prevented the Islamic Army from entering Anbar city; Accordingly, Hazrat Syedna Khalid Ibn Walid, MAPH, ordered to slaughter the lean and meatless camels and temporarily move them in the narrow ditches so that they can be used as a bridge and the Islamic troops can cross over it and enter the city.
Finally, Syedna Khalid Ibn Walid, MAPH, entered the city with the army of Islam, the Anbaris and Iranians were afraid when they saw this scene and took refuge in their castles. Shirzad wrote another letter to Seyyedna Khalid Ibn Walid, MAPH, and said that he is ready to make peace under any conditions. But he wanted his safety to be guaranteed and to be allowed to leave the city to go to his main province.
Hazrat Syedna Khalid Ibn Walid, MAPH, accepted this offer, granted his request and brought him to his own city without any risk.
In this way, the city of Anbar was also captured by Islam, and people came from different regions and concluded a peace treaty with Hazrat Syedna Khalid Ibn Walid, MAPH.
This city became a strong support for Muslims and Hazrat Zubarqan ibn Badr was also appointed as the guardian of that city.