Author: Zaid
The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid, MAPH” (Part 37)
Khaled, MAPH, in the confrontation with the great army of “Ardeshir” Kasra and the king of Iran
In the previous section, it was discussed that as soon as Hormuz was informed about the army of Hazrat Khalid, he sent a letter to Ardeshir and asked him for help; If despite the help and assistance from Ardeshir, the king of Iran; The armed to the teeth army of “Hormoz” was defeated again.
In this part of the topic, we want to discuss about Ardeshir’s dealings with Hazrat Khalid.
Shaykh Abu Zaid Shalabi, (R.A), writes: When Hormuz’s letter reached Ardeshir and he learned of Khalid’s arrival, he sent an army under the command of a person named “Qaren son of Quryans” to help him. Qaren left Mada’en, when he reached to a place named Mazar he saw that Hormuz’s army was defeated, and the fugitives of his army gathered around him.
Qaren talked with his army and the deserters of Hormuz and planned another attack and moved his army to the area of ”Mazar”.
Khalid’s attack towards Mazar
When Hazrat Khalid, MAPH, was informed of this plan, he moved towards them with full preparation and confronted them, the Iranians fought with all their might with anger and hatred, Qaren asked for a warrior, Hazrat Khalid, MAPH, and Maaqal Ibn Ashi both went towards, Maaqal reached him earlier and immediately killed Qaren, after that the Iranians lost the ability to fight and were defeated.
Hazrat Khalid, MAPH, obtained countless spoils from this war and distributed them to all his troops. So that it reached more than “thirty thousand” dirhams for each person, he gave the khums of that booty to Saeed bin Nu’man to take it to Madinah and hand it over to the Caliph of Muslims.
Calling of Iranians for a new war preparation
When Ardeshir heard about the defeat of the Iranian army in Mazar, he ordered to prepare a huge army consisting of Arabs, Iraqis and Christians to face the army of Hazrat Khalid.
This huge army was ready for any kind of sacrifice, Ardeshir appointed a person named “Andersghar” as the commander of the army. At the same time, he prepared another army and sent a person named “Bahman Jadavieh” after the first army.
The commander of the 1st army “Andersghar” left Mada’en with his army and went to the land of “Waljah” and camped there. The commander of the second army “Bahman Jadavieh” also left Mada’in with his army and went to “Waljah”. Both armies joined together in Waljah and marched with a certain pride and arrogance.