Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid” MAPH (Part 34)
Khalid confronting Hormuz and fighting him
Hazrat Khaled’s letter to Kasra ministers
Imam Ibn Kasir, may Allah have mercy on him, writes in his history: After Syedna Khalid, MAPH, wrote a letter to the rulers and ministers of Kasra (King of Iran) who were stationed in the land of Mada’in, the text of which is as follows: «من خالد بن الوليد إلى مرازبة أهل فارس، سلام على من اتبع الهدى، أما بعد فالحمد لله الذي …. سلب ملككم ووهن كيدكم، وان من صلى صلاتنا واستقبل قبلتنا وأكل ذبيحتنا فذلكم المسلم الذي له مالنا وعليه ما علينا، أما بعد فإذا جاءكم كتابي فابعثوا إلي بالرهن واعتقدوا مني الذمة، وإلا فوالذي لا إله غيره لأبعثن إليكم قوما يحبون الموت كما تحبون أنتم الحياة».
“From Khaled bin Walid to the representatives and governors of Fars, Allah’s peace be upon the one who follows guidance; But then, the thanks are for that Allah who took your kingdom and took away your kingdom and made light of your deceit and deception, that is, the one who prays like our prayer and faces to our Qiblah and eats our sacrifice in order to worship Allah Almighty, So that person is a Muslim in the sense that whatever is beneficial to us is also beneficial to him and whatever is harmful to us is also harmful to him. But after that, the emirs and ministers of Iran! When this letter of mine comes to you and reaches you; So you send me a mortgage and a guarantee and take responsibility and protection from me (and pay jizya in return), if you do not do this; So, by that pure essence, besides whom there is no God, I will send to you such an army that loves death, as you love life.
When the governors and ministers of Kasra in Mada’in read that letter, they were very surprised [and took serious measures to confront Hazrat Khalid.
Hazrat Imam Mughira Ibn Aaeina, the judge of the city of Kufa, says: After sending that letter, Hazrat Khalid, MAPH, divided his army into three groups on the way to Iraq, and none of them went the same way. Rather, they all entered Iraq in different ways.
Hazrat Khalid, MAPH, had divided this army into three groups, appointed alert and clever commanders and guides in them, and sent each of the three groups one day apart. If Hazrat Mushani was appointed as the Amir of the First Division and his guide was a person named Zafar, this group set off two days before the others.
Hazrat Udi Ibn Hatim was appointed as the Amir of the second faction and his guide was a person named Malik Ibn Abbad. This group left for Iraq one day after the first faction and one day before the others.
Hazrat Essam Ibn Amr was appointed as the Amir of the third party and his guide was another person named Salim Ibn Nasr, this group started after the other two groups.
And the commander of the last group was Hazrat Khalid himself, MAPH, and his guide was a person named Rafi. when they all reached Iraq, they gathered in the place named Hafir.
The exclusive letter of Khaled, MAPH, to Hormuz, the Kasra representative in Iraq
After that, Hazrat Khalid, MAPH, wrote a letter to Hormuz, the Kasra war commander in that land, and informed him about the war. He wrote and asked them for help and strength, and they also gave him a huge army. Therefore, many people gathered around “Hormuz”, he took everyone and went to an area called “Kazema”.
On the right side of “Hormuz” was a person named Qabaz and on his left side was another man named “Anushjan”, both of them were from the royal family of Kasra. And he surrounded his entire army with chains (strong chains) so that none of them would escape from the battlefield.
Among the royal family of Kasra, Hormuz had assigned the highest position, so that in Kasra’s government law, it was stated that every person who has honor and dignity in the eyes of Kasra, will be given a lot of ornaments, and when his position and rank increases, More jewels are given to him, he also had this characteristic and had such a valuable crown that its price was “one hundred thousand dirhams”.