The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid, MAPH” (Part 31)
The killing of the Musailamah Kazab and the suppression of the sedition of the claimants of prophethood
Hazrat Khalid, MAPH, was looking for Musailamah’s companions, until he destroyed all of them, when Hazrat Vahshi, MAPH, appeared on the battlefield and brought the enemy of Islam and the biggest lier in the history of mankind to his knees, and achieve the honor of killing Musailamah under the banner of Hazrat Khalid, MAPH.
The story of the killing of Musailamah from the blessed tongue of Hazrat Vahshi, MAPH: Imam Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him, in his Sahih book, narrates from Hazrat Amr Ibn Umayyah Zamri, MAPH, who said: “I went out with Ubaidullah Ibn Adi Ibn Khayar and went to the land of Homs.” We arrived at one of the cities of Sham, at that time Vahshi, MAPH, was living in the city of Homs, Obaidullah Ibn Adi said to me: «هل لك في وحشي نسأله عن قتله حمزة؟» ” (What do you think if we go to the Hazrat Vahshi and ask him about how Hamza was killed?) “Because the Vahshi was the one who martyred Hazrat Hamza, MAPH, in the era before Islam.” In response to Obaidullah, I accepted his offer; So we went and asked people about him, people told us that he is now sitting under the shadow of his house, we went to him and stood over him very slowly and greeted him, and he responded to our greeting. ; He had his turban tied so that only his eyes could be seen, and he was dressed so that only his two legs were visible.
Ubaidullah Ibn Adi asked the Hazrat Vahshi: “O Vahshi! do you know me?” Hazrat Vahshi looked at him and said: «لا والله إلا أني أعلم أن عدي بن الخيار تزوج امرأة يقال لها أم قتال بنت أبي العيص فولدت له غلاما بمكة فكنت أسترضع له فحملت ذلك الغلام مع أمه فناولتها إياه فلكأني نظرت إلى قدميك.» (I swear to Allah, I do not know you; of course, I only know that Udi Ibn Khayar married a woman known as Umm Qatal bint Abi Ees, that woman gave birth to a son for Udi in the city of Makkah, I adopted him, so I gave him back to Adi, now that I look at your feet, it is like the feet of the same child that I used to raise.)
After that, Obaidullah Ibn Adi revealed his face and said: “Are you going to tell us about Hamza’s murder?” He said: Yes! I’ll announce you. Hamza killed Taima Ibn Adi Ibn Khayar (brother of Ubaidullah) in the Battle of Badr. My Boss Jubir Ibn Matam said to me: “If you kill Hamza the murder of my uncle, you are free”; (If you kill Hamza in front of my uncle Taimeh, you will be freed.)
When the people came out for the battle of Uhud, I also went out with them, all the people stood in lines to fight; At that time, a person named Sabaa went ahead of our group and shouted: Is there anyone among you Muslims to come forward to fight? Hamzah Ibn Abd al-Muttalib came forward and said: O Sabaa’s son of Umm Anmar! Do you fight with Allah Almighty and His Messenger? After that, the war between them intensified, at the same time I was lying in wait for Hamzah; Until he came close to me, I took my spear and threw it at Hamza from behind, the spear hit him and went out in front of him, and thus I completed my covenant with my Boss Jubir.
Then when the people returned to the city of Makkah, I also returned and settled there. When Islam spread there, I went to the city of Taif. After a while, the people of Taif sent a group to the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH). Muhammad does not bother the messengers and envoys and does not hurt them, so I also went with them to the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. When he saw me, he said: “Are you a Vahshi?” I said: Yes. Then He said: “Did you kill Hamza?” The issue is as it has reached you (it is true, I have killed Hamza); Then he, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said to me: “So, can you hide your face from me?” “So that when I see you, I do not remember my uncle Hamza and I do not get angry with you.”
Hazrat Vahshi, MAPH, says: After that, I left the assembly of the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and he did not see me again until he passed away. After the death of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, I became aware of the sedition of Muslimah [who is harassing the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and his companions with her claim of false prophethood], I said to myself: “Let’s go out to Muslimah, and kill him.” I will definitely go out with the goal of destroying Musailamah, maybe I can kill him and by killing him, I will make amends for the killing of Hamza, may Allah be pleased with her, (just as I martyred the beloved person of the Prophet, Hamza, before Islam, and the heart of that Prophet, (PBUH), was wounded), now that I have converted to Islam, I must kill the hated person and the enemy of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, so that the Prophet will be satisfied with me); Therefore, I went with a group of Mujahideen to fight with Musailmah, I was in the battlefield in ambush for him until I saw a man standing in one of the cracks in the wall, his hair scattered, I realized that Musailamah was himself, I prepared my spear and threw it at him. I did, the spear went in between his two chests and came out from between his two shoulders, after that one of the Mujahideen of Ansar jumped on him and hit him with his sword in the gap of his head and finished his work completely.
Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar, MAPH, says: After Musailamah was killed, a maidservant from the enemy’s group stood on top of a house and said in a loud voice: (Woe to the Amir al-Muminin; Musailamah was killed by a black slave.) Musailamah’s companions called him Amir al-Mu’minin and considered themselves believers.
In this way, the hypocrite was killed, the light of his sedition was extinguished forever, and the Muslims breathed a sigh of relief.
Of course, an important point that should be remembered is that even though Hazrat Vahshi, MAPH, destroyed the falsehood and a man from the Ansar named Abdullah Mazni, MAPH, finished his work; But all these bravery and chivalry happened in the army of Allah’s sword, Hazrat Syedna Khalid, MAPH.
In fact, the medal of honor of this battle has been hung around the neck of Hazrat Khalid, MAPH; Because he had arranged the army of Islam and the army of faith in such a way that each of the Mujahideen could easily find his enemy and bring him to the bottom line.