The Biography of the Sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid, MAPH” (Part 28)
Musailmah and the Claim of Revelation
After Musailmah officially announced his prophethood for the poor people of Yamama, he started to compose words of encouragement and rhythm, which he claimed were similar to the Qur’anic verses. According to him, Gabriel, peace be upon him, always descended upon him and criticized these words. As Imam Suhaili, may Allah have mercy on him, has included in his book an example of the false and self-created verses and words of Musailmah: «لقد أنعم الله على الحبلى، أخرج منها نسمة تسعى، من بين صفاق وحشا وأحل لهم الخمر والزنا، ووضع عنهم الصلاة.» “Certainly, Allah the Exalted has blessed me with a pregnant animal; from that animal He took out a soul that runs between the skin and the intestines. Allah the Exalted made wine and fornication lawful for those people and exempted them from prayer.”
Imam Qays ibn Hazim (may Allah be pleased with him) says:
“A man came to Abdullah bin Masoud (may Allah be pleased with him) and said: ‘I passed by one of the Bani Hanifa mosques in Yamama, and I saw that the people there were reciting verses from the Qur’an that were not revealed to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.’ They recited these words: ‘Swear to the flour millers, the dough kneaders, the bread makers, the tharid makers, and the bite takers.'”
As soon as Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masoud, may Allah be pleased with him, heard these nonsense words, he ordered the people to decide about them. Despite this, Masailmaا Kazab still believed in the prophet hood of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and testified to it. Of course, he also considered himself a partner in this matter, and Bani hanifah pledged allegiance to him.
Imam Bayhaqi, may Allah have mercy on him, narrates from Hazrat Haritha ibn Mozrab, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: “I prayed the morning prayer with Abdullah Ibn Masoud, may Allah be pleased with him, when prayer was ended, a person came to us and said that I went to one of the mosques of Bani Hanifa, called the Mosque of ibn Nawaha. “I went, during the call to prayer, I heard that the muezzin took the name of Musailmah instead of the name of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and said: «أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن مسيلمة الكذاب رسول الله» and the people were sitting normally and did not show any reaction. Hazrat Ibn Masoud (may Allah be pleased with him) asked who they were? Immediately one of us stood up and said: “It is obligatory for me to bring Ibn Nawaha and his companions to you.”
When the man brought those people to Ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be pleased with him, he asked Ibn Nawaha:«أين ما كنت تقرأ من القرآن؟» Which part of Quran did you read? He said: I avoid talking to you. He said: Repent. But he refused to repent and did not repent. Then he ordered Hazrat Quraza ibn Ka’b (may Allah be pleased with him) to take him to the city and behead him in front of the people. Then they consulted about his companions and decided to invite them to repent as well, all of them repented and were forgiven.
The letter of the Muslimah Kazab to the Messenger of Allah, PBUH
Imam Yunus bin Bakir narrates from Imam Ibn Ishaq, may Allah have mercy on him, that after announcing his prophet hood and misleading the people, the Muslimah Kazab wrote a letter to the Holy Prophet of Islam, the content of which is as follows: «من مسيلمة رسول الله إلی محمد رسول الله! السلام عليك. أما بعد. فإنى قد أشركت في الأمر معك، فإن لنا نصف الأمر و لقريش نصف الامر؛ ولكن قريشاً قوم يعتدون.» “From the Messenger of Allah to Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah! May the peace of Allah be upon you. But then: Undoubtedly, I have also shared with you in the matter of prophet hood, half of this important mission is my responsibility, and the other half is the responsibility of Quraysh, but Quraysh is the people who transgress the limits and do not give what is due to the rightful and do not believe in my prophet hood.”
Two people presented this letter to the Messenger of Allah, when he saw the letter and became aware of its content. In response to Musailmah, he wrote: «بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. من محمد رسول الله إلى مسيلمة الكذاب. السلام على من اتبع الهدى. أما بعد: فإن الأرض لله يورثها من يشآء من عباده والعاقبة للمتقين.» “In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, On behalf of Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah, to Musailmah Kazab (Lair). Peace be upon those who follow the guidance. But then, Undoubtedly, the earth belongs to Allah Almighty, and he bestows upon whomever he wills among his servants, and finally the work belongs to the pious.”
Hazrat Amirul Momineen in hadith; Imam Abu Dawud and Imam Nasa’i, may Allah have mercy on them, in their Sahih books, according to the narration of Hazrat Naeem Ibn Masoud, may Allah be pleased with him, have told the story of the letter of Musailmah Kazab in detail; As they say: “When the messengers of Musailmah gave the letter to the beloved hand of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, the Prophet, peace be upon him, after reading it, said to those two messengers: «وأنتما تقولان مثل ما يقول؟» ” Do you say the same as Musailmah says?” They said: Yes, we believe what he says. Then the Holy Prophet of Islam, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: «أما والله لولا أن الرسل لا تقتل لضربت أعناقكما» “But by Allah, if it were not a rule to doesn’t kill messenger, I would kill you.”
Imam Abu Dawud Tayalisi, may Allah have mercy on him, narrates from Abdullah Ibn Masoud, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said: “The names of the two messengers were Ibn Nawaha and Ibn Athal. The Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to them: “Do you witness that I am indeed the Messenger of Allah?” They said: No, we do not testify like that; rather, we testify that the Musailmah is the Messenger of Allah. The Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “If I kill a messenger, I will definitely kill you.”
Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masoud, may Allah be pleased with him, says: “After that, it became a tradition that messengers and envoys should not be killed.”
This was an excerpt from the introduction of Kazab al-Waqat, Waza’a Zaman, Musailmah bin Habib Hanifi, his acquaintance with the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, and his claim of false prophet hood, etc.
In the continuation of this section, we would like to discuss the battle of Hazrat Khalid.