Author: Zaid
The biography of the sword of Allah, Hazrat Khalid bin Walid, MAPH, (part 27)
Hazrat Khalid During the reign of Siddiq Akbar (A.S)
In the previous section we discussed about the Jihad of Hazrat Khalid bin Walid, may Allah be pleased with him, with the apostates and the claimants of prophethood, and it was also stated that one of those who claimed prophethood; It was Taliha Asadi that with the bravery of Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, his apostate and misguided army was defeated, and his sedition was eradicated.
Now, in this section, we would like to discuss the role of Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, with another claimant of prophethood, named “Musilamah Kazab” and investigate and research this issue.
Who was Musilamah Kazab What environment did he live in? What was the reason for his claim of prophethood? How did Hazrat Khalid receive him? How did he fight with him and who brought him to understand Islam? And other questions about this topic…
Introduction of Musilamah Kazab
Imam Ibn Kasir Damashqi, may Allah have mercy on him, in his book Sirat from Imam Sirat and Maghazi; Abdul Malik Ibn Hisham, may Allah have mercy on him, narrates that he said: “He is Musailmah bin Samama bin Kasir bin Habib bin Al-Haris bin Abdul Haris bin Hafan bin Zahl bin Al-Dawwal bin Hanifah.” On this occasion, he is called Musilamah Hanifi; If it turned out that his lineage goes to a person named Hanifah.
His nickname is Abu Sammama and Abu Haroun, and he lived for one hundred and fifty years, he was very skilled in magic. Imam Ibn Ishaq says: “His living place was the house of a woman from Ansar named Zainab bint Haris. Musilamah had previously married her and after some time he separated from her, so he was living in her house.”
Acquaintance of the beloved Messenger of Islam with Musilamah
Imam Ibn Ishaq says: “Some scholars of Madinah have informed me that one day the Prophet of Islam, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was sitting among a group of noble companions, when a delegation from the region of Yamama, on behalf of Bani Hanifa, came to serve him and converted to Islam. They did not bring Musilamah with them to visit the beautiful face of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace; Rather, they appointed him to protect their belongings and luggage.”
The Holy Prophet, PBUH, asked the other members of this delegation why they did not come? They said: «يا رسول الله إنا قد خلفنا صاحبا لنا في رحالنا و فى ركائبنا يحفظها لنا» (O Messenger of Allah! We put one of our companions in place of our belongings and rides to protect them.) Then the Noble Messenger of Islam, PBUH, gave expensive gifts to all of them and sent a gift to Musilamah and said: «أما إنه ليس بشركم مكانا» (Musilamah’s position and status is not less than your position and status, because he did not come and protect your Materials.)
After this meeting, Banu Hanifah came to Musilamah and gave him the gift of the Holy Prophet of Islam, PBUH. They returned to Yamama and in this process, the beloved prophet of Islam, PBUH, got to know with him.
Apostasy of Musilamah and claim of prophethood
After Banu hanifah’s generals went to Yamama along with Musilamah, Musilamah thought to himself that is claiming prophethood a difficult task?! Why don’t I claim to be a prophet like Muhammad and gather people around me?!
The famous commentator and hadith narrator of the Islamic world; Imam Ibn Kaseer Damashqi, may Allah have mercy on him, writes: “After this evil thinking and self-indulgence, Muslimah came to the conclusion that he would again disbelieve in Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and after that present his false prophecy, so he abused the words of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him.” He used it and said: “This is the height of your participation in the matter with him” O people of Yamama! Listen to my words. Indeed, I have shared with Muhammad in the work of prophethood, and like him, revelation will be revealed to me as well.”
Then he turned to his companions and said: “Didn’t he say to you when you mentioned me: «ألم يقل لكم حين ذكرتمونى له: (أما إنه ليس بشركم مكانا)؟ ما ذاك إلا لما كان يعلم أنى قد أشركت في الامر معه.» (O leaders of the tribe of Bani Hanifah! O those who went with me to Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah! When you mentioned me to Muhammad, didn’t he himself tell you that the status and dignity of Musilamah is not less than yours? He said this because he knew that I really have a high position and that I have shared with him in the work of prophecy.)