The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid” MAPH (Part 23)
Hazrat Khalid, MAPH, in the battle of Tabuk
What is Tabuk and where is it located?
“Tabuk” is the name of a large area that is located on the northwest side of the city of Madinah, which is located completely between Madinah and the city of Damascus in Syria.
The Reasons of the Tabuk campaign
After the Holy Prophet of Islam, PBUH, finished the campaign of “Mute” and dealt a strong blow to the enemies of Islam, the Romans and Christians decided to engage in war with the Holy Prophet, PBUH. But this time, with the unity and integration of the Roman Empire, all the Roman powers enter the battlefield to erase the name of Islam and Muslims from the history page forever.
This news reached the Prophet of Islam, after being completely sure of the truth of this news, he announced a general ban and informed all the beloved companions, may Allah bless them, to prepare for the battle with the Romans.
In this war, approximately “thirty thousand” mujahids were prepared to elevate the religion of Almighty Allah. None of the hypocrites were present in this battle. Some of the Prophet’s companions were also tested and did not fight.
The date of the Battle of Tabuk
Allamah Shalabi, may Allah have mercy on him, writes that the Holy Prophet of Islam, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, fought the Romans in Tabuk in the month of Rajab, 9th year of Hijri.
This date is also confirmed in other books. In short, it lasted during the months of Rajab, Sha’ban and Ramadan, and this was the time when the people of Medina were waiting for their date trees and palm groves to bear fruit, and the heat and temperature of the heat had become very intense, so that the human condition was deteriorating; But again, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) seized the opportunity and endured any hunger and thirst to raise the flag of Islam in the corners of the world.
The number of the army of Islam and the army of Romans
As it is written in the books of biography and history, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) made a public announcement to all the people of Madinah to prepare for this great and decisive war and ordered everyone to participate in that auspicious jihad. But this jihad took place at a time when those who did not have firm faith or had hypocrisy in their hearts did not have the motivation to go to Tabuk. Because they knew that there is a shortage in terms of provisions and so on; Therefore, this campaign was a war between the true believers and the hypocrites who pretend to be Muslims, and in various places of the Holy Quran, the believers who participated in this jihad are praised, and those who violated and stayed behind. They were reprimanded and punished.
But despite this, about “thirty thousand” mujahids joined the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, and formed a large army.