The biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid” (part 19)
Khaled’s role in the Taif campaign
Before the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) reached the city of Taif, he sent Khalid bin Walid (may Allah be pleased with him) as the commander of an army of 1,000 men, and then he himself left for that region.
Allameh Shalabi writes: Hazrat Khalid (may Allah be pleased with him) camped near the forts and castles of Bani Saqif in the city of Taif and laid siege to them, which continued for eighteen days. Every day, he would turn towards the castle and shout, “Am I a warrior? Is there anyone who will come down from the castle to fight us?” But no one responded to him. Finally, he called out to them again, and this time Abd al-Yalil, the chief of the tribe of Bani Saqif, answered and said, “None of us will come down to you. We are staying in our fortresses and have collected enough food and supplies to last us for two years.”
After this, there was only shooting arrows between two groups and then the Holy Prophet of Islam, PBUH, issued an order to withdraw from that area and ordered to liberate that area from the siege and move towards the “Jaarana” area and divided the booty, which was obtained from the Hawazen campaign.
When the Holy Prophet, PBUH, was dividing the spoils among the Mujahideen, one of the hypocrites said: This division was not fair. Therefore, it must be divided again.
When Hazrat Khalid, MAPH, heard this hypocrite’s words, he immediately asked the Holy Prophet, PBUH, for permission to cut off the head of that hypocrite. But the beloved Prophet said: “No, leave him, maybe he will pray and repent.”
Imam Zahabi, may Allah have mercy on him, writes: سار رسول الله صلیاللهعلیهوسلم حتى بلغ الطائف فحاصرهم، ونادى مناديه: من خرج منهم من عبيدهم فهو حر. فاقتحم إليه من حصنهم نفر، منهم أبو بكرة ابن مسروح أخو زياد من أبيه، فأعتقهم. ودفع كل رجل منهم إلى رجل من أصحابه ليحمله. فرجع رسول الله صلیاللهعلیهوسلم حتى أتى على الجعرانة. فقال: «إني معتمر.» After the conquest of Hawazan, the Holy Prophet, PBUH, moved towards Taif and besieged all of them, and his herald called out: “Anyone from the slaves of Bani Saqif comes out of the fort, he will be free.” After that, a group of slaves came out to the Holy Prophet of Islam, PBUH, and he freed them all, and then handed each of them over to one of his Companions, may Allah bless him and grant him, to ride with him on the donkeys. Then the Prophet himself returned from Taif with his companions and went to Jaarana and said: “I want to perform Umrah.