Author: Shukran Ahmadi
The biography of Hazrat Ali, MAPH, (2nd part)
From birth to migration
Family and its influence on raising children
From the point of view of anatomy, psychology, ethics, and sociology, it has been proven that blood, hereditary, and genetic traits are effective to a certain extent in the moral plasticity and innate abilities and competencies of humans. These factors spread from person to person in three ways:
First: Through the family values and models that the ancestors and fathers of the family have always believed in and strived to preserve and considered and consider them a source of honor for their tribe. Not paying attention to these values and ignoring them is considered an insult to the elders, and neglecting values is considered an unforgivable sin.
Second: Through the stories that have been narrated over many years by the fathers and elders of a family about heroism, chivalry, courage, bravery, generosity, and support for the oppressed, which have a great effect on the greatness, courage, and justification of the family’s reputation.
Third: The influence of blood and hereditary and genetic traits in family members, especially families that attach importance to preserving their authenticity, this matter has been approved by geneticists and social scientists.
This truth was also expressed by the Hazrat of Islam, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, with the wisdom and eloquence of prophethood and with a beautiful interpretation, where he said: “الناس معادن کمعادن الفضة والذهب، خیارکم في الجاهلیة خیارکم في الاسلام إذا فقهوا”) (“Human beings are like different mines of silver and gold, their good and chosen ones during the time of uninformed have the same status after Islam, provided that they have religious insight”. And in another place, he said: A person who is backward in terms of actions, his lineage will not take him anywhere.
Therefore, it is appropriate to observe the historical trustworthiness and scientific impartiality, the customary and social situation, the race and the family in which Amir al-Mu’minin Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, was brought up; To be aware of its special moral and psychological heritage and to study the superior position of this family among other Arab tribes. In order to clarify the matter, we will first examine the Quraish tribe and then Bani Hashem.
Quraysh tribe
All Arabs have acknowledged the superiority of Quraysh lineage, leadership, eloquence and power of expression, good morals, courage and bravery of this tribe among other Arabs.
Before Islam, the different tribes of Quraysh were friends with each other and adhered to the Abrahamic law to a large extent. Like the Bedouin Arabs, they were not religious and uncultured, they performed circumambulation (Tavaf)of the Kaaba and Hajj rituals, they used to bury their dead, and used to bathe in janabat, they avoided marrying a mahram because of their zeal and separation from the culture of fire worshipers, they married women by paying dowry and choosing a witness, and when they separated from their spouses, they used to divorce three times.
Another characteristic that was added to the Quraysh tribe was that they could take wives from any tribe without any conditions. But if they gave wives to the men of other tribes, they made a condition that he believed in their religion and strictly adhered to it, and they considered not complying with this principle against their family honor.