The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid” MAPH (13th part)
Breaking the pride of polytheists and despairing them of their own power
The polytheists of Makkah thought that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was planning to enter the city of Makkah with a few people, and we, with the same small group of “Safwan and Ikramah”, could fight against them and prevent them from entering to the city.
They thought that the true inheritors of this land were themselves, and whoever converted to monotheism and accepted Islam; It is not from us, and it should be rejected from this city.
Their ignorant pride and zeal did not allow them to bow their heads in submission to the truth and come to the warm embrace of Islam, they always thought that we have more power and can defeat the Muslims.
Allamah Shalbi writes in his book: “One of the polytheists of Makkah named (Hamas bin Qais) thought himself to be zealous and powerful, and before the arrival of the Islamic army, he polished his swords and prepared and tested his weapons. His wife asked him, why are you preparing these weapons? He replied: For war with Muhammad and his companions. His wife said: In my opinion, no one can stop Muhammad and his companions. Hamas said: I hope to capture some of them and bring them to your service as maids and servants.
After this conversation, Hamas Ibn Qais recited this poem in front of his wife:
إن یُقبِلوا الیومَ فمالي عَلَه
هذا سلاحٌ کاملٌ و أُلَه
و ذو غِرارَین سریعُ السَلَه
(If the Muslims reach Makkah today, none of them will be my opponent. This is my perfect and victorious weapon with which I will kill anyone I want. This is also my double-edged spear that cuts very sharp and fast.)
After that, Hamas also took up arms and went to Khandameh with the sedition-mongering group of Safwan and Ikrimah. But when they were defeated in the battle with Hazrat Khalid and shamefully returned home, Hamas told his wife to close the house door tightly. His wife told him what happened to your yesterday words? He read these poems in response to his wife:
إنک لو شهدت یوم الخـندمة إذ فرّ صفوان و فرّ عکرمة
و أبویزید قائم کالـمؤتمة واستقبلتهم بالسیوف المسلمة
یقطعن کل ساعد و جـمجمة ضرباً فلا یسمع إلا غمغمة
لهم نهیت خلفنا و هـمهمة لم تنطقي في اللوم أدنی کلمة
It means: “O woman! If you were present in Khandame Square on the day of the war, you would have seen people like Safwan and Ikrimah running away.
At that time, Abu Yazid; he stands and watches like a mourning woman, and the companions of Muhammad, PBUH, went to welcome them with their swords.
Those swords would cut off every human leg and skull with one stroke, and nothing else could be heard except for tumult and sighing.
The hustle and bustle behind us had reached its peak and if you were there and saw these scenes; You never reproached me or said the slightest word to me sarcastically.