Author: Zaid
The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid” MAPH (12th part)
The role of Hazrat Khalid in the conquest of Makkah
Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim write: «بعث خالد بن الوليد في قبائل قضاعة وسليم وغيره وأمره أن يدخل من أسفل مكة، و أن يغرز رأيته أدنى البيوت، وأمرهم أن يكفوا أيديهم، ولا يقاتلوا إلا من قاتلهم.» (The Holy Prophet of Islam, may Allah bless him and grant him, sent Khalid bin Walid along with the tribe of Qadha, Salim, etc. to Makkah and ordered him to enter the city of Makkah from the lower side and to install the flag of Islam in the nearest houses of the city, and ordered all of them. that they restrain their hands and do not stain them with any blood and that they do not start a war there, unless the people of Makkah themselves start a war with them.)
In fact, this was the first duty and command that Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, was officially given by the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him.
If we study the books of history and biography and study the case of the conquest of Makkah with care and research; We will find that this is a clear and very sensitive conquest; Because the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him , and his noble companions, may Allah be pleased with them, had fought many times with the polytheists and the residents of Makkah, and hundreds of people were killed on both sides, and a lot of blood was shed in this direction.
Therefore, it was very difficult to conquer geographically with these warrior and vengeful people without shedding blood; But again, the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him, uses his Allah-given talent and grace, and in this conquest, he appointed commanders who had reached perfection in every aspect.
Khalid’s involvement with a group of rebellious polytheists
The Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him , had previously ordered Khalid not to enter into war with anyone without purpose, and Hazrat Khalid also completely obeyed the order of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him ; But on the other hand, some obstinate and stubborn polytheists wanted to prevent Muslims from entering the city of Makkah; Therefore, some of them named (Ikrama bin Abu Jahl, Safwan bin Umayya and Suhail bin Amr) gathered with some other tribes in a place on the lower side of the city called (Khandama) and wanted to start a war with the Muslims.
Allamah Abdurrahman Qahtani, quoting Imam Ibn Hajar, may Allah have mercy on him, writes: «تمكّن كل قائد من القادة تنفيذ السيطرة على منطقته بسلام، إلا خالد بن الوليد، إذ تجمع جنوبي مكة يومئذ فئة من القرشيين المتطرفين برئاسة صفوان بن أمية، وعكرمة بن أبي جهل، واختاروا من أجل ذلك مضيقاً سيطروا عليه من مرتفعات تشرف على الموقع، وهو الطريق الرئيس لمجموعة خالد. واسم هذا المضيق الخندمة. ولما وصلوه تلقّوا وابلاً من السهام، وإزاء ذلك أصدر خالد أوامره بالتوقف، لعلّه أن يتمكّن من إقناع المهاجمين بإلقاء السلاح، بيد أن هؤلاء المهاجمين رفضوا من خالد، فقاومهم، وقتل منهم ثمانية وعشرين، وتمكن خالد من سحقهم.» Every commander has the power and authority to bring health and security to his region and dominate it; Was it not possible for Khalid to pass through that area easily without any conflict? Because from the south side of the city of Makkah, a group of unruly polytheists, led by Safwan bin Umayya and Ikramah bin Abu Jahl, gathered and wanted to fight with the Muslims; Therefore, for this purpose, they chose the gorge that they had control over and went there, this was the high and important place that Khalid and his group wanted to cross and enter the city of Makkah, and its name is the gorge (Khandamah).
Briefly, when Khalid’s group arrived there, they unconsciously faced a storm of arrows; But in return, Khalid issued a cease-and-desist order to his companions, hoping to convince the polytheists to drop their weapons; However, the attackers rejected Khalid’s proposal and did not accept it. When Khalid saw this situation, he resisted them and killed approximately twenty-eight of them and was able to defeat and destroy them.
Imam Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him, says that in that war, two soldiers of Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, were also martyred the name of one is “Habish bin Ash’ar” and the other is “Karz bin Jaber Fahri”.
In the book “Al-Fath al-Mubin” it is stated: «رأى رسول الله صلىاللهعليهوسلم بارقة السيوف من بعيد، فأنكر ذلك، فقيل له: إنه خالد قوتل فقاتل، فقال: «قضاء الله خير (When the Holy Prophet of Islam, may Allah bless him and grant him , saw from a distance the lightning and the shine of the swords hitting each other, he considered it distasteful, why should blood be shed in the holy land? Then he was told that he was Khalid and his companions, because they were subject to, they were attacked and fought, so they also fought. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The judgment and decision of Allah Almighty is good and better, and he remained silent.