The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid” MAPH (7th part)
Why did Khalid delay in converting to Islam?
When we study the pages of history and biography, we will find that Hazrat Khalid, MABPH, had unparalleled intelligence and intelligence, and even solved very difficult problems.
He was not only a general in the battlefields; Rather, he was a master in the areas of strategy and politics, and the elders of Quraysh consulted him in many cases and acted on his opinions and suggestions. But despite all this profound understanding and profound meditation, why did he not understand and understand the religion of Islam and dive into the ocean of divine knowledge?
There are countless reasons, some of which can be described as follows:
Khalid was among a people who had heavy responsibilities and did not get much time to search on this matter.
He was in an environment where he heard words against Islam and Muslims from all sides, and corrupted beliefs about them were injected into people’s minds, and this made him hate him even more.
Since he had lost many of his friends and relatives in the wars of Badr, Uhud, etc., this caused him to avoid Muslims.
Allamah Abu Zaid Shalabi writes in his book “Khalid bin Waleed Saifullah”: one of the main reasons for Khalid’s delay in becoming a Muslim is the statement of Amr bin As; If he was asked, why did you convert to Islam so late? He replied: “We live among people who are better than us in terms of intellect and wisdom, who were in charge of affairs and had the right of precedence and leadership with them. We were all under their command, when they left and we were the successors.” We became them, deliberated and thought and made a new decision about Islam; Finally the truth became clear and we believed.
The result of this section
Important points and instructive lessons:
The life of the Companions, may God be pleased with them, is full of goodness and blessings, full of useful lessons and advice. Every corner of the life of those honorable people is full of wisdom and insight, improvement and happiness.
In this part of the life of Hazrat Sayyedna Khalid, MABPH, there are also lessons and points that we cannot include all of them in this brief haste; But we will briefly discuss some of them.
Surrender to the right
As soon as the truth of Islam and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) became clear to Hazrat Khalid, he regretted all the things he had done against Islam and submitted himself to Islam and did not accept the blame of anyone who blames him in this regard and for the purpose of guidance and Islah left for Madinah Munorah.
Hazrat Khalid, MABPH, despite the awe and fear of God, the wealth and capital, the strength and courage that he had; But again, he humbly bowed his head in front of Haqq and desperately asked the Prophet of goodness to pray for him and ask for forgiveness from Allah Almighty, although the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, had told him that Islam erases past sins. But he still insists.
A sense of benevolence to others
When Hazrat Khalid’s heart opens to Islam, the stones of polytheism and idolatry are removed from his heart, and he feels the sweetness of faith before reaching it. Therefore, he does not want to walk alone on this path of happiness and prosperity; Rather, he went to his friends and peers and suggested to them that you too can be changed and you can dive into the boundless sea of faith and monotheism and benefit from the pearls of divine love and mysticism.