Author: Zaid
The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid” MAPH (6th part)
Hazrat Khalid, R.H, while going to the city of the Prophet, “PBUH”, in Medina!
Khalid says: The time to meet the beloved Prophet was getting closer. I said to myself, “With whom should I go to the Prophet, PBUH, in Medina?” At the same time, I faced Safwan Ibn Umayyah Ibn Khalaf. I told him, “I have come to the conclusion that I must believe in Muhammad, peace be upon him, and now I am on my way to travel there. If you also join me and believe, then hurry.” However, he rejected my offer and blamed me for this action. Perhaps the reason was that he had lost his father and brother in the Battle of Badr; therefore, he behaved spitefully towards Islam.
Similarly, I continued on my way until I met Akrama bin Abu Jahl. He also answered me similarly to Safwan’s answer. The reason for his hatred may have been that his father was also killed by Muslims. I continued on my way and met Uthman bin Talha. When I offered, he accepted and accompanied me. While on the way, Amr bin Aas joined us. We asked him why he came this way, and it turned out that he also wanted to go to Medina for the same reason. All three of us went to Medina. First, we met with my brother Waleed bin Walid. He welcomed us and said that the Holy Prophet, PBUH, heard about your arrival and was pleased. Therefore, hurry up and present yourself to his court as soon as possible.
I speeded the horse when we reached an area called “Zahr al-Hurrah,” and the Holy Prophet, PBUH, was waiting for us and had come out of the house. When he saw us, he smiled and said, “Today Makkah has sent its Pieces of heart to us.” Then, like me, Uthman bin Talha and Amr bin Aas also came forward and Say the Shahadatin. All of us pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophet of Islam, PBUH. The Prophet gave thanks and thanks to Allah Almighty, saying, “Thanks to the Lord who made your heart open to the religion of Islam. I knew that because of your intellect and wisdom, one day your heart would be open to Islam.”
Khalid says: After I converted to Islam, I asked the Prophet, PBUH, to pray for me. He said, “Islam erases and cleanses all past sins.” I said, “Despite this, please pray again.” The Prophet prayed: “O Allah! Forgive all the sins of Khalid that he committed for towards your religion.” Thereafter, the Holy Prophet always preferred me and did not compare me to anyone.
The Holy Prophet, PBUH, donated one of his lands to Hazrat Khalid to build a house and included him among his scribes.