Author: Abu Aisha
Mu’tazila (22nd part)
Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is bad is one of the distinctive characteristics of good and benevolent person. This quality is seen in those who have a sense of benevolence towards others. Allah (s.w.t) introduced the reason that this Ummah is the best on this basis and foundation.
After we have stated the four principles of the five Mu’tazila sects in order, in this article we try to state the fifth principle of the Mu’tazila sect (enjoining the good and forbidding the evil). In this article, the ruling and position of enjoining good and forbidding evil from the point of view of Sharia has been examined.
In this section, we will discuss the fifth principle, which is the principle of “Al-Amr bi al-Ma’ruf wal-Nahy an al-Munkar: Enjoining the good deed and forbidding the evil deed”.
The truth of “commanding good and forbidding evil”:
“Al-Amr”: In the word, it is taken from the article “Amr,” “Amr Amra,” which means to order and command something.
“Command” is that who someone says to another who is lower than him in terms of rank, “verb: do this.” And it is forbidden for the speaker to say to someone who is lower than him in terms of rank: “Don’t do this.”
“Ma’ruf” in the word: it is taken from the noun “araf,” “araf,” “arafa,” and “marufa,” whose Persian meaning is well-known, well-liked, and good.
“Ma’roof” is said to be something that Allah (s.w.t) and the Messenger have ordered, and “Munkar” is something that Allah (s.w.t) and the Messenger have forbidden. “Ma’roof” is called ma’roof because good souls know it and associate with it. “Mankar” is called Mankar because pure souls hate it and consider it ugly; Therefore, everything that the good egos think is ugly is negated; Like intoxicating things and unpleasant things, like adultery and its preparations.
According to the Mu’tazila, “Ma’roof” is any action whose doer knows its goodness or guides to its goodness; that’s why it is not called “Ma’roof” in the ancient verbs; because its goodness is not known and does not indicate it.
Explanation of the definition:
Explanation of the definition: according to Mu’tazila, ma’roof is a good deed which the subject does while he knows its goodness or indicates its goodness; But this statement of those who say: “It is not said in the actions of Almighty Allah that they are old”; because its goodness is not apparent and their phrase “no implies that”; That is, there is no proof that they are good.