Author: "Abu Aisha"
Mu’tazila Sect (21st section)
The sayings of the scholars
The author of the book “آراء المعتزلة الأصولية دراسة وتقویما” writes:
“”This principle [manzilah bin manzilatin], which the Mu’tazila agree on, is valid in the opinion of Ahl al-Sunnah and Jama’ah in the sense that it excludes faith and Islam from the perpetrator of a major sin and in the sense that it gives him the sentence of solitude in the fire of hell is not true. Because Sunnis and Jama’ah believe that the perpetrator of a major sin is a believer; But there is a deficiency in his faith, so he does not leave Islam and faith with his sin, and it is not possible to judge him to be in hell on the Day of Judgment, but he is under the will and providence of Allah Almighty, if He wills, He will forgive him and bring him to Paradise. Or he will be tormented, and he will enter hell, but he will not stay in hell forever.”
Allamah Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “And the religion of Ahl al-Sunnah and Jama’ah is that the sinners of this nation are not in hell forever, as the Mu’tazila and Khawarij believe, and they are still not perfect in religion, faith and obedience; Rather, they have both virtues and vices, which deserve punishment for one, and reward for the other.
Allameh Tahawi, may Allah have mercy on him, writes in this regard: “Those from the Ummah of Muhammad, (PBUH), who have committed a major sin and die after that while they are monotheists, will not remain in the fire of hell forever, even if they have not repented and they (perpetrator of major sins) will Since they have met Allah and known Him (and said the shahadatin or testimonies), they are left to Allah’s will and decree; If he wants, he will pass through them out of grace and kindness; As Allah says in the Qur’an: «ویغفر ما دون ذلک لمن یشاء» (Allah forgives sins except polytheism from whom He wills) and if He wills, He will punish them in the fire according to His justice. Then (after they have been punished as much as Allah wills), He brings them out of hell with His mercy and the intercession of those who obey Him (angels, prophets, and the righteous) and then brings them to Heaven sends itself.
Ibn Abi al-Azz Hanafi, may Allah have mercy on him, says: “All Sunnis agree that the perpetrator of a major sin does not leave faith and Islam, nor does he enter into disbelief, and he does not deserve solitude there with the disbelievers as the Mu’tazila say.
Imam Razi, may Allah have mercy on him, says: “A believer is characterized by the attribute of faith; Just as blackness is characterized by the attribute of blackness and the wicked is characterized by the attribute of faith; Because the meaning of faith is confirmation – according to the religion of Imam Razi – and the transgressor is defined by confirmation, so he is called a believer and this is what is desirable.
He further says: “A believer deserves reward for his faith.
And other obedience; As he deserves punishment due to his transgression and sin, then either he will be rewarded first and enter heaven, then after that he will enter hell because of his transgression, it is invalid for all, or entered hell and then be transferred to heaven, and this is the right, so it turns out that Muslim sinners don’t remain in hell forever.”
Sahib al-Sharh al-Aqeed writes: “The perpetrators of major sins who are believers (Muslims) will not stay in hell forever, even if they die without repentance; Because Allah Almighty says: «ومن یعمل مثقال ذرة خیرا یره» (Therefore, anyone who has done a good deed even an iota will see it [reward]) Faith itself is a good deed, it is not possible to see its reward before entering the fire of hell, then [the great offenders] will enter the fire of hell and this It is invalid by consensus, so it became clear that they must leave the fire of hell [after that they will be rewarded].
And because of this saying of Almighty Allah: «وعد الله المؤمنین والمؤمنات جنات». (Allah has promised gardens to Muslim men and women) and also says in another place: «إن الذین آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات کانت لهم جنات الفردوس نزلا» (Indeed, those who believe and have done righteous deeds, their place of reception is the gardens of Firdaus) and there are other texts that indicate that a believer is one of the people of Paradise, despite the definite reasons he gave earlier that the servant is separated from faith by sinning and sinning. does not come out; It should also be said that silence and eternal stay in hellfire is one of the greatest punishments and this great punishment is punishment for disbelief, which is one of the greatest crimes. If someone other than a disbeliever is punished with this punishment, then the punishment is more than the crime, and this isn’t called justice.
No one [who has committed a sin] goes from the circle of faith to disbelief (polytheist) except by committing an act of disbelief that leads him to great disbelief and completely violates his monotheism. Allah (s.w.t) is just in His judgment, whoever has good deeds more than his bad deeds, then he is one of the saved, inshallah, and whoever has a heavy burden of sins, Allah will make the monotheists enter the fire to cleanse them of their sins, then because the punishment they deserved is over, he takes them out of there.
If the perpetrator does not repent, he is in the will of Allah Almighty, if he wants to punish him or forgive him; Because the person who repents from a major sin or polytheism isn’t a place for conflict; Because repentance destroys what was before it.
The providence of Almighty Allah is proven against someone who dies and does not repent, As it is stated in a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim, may Allah have mercy on him, on the authority of Hazrat Ubada bin Samit, MAPH: “We were sitting in a meeting with him, PBUH, and he said: Do you pledge allegiance to me not to associate anything with Allah Almighty, not to commit adultery?” Do not steal and don’t kill the soul that has been forbidden except with the right.
The one who acted on these conditions, his reward is with Allah, the one who did these things and was punished, it is an atonement for him, and the one who committed one of these things and Allah Almighty covered him, his matter is with Allah, if he wants, He will forgive him and or if he wants, he will punish him.”
Ahl al-Sunnah and Jama’ah say: “The perpetrators of major sins will not remain in the fire of hell forever, even if they leave this world without repentance. They are under the providence of Allah Almighty, if He wills, He will forgive them with the intercession of an intercessor and will not enter them into Hell, but will enter them into Paradise, or without the intercession of an intercessor, He will forgive them and not enter Hell, and if He wills, He will enter them into Hell and for a while they will stay there after that, He will take them out of there and with or without Shafi’s intercession, they will enter Paradise, but they will not stay there forever. But the perpetrators of minor sins, their minor sins are forgiven with good deeds such as the five prayers and other good deeds. Allah Almighty says in this regard: «إن الحسنات یذهبن السیئات» (Yes, the good deeds eliminate the bad ones) and it is not forgiven only by avoiding major sins, and this is the saying of “Bashar Marisi”.