Author: “Abu Aisha” Mu’tazila Sect (23rd part) Commanding Good and Forbidding Evil Mu’tazila’s Perspective: According to the Mu’tazila sect, commanding the good is considered obligatory. Qazi…
Author: admin2
Author: Zaid Biography of the sword of Allah, Khalid bin Walid, MAPH (3rd part) The great battle of Uhud and the scene of defeat As mentioned…
Author: Abu Raef Colonialism (12th part) Soviet Crimes in Afghanistan The Soviet Union, which attacked Afghanistan with heavily armed forces, sought to pave the way for…
Author: Abu Aisha Mu’tazila (22nd part) Foreword: Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is bad is one of the distinctive characteristics of good and benevolent…
Author: Zaid Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid” (MAPH) (2nd part) Abstract: In the first part, we discussed the birth, lineage, and Tribe…
Author: Mohajer Azizi Personable Muslim (10th part) Humor of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) The Prophet, PBUH, was a good-natured, smiling person who used to joke…
Author: Abu Raef Colonialism (11th part) Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan After the unsuccessful experiences of the British in the campaign and invasion of Afghanistan and their…
Author: Om Aisha Morjaeh sect (10th part) Introduction: Since belief is one of the most important motivations for a person to take action, and a person…
Author: Abu Raef Colonialism (10th part) Colonization in Afghanistan The Islamic country of Afghanistan is one of the few countries that has never accepted the rules…
Author: “Abu Aisha” Mu’tazila Sect (21st section) The sayings of the scholars The author of the book “آراء المعتزلة الأصولية دراسة وتقویما” writes: “”This principle [manzilah…