Islamic Beliefs and Thoughts, A Beacon for Children (Part Three)
Question: What are the attributes of Allah (SWT)?
Answer: The attributes of Allah are those qualities with which He, the Almighty, is described. However, discussing how these attributes are is not appropriate because Allah’s attributes are beyond human perception. Anything that is part of the unseen and has not been explicitly mentioned in the Quran and Hadith should not be debated. Believing in matters of the unseen is necessary but only based on transmitted proofs (Quran and Hadith).
Question: What are the five senses?
Answer: The five senses are:
1. Sight
2. Hearing
3. Taste
4. Smell
5. Touch
Question: How should we recognize Allah, the Almighty? Provide some brief information.
Answer: We should recognize the Merciful Allah through reflection and reasoning. When we observe humans, the universe, and nature, we realize that everything is limited, imperfect, and dependent. Anything with these characteristics must have an entity that assigned them these attributes. That entity is Allah, the All-Powerful.
The order seen in the universe, in human life, and in nature indicates that there is a Creator behind it all. The alternation of night and day, the blowing of the wind, the falling of rain, the sun and moon, the Earth, and other celestial bodies— all of which orbit and move in harmony— prove that there is a Supreme Being who governs and maintains this system. Anything that is organized must have an organizer.
Question: Why can’t we see Allah, the Almighty, with our eyes?
Answer: Because Allah’s essence is beyond our intellect, understanding, and the five senses. With our worldly eyes, we cannot see Allah. However, in Paradise, the believers will be able to see Him, Inshallah. May Allah grant us that opportunity.
Question: If we cannot see Allah’s essence, does it weaken our faith?
Answer: No, rather, it strengthens our faith. This is because Allah, the Almighty, is so great and exalted that He is beyond human comprehension and perception. We are incapable of grasping His essence.
Question: What can strengthen our faith in the existence of Allah?
Answer: Reflecting on Allah’s power, such as the alternation of night and day, the diversity of human colors, and the variety of human languages.
Question: How do we know that Allah is the One and Only?
Answer: If there were multiple creators and rulers of the universe, the order and harmony of the world would be disrupted. Two entities cannot simultaneously govern a single matter; if they did, the universe would collapse.
Question: Was Allah created by someone, or did He create Himself, or has He always existed?
Answer: Allah was neither created by anyone nor did He create Himself. He has existed from eternity and will remain forever. Allah has no beginning and no end.
Question: How do we know that Allah is eternal?
Answer: Everything in existence is limited, imperfect, and dependent on something else. However, Allah is not like that. This proves that He is eternal and everlasting.
Question: What is Allah capable of doing?
Answer: Allah is capable of everything. No one created Allah, and He did not originate from anything. He can do whatever He wills and does not need anyone to carry out His plans.
Question: If Allah controls everything, why doesn’t He destroy the oppressors and disobedient people in this world?
Answer: Life is a test, not a place for immediate reward or punishment. The reckoning of deeds (reward and punishment) will take place after death. In this world, we are being tested based on Allah’s commandments and prohibitions, which is part of His divine wisdom.
Question: Who is considered a Muslim?
Answer: A Muslim (or believer) is someone who, in their heart, affirms and testifies that everything Allah has revealed to His Messenger is true and openly declares: «لا اله الا الله محمد رسوال الله» Translation: “I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” By sincerely believing and declaring this statement, a person leaves disbelief and enters the fold of Islam.