Author: Abu Ayesha
Jahmiyyah Sect (Part 24)
Proof of the Permanence of Hell and Hellfire
One of the important and disputed issues between Ahl-Sunnah and the Jahmiyyah sect is the matter of the permanence of Paradise and Hellfire versus their annihilation. The Jahmiyyah, based on their rational arguments and theological foundations, believe that Paradise and Hellfire will eventually be annihilated and destroyed. In contrast, Ahl-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah, citing numerous arguments from the verses of the Quran, the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the consensus of scholars, and their sayings, maintain that Paradise and Hellfire are eternal and will never be destroyed.
In this section, we will consider this issue and the arguments from each side.
Regarding the Permanence of Paradise and Hellfire, there are three main opinions:
1. The permanence of Paradise and Hellfire: This opinion belongs to Ahl-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah.
2. The annihilation of Paradise and Hellfire: This view is held by the Jahmiyyah.
3. The permanence of Paradise and the annihilation of Hell: This view has been attributed to Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on them, and some of their like-minded followers.
The Jahmiyyah Viewpoint
1. Imam Bazdawī, may Allah have mercy on him, says regarding the Jahmiyyah belief: “Jahm ibn Safwan believes that Paradise and Hell will be destroyed.”
2. Imam Baghdadi, may Allah have mercy on him, states: “A group of Jahmiyyah believe that Paradise and Hell will be destroyed.”
3. Imam Ibn Abi al- ‘Izz, may Allah have mercy on him, writes in his book Sharh al- ‘Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah: “Jahm ibn Safwan, the Imam and leader of the Moatalah (those who suspend the attributes of Allah the Exalted), believes in the annihilation of Paradise and Hell. He is neither among the righteous predecessors, nor among the Sahaba and Tabi’een, nor among the Imams of the Muslims, nor among the Ahl-Sunnah wa-al Jama’ah.”
4. Imam Ash’ari (may Allah have mercy on him) states in his book Essays on the Islamic Scholars and the Disagreements of the Muslims: “Jahm ibn Safwan believes that Paradise and Hell will be destroyed, and those who are in them will also be destroyed; to the extent that only Allah will remain, just as He was alone before creation when there was no being with Him.”
5. The author of the book Al-Farq Bin Al-Firaq writes regarding the Jahmiyyah view: “Jahm ibn Safwan believes that both Paradise and Hell will be destroyed.”
The Evidence of Jahmiyyah
Allama Ibn Abi al-Izz al-Dimashqi al-Hanafi (may Allah have mercy on him) discusses the evidence put forth by the Jahmiyyah: “Jahm ibn Safwan has stated this belief based on his corrupt principle; this corrupt principle is as follows: Events and creatures that are infinite are impossible to exist. This principle is the foundation of people of theology, which is reprehensible. They have argued to prove the origin of objects and have made it their basis and reliance in the study of the world. Jahm believes that events which have no origin and beginning had their existence prevented in the past and will be prevented in the future. Therefore, according to him, the continuation of Allah’s actions in the future is impossible as it was in the past.”
Jahm ibn Safwan raises a doubt in this regard, stating: “Paradise and Hell are contingent, and whatever is certain to occur is also certain to be annihilated. This is his rule. Jahm relies on reason in this matter, claiming that the persistence of contingent things is impossible; for if we consider them to be permanent, they will share in the persistence with Allah Almighty.”
Furthermore, Jahm ibn Safwan emphasizes the verses where the terms خالد (eternal) or خالدین (eternally in it) appear, arguing that their meaning does not imply permanence and eternity.
The View of Ahl-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah
Imam Abu Hanifa states: “Paradise and Hell exist now and will never be destroyed.” He also writes in Al-Wasiyah: “Paradise and Hell are real and created. Neither they nor their inhabitants will perish, because Allah Almighty says about the people of Paradise: «أُعِدَّتْ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ» (Translation: “It is prepared for the righteous”) and about the people of Hell: «أُعِدَّتْ لِلْكَافِرِينَ» (Translation: “It is prepared for the disbelievers”). Paradise and Hell were created for reward and punishment.”
2. Imam Tahawi, may Allah have mercy on him, writes: “Paradise and Hell are created and exist now, and they will never be destroyed or annihilated.”
3. Imam Abdul Ghani Al-Maqdisi, may Allah have mercy on him, states in Al-Iqtisad fi al-‘I’tiqad: “We believe that Paradise and Hell are created and will never be destroyed; for they were created for survival, not for destruction. There are many authentic hadiths in this regard.”
The commentator of Al-Iqtisad fi al- ‘I’tiqad also explains: “Heaven and Hell will never perish; because they were created for survival and permanence, not for destruction.” This reflects the view of the majority of the Imams from both the Salaf and Khalaf. Notably, some Salaf, such as Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him), believed that Paradise will always remain, but Hell will perish. However, the authentic position is that Hell will never perish.”
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