Author: Um Ayesha
The Position of Women in Islam (The 68th and Final Part)
The purpose of the research presented to you was to clarify the position and character of Muslim women in light of the Quran and Sunnah. In this research, we learned that women in Islam enjoy the highest position and status because Allah Almighty has granted women knowledge, understanding, comprehension, and wisdom. A Muslim and noble woman is—first and foremost—worthy of this position and status.
A Muslim woman always searches for the sweet springs of knowledge and wisdom and approaches them with her belief and knowledge of Sharia, morality, and conduct so that her life is pure, blessed, full of goodness, and rich in both religious and worldly benefits.
In this study, we discussed these sweet springs of knowledge to ensure that women’s lives can be noble and brilliant, and that women can express their true character as Allah wants them to, so that in the future they can raise a generation that is religious, Allah-fearing, pious, and free from moral vices and undesirable traits.
The position of women in Islamic law is not hidden from anyone. Whoever seeks knowledge in the Book of Allah Almighty and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will realize how much Islam has paid attention to and cared for women in all situations. They will see what Islam states about the purpose of women’s creation and understand how the religion of Islam addresses the vital, intellectual, and spiritual challenges faced by women in the best possible way. They will also observe a stark difference between what Islam demands of women and what modern Western civilization demands of them. The West often seeks to treat women as mere ornaments, showcasing them in a manner that reduces their dignity, exposing their bodies under sheer and revealing clothing in cinemas, television, magazines, and newspapers. They even display women’s images publicly in commercial and industrial advertisements, thus reducing the entirety of women’s status and position to mere objectification.
Women today face two demands: the demand of Islam and that of modern Western civilization.
The religion of Islam requires women to be chaste, honorable, noble, pious, Allah-fearing, intelligent, and wise, and to serve as the best examples and role models in their families and communities, guiding others on the right path.
In contrast, the demand of modern civilization is that women be beautiful, provocative, and presented as mere objects or playthings for others.
Therefore, a wise and aware woman does not sell her dignity for the admiration of those driven by lust, avoids sullying her honor, asserts her rights, and does not squander her life, thus avoiding loss in both this world and the Hereafter.
It is paramount for Muslim women to embody qualities such as faith in Allah and His Messenger, certainty in Islam, dedication to worship through prayer and fasting, and adherence to the manners, ethics, purity, and honor exemplified by the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Additionally, they carry the significant responsibility of nurturing a Muslim family, raising brave men and champions of jihad, and upholding good morals.
In conclusion, I ask Allah Almighty to accept the efforts made in this research and to make it a source of benefit for the Day when only righteous and good deeds will count for mankind. Peace be upon you and may the mercy and blessings of Allah be with you.
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