Author: Um Ayesha 
The Position of Women in Islam (Part 61)
Hijab is one of the most widely discussed concepts in society, having a profound impact on human life. In the previous part, we addressed the suspicions that Islamophobes have about hijab and responded to their claims. In this part of the study, we will discuss the importance of hijab, its benefits, and the negative consequences of not wearing hijab in society.
The Importance of Hijab
There is no doubt that hijab and covering have a significant impact on the soul and psyche of a woman. A woman’s chastity and covering act as a barrier and protection, shielding her from humiliation. By making hijab obligatory, Islam prevents women from becoming playthings in the hands of lustful people and from having their value reduced to that of mere objects to satisfy desires. Through the veil, Islam offers a means of protecting the dignity of women from individual and social harm.
The significance of the women’s veil lies in the fact that it is not only a guardian of morality and an embodiment of piety and chastity on a societal level but also a form of respect for Muslim women, shielding them from the poisonous and sinful gazes of men.
Islam considers the veil and the protection of women’s privacy among the rights of Muslim women, which they must observe themselves and which men must respect. The denial of this right to non-Muslim women, in contrast, leads to punishment as prescribed by Islam.
By instituting guidelines for the covering of women, Islam effectively allows for their presence in society. With wise and pioneering instructions regarding the character and manners of women, it saves this great force from aimless existence in corners and prevents corruption and abnormalities resulting from undesirable mixing between men and women. Accordingly, while all members of society are responsible for their own physical health, women bear a greater responsibility in this regard.
The primary reason for women’s hijab in Islam is to prevent the spread of prostitution and corruption in society, as well as to control the instinct of lust. The main philosophy of hijab is to limit sexual desires and achievements to the family and legitimate spouses while preventing the outburst of sexual instincts, the spread of moral corruption, and the degradation of society, ultimately preserving the mental health of both men and women.
Hijab as a Source of Adornment for Women
Hijab and chastity are inherent in human nature. The story of Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) serves as clear evidence of this claim.
The Holy Quran refers to the veil and covering as a heavenly gift: «یَا بَنِي آدَمَ قَدْ أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَيْكُمْ لِبَاسًا يُوَارِي سَوْآتِكُمْ وَرِيشًا وَلِبَاسُ التَّقْوَى ذَلِكَ خَيْرٌ ذَلِكَ مِنْ آيَاتِ اللَّهِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَذَّكَّرُونَ» Translation: “O children of Adam! We have sent down to you garments to conceal your private parts and beautiful adornment, but the garment of piety is the best. That is among the signs of Allah, that they may remember.”
Benefits of Hijab
1. Psychological Peace: The lack of privacy between men and women and the freedom of unrestrained socializing increases sexual excitement and irritation. The human soul is extremely sensitive. It is a mistake to think that this sensitivity has limits and can then calm down. No man can be satisfied merely by possessing beauty, nor can a woman find fulfillment only in the attention of men and the possession of their hearts. Furthermore, unlimited desire leads to feelings of deprivation, which can result in mental disorders. Thus, Islam has devised measures to moderate and tame these instincts by assigning duties to both men and women in this regard. The common duty for both is regarding their gaze: eye-catching and lustful glances with the intention of pleasure are prohibited. Women’s specific duty is to cover their bodies from non-mahram (those who are not closely related) men and to avoid provoking any unwanted attention. By observing these commands and adhering to Islamic hijab, both men and women can achieve mental and psychological peace.
2. Strengthening Family Ties: One of the most important benefits of hijab is that it strengthens family bonds. It reserves sexual pleasures for the family environment and marriage, fostering a stronger connection between husband and wife, thus reinforcing the family unit. In contrast, the absence of hijab can undermine the institution of family.
3. A Factor in the Value and Respect of Women: Islam mandates hijab to prevent sin and enhance women’s dignity and chastity. Throughout history, women have asserted their status and value by maintaining privacy from non-mahram men, a principle emphasized by Islam. The more dignified and chaste a woman appears, the more respect and value she garners in the eyes of men.
4. Social Security: Islamic hijab provides social security. Contrary to critics’ views, hijab facilitates the proper fulfillment of social responsibilities. Islam does not prohibit women from pursuing education or engaging in social, political, or economic activities; rather, hijab is obligatory to prevent the workforce and society from being tainted by pleasure-seeking behavior that belongs to the family environment.
5. Ensuring the Health and Purity of Generations: Hijab guarantees the health and purity of individuals in society and preserves human values such as chastity, modesty, and decency, subsequently reducing social corruption. Thanks to Islamic hijab, society enjoys proper control over and enjoyment of human desires and instincts.
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