Author: Abdul Hai Lian
Satanism (Part 23)
2. Reasons for the Spread of Satanism in Islamic Countries:
Based on historical sources, Islamic societies have been subjected to various forms of aggression throughout history, with the primary target being the beliefs of Muslims. Meanwhile, the fundamental aspect of Satanism is the denial of and hostility toward all religious beliefs. Perhaps this has motivated all contributing factors to enable the enemies of Islam to make extensive efforts to promote this sect in society. In addition to this coordination, other factors within Islamic societies have also played a role in the spread of Satanism, the most notable of which are as follows:
2.1. Weakness of Faith: The role of faith in human salvation is undeniable. According to religious teachings, faith not only ensures eternal success but also plays a fundamental role in worldly prosperity. Almighty God says: “إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ يَهْدِيهِمْ رَبُّهُمْ بِإِيمَانِهِمْ” “Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds— their Lord will guide them by their faith.” When faith weakens, the fear of God diminishes, religious beliefs waver, and the groundwork for all forms of deviation is laid.
2.2. Weakness of Religious Knowledge: The reality is that a significant number of people in Islamic societies know Islam only by its name and are either unaware or minimally and inadequately informed about its doctrinal, ethical, and ritualistic teachings. In such an environment, it is not surprising for members of society, especially the youth, to deviate. The realities surrounding members of Satanism confirm this point. For example, the author of Mawsūʿat al-Firaq wa al-Jamāʿāt states: “I encountered several Satanists arrested in Egypt whose ages ranged between 14 and 20 years. After a brief conversation, I realized they had no knowledge of the Qur’an or Islamic teachings and could not even recite Surat Al-Fatiha.”
2.3. Educational System: Education plays a key role in shaping generations, especially in Islamic countries, where any weakness in the education system equates to societal stagnation and falling into crises. Therefore, educational programs must be designed and implemented properly and based on societal needs. A flawed or weak educational system may lead young people in their critical years to join deviant groups and sects like Satanism.
2.4. Media and Virtual Space: We live in an era dominated by media and communication phenomena. Television programs and virtual platforms have succeeded in transforming countless beliefs and thoughts. The corrupt Western civilization, in its effort to promote secularism, has established thousands of television channels, websites, and social media platforms under the guise of virtual space, broadcasting diverse programs around the clock to achieve this aim. Most satellite channels and online platforms, despite their varied goals and interests, share a serious focus on undermining religious principles and spreading immorality and ethical corruption. These media outlets target the faith and foundational beliefs of people, skillfully disseminating immorality, promiscuity, neglect of religion, adultery, normalization of sin, and similar actions. These aspects overlap significantly with the principles of Satanism. It is evident that today, satellite networks and virtual spaces are among the primary arenas for Satanists, who easily mislead young Muslims and recruit them into their groups. Studies show that Satanists use various online profiles to attract new members, with some carrying more than five mobile devices to facilitate this.
2.5. Westernization and Western Imitation: The material advancements of the West have deeply captivated some individuals in Islamic countries. This fascination has led to a blind imitation of Western lifestyles and practices. Over time, this imitation turned into a belief that the progress of Islamic societies depends entirely on adopting Western culture and lifestyles. As a result, Islamic societies shifted from utilizing Western knowledge and technology to embracing its soulless culture and way of life. Western culture, steeped in irreligion, hostility toward religion, and godlessness, encouraged its admirers to abandon faith. Deviant movements like Satanism exploited this opportunity to infiltrate Islamic societies.
2.6. Undermining Religious Advocates: Many Islamic governments have increasingly restricted religious teachings. Each government has its own definition of religion and religious practices, labeling opposing views with various terms (such as terrorist, separatist, agitator) to suppress them. This has most significantly harmed devout individuals, religious schools, and reformist leaders. Many sincere advocates are imprisoned under the pretext of fighting terrorism, and some religious schools are shut down as alleged centers of extremism. In certain Islamic countries, even basic Islamic practices such as praying and wearing the hijab are considered symbols of extremism. Religious elites are subjected to character assassination, and Islamic culture is portrayed as a regression to the Middle Ages. In such societies, young people face a lack of Islamic role models and, intentionally or unintentionally, turn to corrupt foreign figures as their idols. The result of such anti-religious policies is the eradication of religious spirit in society and the attraction of youth to deviant groups like Satanism.
2.7. Marginalization of the Youth: One of the main objectives of global colonial powers today is to exclude the youth in Islamic countries from constructive activities, as colonialism sees its survival and that of its puppet rulers in the isolation, superficiality, and lack of foresight among young people. Neglecting and sidelining the youth from governance and constructive societal roles implies viewing them as incapable of contributing effectively. This approach has two adverse effects:
A) Neglecting the youth: diverts them from innovation and creativity toward trivial and worthless pursuits.
B) It leads them to engage in deviant behavior and join corrupt groups like Satanism in an effort to reclaim lost vitality and purpose.