Author: Mohammad Asim Ismail Zahi
Examining Darwin’s Theory (Part One)
One significant issue discussed by both religion and science is the method of the first human’s creation and the propagation of humanity. Proving the harmony between Islamic teachings and scientific views on this matter is undoubtedly impactful in promoting Islam.
The emergence of humanity on Earth, preceded by the appearance of plants and animals, has always been a source of curiosity. Both the Bible (Torah) and the Quran contain verses addressing this human inquiry.
Regarding the creation of the world, two prominent theories have existed for centuries: Fixity of Species and Evolution or Transformation of Species. The former suggests the independent creation of each species, while the latter posits that species emerged through the evolution of their predecessors. The theory of evolution has deep historical roots.
In the modern era, following advancements in biology and the emergence of theories by Lamarck (1744–1829) and Charles Darwin (1809–1882), this debate gained new momentum.
Darwin proposed that no species exists in its current form but evolves gradually across generations, suggesting that all species share common ancestors. He believed that humanity evolved through changes in single-celled organisms, attributing the beginning of creation to chance and probability.
This sparked critiques and discussions among religious scholars and scientists. Questions about the origin of life and existence have been raised across various religions, especially in Islam. The Quran offers numerous verses addressing these questions. According to Islam, life originates from a divine source without negating the chain of natural and material causes. Furthermore, life is viewed as having levels, each striving towards perfection. Islamic teachings emphasize the individual and collective aspects of life, rejecting the idea of one species evolving into another as contrary to divine wisdom. Yet, humans encompass all levels of existence—vegetative, animalistic, and divine—ultimately aiming for proximity to Allah (s.w.t).
The creation of humanity signifies the greatness, power, and creativity of the Almighty Creator. Humanity itself is an intricate book filled with mysteries and wonders; each chapter and page require specialized knowledge and understanding. Indeed, within every individual lies a world full of secrets. Humans are extraordinary beings in creation, possessing countless unknown dimensions.
Reflecting on the origins, purpose, and nature of humanity leads not only to an understanding of one of the Creator’s greatest signs but also to self-awareness and spiritual awakening. The human being is a remarkable creation, capable of conquering land, sea, and celestial realms. With rapid scientific advancements, humanity has achieved remarkable feats, such as real-time communication and information sharing across the globe.
What power, other than that of the Almighty Creator, can transform dark soil into an intelligent, enlightened being? “الَّذِى أَحْسَنَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقَهُ” “He who created everything in the best way.” “لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ” “Indeed, we created humanity in the best of forms.”
According to the Quran, humans were created from water and clay, with God breathing His spirit into them and entrusting them with duties such as worship, stewardship, and responsibility. Ultimately, humanity returns to its Creator. “يَا أَيُّهَا الْإِنسَانُ إِنَّكَ كَادِحٌ إِلَى رَبِّكَ كَدْحاً فَمُلَاقِيهِ” “O humanity, indeed you are laboring toward your Lord and will meet Him.”
Discussing human creation requires significant time, study, investigation, and reflection. Humanity possesses diverse tendencies—material, spiritual, and intellectual—which each demand extensive research. Over centuries, scholars and thinkers have examined humanity’s origin and existence from various angles.
Throughout history, two opposing views about human origins have persisted: one advocating for the independence of species and the other supporting the theory of evolution. While the latter dates back to ancient Greek philosophers, its modern proponent, Charles Darwin, revolutionized the discussion.
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution suggests that living beings evolved from earlier organisms, with humanity emerging from an evolutionary chain. However, this theory remains speculative, lacking definitive proof, and has faced critiques from scholars, particularly those in the Islamic world.
As science advanced, Darwin’s theory revealed flaws. Islamic scholars and scientists criticized and rejected Darwinism, presenting counterarguments rooted in both faith and scientific reasoning.