Author: Abu Raef
The Role of Muslims in the Formation and Development of Science (Part Four)
Features of Islamic Civilization
Islamic civilization has positioned Muslims as leaders in the acquisition of knowledge and in the pursuit of scientific and intellectual endeavors. The most significant features and characteristics of Islamic civilization can be summarized as follows:
1. Tawheed (Monotheism) as a Foundation
Islamic civilization is rooted in Tawheed and the oneness of Allah. In this framework, there is no room for idolatry, oppression by tyrants, mediation, priesthood, astrology, or any forms of polytheism and superstition. Such beliefs contradict the divine monotheism for which the prophets were sent. Allah has created servants exclusively for His worship, fostering sincerity and faith that prevail in Islamic civilization.
2. Human Orientation and Global Message
Islamic civilization possesses a human-oriented goal and a universal message. Allah Almighty states: «و ما أرسلناک إلا رحمة للعالمین» (We did not send you except as a mercy to the worlds.)
He also says: «یاأیها الناس إنا خلقنکم من ذکر و أنثی و جعلنکم شعوبا و قبائل لتعارفوا إن أکرمکم عندالله أتقاکم» (O people! We created you all from male and female and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another. Verily, the noblest among you in the sight of Allah is the most pious.)
3. Emphasis on Morality and Piety
The principles of morality, piety, and righteousness take precedence in all Islamic systems and fields of human activity. These values remain unchanged for the benefit of any government or individual.
4. Integration of Religion and Science
Islamic civilization adeptly integrates religion with science, the worldly with the spiritual, and the mind with the heart, soul, and body. Islam maintains a balance among these elements and has established its rulings, accordingly, rejecting the separation and divergence between them.
5. Fundamental and Rich Rulings
Islam has provided fundamental and rich rulings that align with all advancements in civilization. One of their advantages is being both realistic and idealistic, while also maintaining moderation. Allah the Exalted says: «والذین إذا أنفقوا لم یسرفوا ولم یقتروا وکان بین ذلک قواما» (Those who, whenever they spend, do not exceed the limit nor spend sparingly, and maintain a balance between the two.)
6. High Religious Tolerance and Compassion
Islamic civilization is characterized by high religious tolerance, mercy, and compassion for all humanity in both war and peace. This civilization is built on moral values, which foster the mercy and compassion of believers towards all human beings.
7. Faith in the Pursuit of Knowledge
Islamic civilization embraces science, not as an exclusive domain but as a pursuit that transcends land and nation. The truths of knowledge should be sought wherever they may be found. Islam mandates adherence to certainty in all aspects of religion and life, cautioning against following doubts and illusions. It is widely acknowledged that attaining certainty is possible only through knowledge.
8. Honor in Discourse
Another characteristic of Islamic civilization is the emphasis on chivalry during discussions, coupled with a commitment to truth. Thus, Islamic science embodies both the intellect and the heart, prioritizing human consciousness and awakening.
9. Comprehensive Knowledge Acquisition
Muslims pursue knowledge across all sciences and world cultures, mastering them and contributing additional insights. They have corrected many prevailing theories and practices, establishing themselves as leaders in this domain.
10. Inclusiveness Beyond Ethnicity
Islamic civilization does not differentiate based on nationality or color. An examination of Islamic history reveals that this civilization has benefitted significantly from thousands of non-Arab scholars and thinkers. These individuals have achieved high scientific degrees and produced countless innovations in both religious and worldly sciences.
These features represent a vital part of the great Islamic civilization, which has played a significant role in the advancement of science and knowledge within the Islamic world.
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