Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
Allama Sayyed Abul Hasan Nadwi, May Allah Have Mercy on Him (Part 15)
Travel to America:
America can be considered the cradle of civilization and industrial progress in the present age, having reached the peak of material advancement. Despite this progress adequately meeting the animal needs of humans, it remains far removed from the spiritual aspects and needs of the soul. Nevertheless, for someone who critically observes and disbelieves in this façade of culture and civilization, firsthand experience is the best way to clarify the reality of this country.
For this reason, Imam Nadwi had long considered traveling to America. However, it was not until 1977 that he received the opportunity, traveling at the invitation of an Islamic center in Washington, D.C. Notably, this trip also included a plan for surgery on his right eye.
During his visit, Imam Nadwi traveled to many American cities and preached among the Muslim communities, who had eagerly awaited his arrival. Throughout this trip, he delivered twenty speeches on the grace of Islam, the Islamic way of life, and the spiritual backwardness prevalent in the West and among materialists.
He also visited several universities, speaking at five institutions: Columbia University (New York), Harvard University (Cambridge), Detroit University, University of Southern California (Los Angeles), and Utah State University in Salt Lake City. He even delivered a Friday sermon at the United Nations prayer venue. Allama Nadwi (may Allah have mercy on him) stated that in these speeches, he spoke truthfully and openly, outlining what was in the best interest of Muslims in America. He summarized his experiences and insights, approaching Western culture from the elevated perspective of the Qur’an. He conveyed that if one attains this level of understanding, the entire old and new world would appear to them like a mirage, with its brightness resembling fake gems.
The essence of Imam Nadwi’s speeches and articles can be summarized with the following themes: America exhibits a mechanized, scientific, and technologically advanced lifestyle; however, humanity within this land is in decline and destruction. If America were to embrace the wealth of stable religion, the course of history would be markedly different today. America is both unfortunate and fortunate at the same time. The fortunate aspect lies in Allah’s bestowal of significant material blessings and resources; the unfortunate aspect is its deprivation of the blessings of true religion. While America excels in material pursuits, it lacks emphasis on virtuous conduct and moral direction.
When asked which religion would be most suitable for the West, and which would be the most detrimental, the clear answer is that Islam is the most suitable religion for the West, whereas Christianity can be deemed harmful to it. Mawlana Nadwi cautioned Muslim communities in America against adopting an American or European version of Islam, stressing that Islam requires a specific climate and atmosphere, which balances belief and action, ethics and transactions. He highlighted the importance of fostering motivations, awakening, and a distinctive cultural identity to be presented in a contemporary format.
He advised his brethren living in America to prioritize faith and religion over all advancements and progress, even if this stance leads to challenges. He emphasized the necessity of paying close attention to the new generation. If the youth suffer from intellectual and cultural apostasy, it would not be permissible for Muslims to remain even for a day. However, if they are certain they can live in accordance with Allah’s will, and if their conscience affirms, they can remain steadfast in their faith and safeguard the beliefs of future generations, then not only is it permissible for them to stay, but it is also beneficial and blessed.
Afterward, Imam Nadwi traveled to Philadelphia to undergo surgery, which, by Allah’s grace, was successfully performed.