Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
Allamah Syed Abul Hasan Nadwi “R.A” (Part 8)
Listen, O Arabs!
One of the biggest intellectual concerns of Maulana Nadwi was the Arab nation, who were the founders of the Islamic movement and the pillars of faith and perseverance. A nation among whom the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, was sent and the great Qur’an was also sent down in their language; A nation that was familiar with the language of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and was raised in the bosom of Islam and raised in the true school of the Qur’an. Maulana Nadwi also respected this nation very much and tried so that this nation can return to its proud past and recover its lost dignity from the ravages of materialism, westernism and soulless modernism and become a house of glory and greatness.
In this regard, we can refer to his various treatises, articles and speeches addressed to the Arabs; Sometimes he explicitly addresses the Arabs, sometimes he specifically addresses the people of Egypt, Syria, Kuwait, and the Arabian Peninsula, and calls them to restore their true status.
Maulana Nadwi writes: “If among all the nations, a nation is appreciated and surprised by me, I must clearly declare that that nation will be the Arab nation.”
During his speeches for the Arabs, Maulana Nadwi admitted the clear truth that the superiority of the Arabs over other nations is only in the lap of Islam, the Qur’an and the instructions of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and that’s it. Except for this privilege, which is beyond and superior to it, the Arabs cannot achieve superiority and must realize the source of their glory and greatness, review the situations before Islam and after it and sit in judgment.
Maulana Nadwi entered the arena of Arab countries at a time when whispers of Arab bigotry and racism were loud in most Arab countries, and many weak-minded Muslims were affected by it, and the same issue was being discussed everywhere.
With respect to the place of the Arab people in history, Maulana Nadwi investigated this fact and summed up the origin of the dignity and pride of the Arab nation in Islam and following the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and with this beautiful measure he was able to crush the dry prejudices of Jahili and the unjust practices of racism. and remove the nationalist from it.
Allamah Nadwi writes: “If other nations have conquered the world through war and conquest or through intellectual skill and genius, the Arabs could not have a share in history except through the only path of Islam, and if Allah, the Almighty, planted love in their hearts and Their language was widely spread and became immortal, and countless sciences were compiled in that language. All these things were realized only with the blessing of the Holy Quran and Islamic law, and the Arabs cannot enter history and lead the ship of humanity except through the mission of Islam.
Imam Nadwi addressed the Arabs and spent a great deal of energy on them.
He believed that the Arabs have spiritual, spiritual and material talent for the leadership of the Islamic world. They even have the ability to lead the entire world, provided they regain the qualities that enabled them to rule the world in the past.