Author: Om Aisha
Morjaeh sect (part 27)
Introduction: To identify a sect, we must examine the statements of the true scholars and elders who hold the correct belief and see their opinion about this group so that our path becomes clearer and more precise. Therefore, we try to express the sayings of religious elders about the reference sect. Also, let us explain to our dear readers the introduction of the reference sect and the treatment methods of this disease.
Condemnation of the Morjaeh from the perspective of the hadiths of the Prophet, (PBUH)
Many hadiths have been narrated about the condemnation of Marjaeh. The Prophet, PBUH, said: «صنفان من أمتي لیس لهما في الإسلام نصیب: المرجئة والقدریة»; (The two groups of my ummah for whom there is no benefit in Islam are the Marjoeh and Qadriyyah sects.)
And the hadith: «صنفان من أمتي لا تنالهما شفاعتي یوم القیامة: المرجئة و القدریة» (The two groups of my ummah that my intercession will not reach on the Day of Resurrection (Judgement) are the Morjaeh and Qadriyyah sects.)
And the Hadith: «صنفان من أمتي لا یردون علی الحوض: القدریة والمرجئة». (The two groups of my ummah who will not enter the [Kowsar] pool are the Qadriyyah and Morjaeh sects.)
Note: From examining the explanations of the hadiths, especially the explanations that explain these two hadiths, it appears that this hadith is about the sect we are discussing, although some people have considered this hadith weak, but since many scholars have included it in their books. were, we thought it appropriate to argue about it in this section.
Morjaeh from the point of view of religious scholars and elders
Salaf Saleh warned against this sect and strongly opposed it since its appearance. Because they knew that this heresy makes it easy to escape from Sharia rules and justifies debauchery and reduces the magnitude of sins, which in itself is a very big deviation and misguidance. Since the emergence of the heresy of Arjaa, which has caused belittlement and laxity in adherence to the rules of Sharia, it has been criticized and many scholars and jurists have warned about it. These criticisms are due to the fact that Arjaa was considered a heresy at that time and many jurists and scholars, who were famous in science and religion, made harsh statements. The reason for such a decisive and sharp approach was that such a belief about faith is a prelude to immorality and rebellion. This mistake in its literal interpretation has become a big mistake in the beliefs and actions of others, even if they themselves adhere to the rules of Sharia.
Imam Ibrahim Nakhai, may Allah have mercy on him, says: “In my opinion, the sedition of Morjaeh is more frightening to the Muslim Ummah than the Sedition of Azarqa.” He says in another place: “Arja is heresy.” Beware of the new and newly created view of this sect.
Imam Zohri, may Allah have mercy on him, says: “In the Islamic Ummah, no innovation worse than Arjaa has been created for Muslims.”
Imam Oza’i, may Allah have mercy on him, says: “Yahya and Qatada used to say: We are not afraid of anything as much as the heresy of Arjaa against the Islamic Ummah.”
Are the opinions of the Morjaeh and Arjaa sect still exist in the present era?
Arja’a heresy continues until now and issues of faith are taught in many Islamic institutions and universities based on the reference religion. In addition, new intellectual and behavioral manifestations that are in line with the principles of the reference religion are also seen. What highlights the danger of this corrupt belief is that it has become an excuse for some people to justify committing many great sins through it; If it has become a justification for creating many heresies, and in its lowest case, it reduces the importance of some manifestations of disbelief and debauchery, but the matter has gone beyond this and people claim that Arjaa religion is the best means to face takfir and exaggeration, and they openly invite towards it. Therefore, the Islamic Ummah should be vigilant against falling into the trap and its dangerous effects. Arja’s heresy is one of the most dangerous heresies because of its involvement in the issue of faith and disbelief. This heresy has continued until the present time, and the behavioral and intellectual manifestations resulting from it have spread in Islamic societies, which remain hidden from many people, and the danger increases when some of these manifestations are attributed to the religion of Salaf Saleh.


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