The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid, MAPH” (Part 24)
The role of Hazrat Khalid in this Battle
In the book “Khalid Ibn Walid Saifullah”, it is stated that the Holy Prophet, PBUH, was still staying in Tabuk when he sent Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, at the head of four hundred and twenty horsemen, to a person named “Akider Ibn Abdul Malik Kandi Nasrani”, who owned a castle called “Domah Al-Jandal”.
Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, moved towards “Akidar” and reached a place where his castle could be seen well. Of course, earlier the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had given his signs to Hazrat Khalid, one of which was that he was a wild bull hunter. When Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, reached the place where the wild cows were grazing, he saw one of his wild cows. As soon as that wild cow saw Khalid’s army heading towards “Duma Al-Jandal”, it left its pasture and fled to “Domeh al-Jandal”. It reached its destination at night and repeatedly knocked its horns on the door of the castle. When Ekider’s wife found out about this incident, she asked her husband: have you ever seen such a movement of a cow? What drives him to this side? Her husband said: Nothing happened. After that, the idea of going out of the house and chasing a wild cow comes to Ekider’s mind and hunts it for himself. Therefore, with some of his people, he went out of the house at night to hunt that cow with a spear, but suddenly they themselves were hunted by the army of Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, and as a result, he was captured. But Hazrat Khalid did not kill him and gave him a chance to live and go to the service of the Prophet.
Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, made a condition for Akider to open the door of the castle and then take him to the Lord of the Universe, Muhammad Mustafa, PBUH. He also had to accept this condition. When Akider opened the door of the fort, Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, took “two thousand eight hundred camels” and “four hundred spears” from there as a compromise, separated one-fifth of it for the Holy Prophet PBUH, and divided the rest of the property among the Mujahideen, and gave an exquisite gift to the Holy Prophet of Islam, PBUH; Then he went to Madinah along with Akider and the aforementioned property. Hazrat Khalid, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took Akider to the presence of the Holy Prophet, PBUH, he gave him a gift, and then by accepting the payment of jizya, he made peace with him and set them free.
Allameh Qorani writes: “When Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, arrested Akider, he was wearing a beautiful robe and shirt embroidered with gold threads. Khalid removed the robe and shirt from his body and immediately took him with one of his companions. He sent him to the Holy PBUH, and later he took himself and freed him by paying the jizya.
He also paid his jizya as long as the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was alive. But when the Prophet (PBUH) died, during the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, he violated his covenant and refused to pay jizya to the Islamic government.
During this campaign, Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, did not command an army, and the reason for this is that the beloved person of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was present in this war, and all the great companions of Allah, may Allah be with him, such as: the rightly caliphs, the ten evangelists, and other fighters were active and participated in this great jihad.; Therefore, in such cases, the command of the army is given to others. But despite this, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, chose Khaled and sent him to that country in order to defeat a big tyrant from the band of disbelief and polytheism named Akider, which is considered a special privilege for him. With wisdom and insight, he arrested him and instead of killing him, made peace with him and benefited the religion of Islam and Mujahideen.
Indeed, whenever the Holy Prophet, PBUH, sends someone for a mission, he is seen as worthy of that work; Hazrat Khalid ibn Walid, may Allah be pleased with him, was one of them.