Author: Dr. Fazl Ahmad Ahmadi
An Overview of “Confucianism Religion ” (1st part)
The life and history of humanity is full of much evidence of different beliefs. One of the most important of these historical beliefs and evidence is religious beliefs. Among religious beliefs, there is also a lot of multiplicity, however, the first classification between religious beliefs ,is the separation is based on heavenly religions and human religions or beliefs, among all the multitude of beliefs , Confucianism is called a number of human beliefs and a set of moral teachings, and they consider Confucius to be a reformed human being, while a number of others, considered this “Confucianism” as a religion that paid much attention to moral issues. According to this article, the basic question of this research is how “Confucius” was a religion and who was “Confucius”? By using the descriptive-analytical method and with the help of library sources and other available sources, these findings are obtained that “Confucianism” is one of the human religions and this religion includes moral and religious teachings that were given by “Kung fu tzo” or the next “Confucius” has been prepared and proposed, the founder was a wise and sober person who was born five centuries before Christ and his good behavior and humanitarian actions caused him to attract many followers.
Key words: ritual, teaching, ethics, Confucius, followers and China.
Religion and religiosity are one of the most important teachings that has had the greatest impact on the life of human society and has sometimes caused unity and division among people. On this note, we see that the life and history of humanity is full of many evidences. It is different beliefs, in other words, one of the most important of these beliefs and historical evidence is religious beliefs. Among religious beliefs, there is also a lot of diversity; However, the first classification between religious beliefs is the separation based on heavenly religions and human religions or beliefs.
A number of people call “Confucianism” religion a human belief and a set of moral teachings, and they consider “Confucius” a reformed person, while a number of others consider this “Confucianism” to be a religion that has paid much attention to moral issues.
The importance of research in the field of religions and especially the religions that have so far been in the 21st century when everything is obvious ,have followers, it has a special dignity and characteristic, and at the same time, one of the most important issues that cause the growth and development of the cultural life of the human society is the mutual understanding of the many differences and beliefs that have been placed in the human institution based on the will of Allah.
According to this matter, the study of “Confucius” is one of the cultural needs, paying attention to it causes cultural growth and development and respect for the beliefs of others, and also brings us closer to the belief that a large number of people have not yet realized the truth, and they still go astray and go misguidance in carnal desires.
In the field of religions, many books have been written in which different religions are mentioned, it can be said that in almost every book written about religions, there is a detailed or comprehensive discussion about the religion of “Confucius” ,and At the same time, a large number of articles have been written about Confucius, which are listed in the list of sources of this research; But the difference between this research and other existing researches is that the current research presents a general view and a brief statement of the beliefs and teachings of “Confucius” that the reader can imagine and know the religion of “Confucius” in his mind. that this religion before Christ had good moral teachings for its followers; But now, with the spread of celestial religions, especially Islam, it no longer has any dignity.
According to this article, the basic question of this research is how “Confucius” religion was and who was “Confucius”?
By using the descriptive-analytical method and with the help of library sources and other available sources, these findings are obtained that “Confucianism” is one of the human religions and this religion includes moral and religious teachings that were given by “Kung fu Tze”, or the next “Confucius” has been prepared and proposed, the founder was a wise and sober person who was born five centuries before Christ, and his good behavior and humanitarian actions made him attract many followers.