Author: Om Aisha
Morjaeh Sect (25th part)
Morjaeh in the Abbasid period
Some orientalists believe that Morjaeh was removed from the scene due to their dependence on the Umayyads, and later other writers have also raised this point of view. But the fact is that the emergence of the Morjaeh and their movement and position during the Umayyad period were not always in favor of the Umayyads, but the Morjaeh’s also participated in the anti-Umayyad rebellions. Therefore, other factors have caused the gradual disappearance of the Morjaeh. It is worth noting that at least until the end of the third century, Morjaeh and Morjai thought didn’t disappear, and it can even be claimed that their number didn’t decrease; Because in the works of Rajali of the 3rd and 4th centuries, many muhaddiths were accused of Morjaeh, and the ideas of Morjaeh were clearly seen in sects that were famous in the 3rd and 4th centuries, such as the Karamiyyah and Najariyya sects. Even some of the Morjaeh’s came close to the government during the Bani Abbas period, while some were in the opposite position.
Among other morjaehs of the first Abbasid period, we can mention Abu Muawiya Zareer, Yunus bin Bakir, Bashar Merisi, etc. The common point of Morjaeh is in matters related to faith and during the period of Bani Abbas, some of them were against the government and some were on the side of the government and agreed with it. During the Umayyad and early Abbasid periods, Arja had a revolutionary spirit and was against the oppressors of that time. But in this period, things were slowly becoming the property of the king. So much so that Nazr bin Shamil recited Arja in the religion of Muluk and mentioned this matter in the presence of Ma’mun and in response to his question.
Morjaeh damage
Moral dimension
The theory of Irja is a great danger for individual and social ethics and promotes corruption and insubordination; Because in this way of thinking, a major sin does not harm faith, and its perpetrator cannot be judged as a person of heaven or hell.
Political dimension
Morjaeh’s beliefs were a good refuge and shelter for the Umayyads, who were not afraid of committing oppression and aggression and great sins in secret and openly; Because the Morjaeh belief caused them to leave the commandment of the good and the prohibition of the evil and say: “If an imam or a caliph commits a great act, it is not outside of faith and it is obligatory to obey.” As a result, Morjaeh thinking became a convenient tool in the hands of despotic and criminal rulers. For this reason, none of the Umayyad rulers opposed Morjaeh because of the idea of Irja, and they also strengthened this idea.