Author: M. Asem Isamail Zahi
The history of Sacrifice and it’s truth
Economic question
When a person is oblivious to spirituality and thinks about desires and material things, and his goal is only to attain the world, it becomes difficult for him to understand the complete power and the strange and wonderful system of Allah, and he imagines all worships as inanimate rituals and the issue of sacrifice. brings you one of the most difficult economic issues and says: the huge amount of money that is spent by the nation to slaughter animals every year has no other benefit than eating meat for three days, if this amount is used for the welfare and comfort of the nation. It would have been better to be a slave, but it should be known that for any scientist and intellectual, gluttony and achieving carnal pleasures are not ahead of reforming the morals and actions of the nation.
Rather, a wise person says that the problem of the stomach will be solved when a person is safe and calm, and humanity is found in him, and he has good and good morals, and avoids looting, trickery, deception, theft, pickpocketing, and eating forbidden goods. Educated people, who consider education and learning necessary and necessary, also consider educational matters as necessities of life.
The motivation to obey the commands of Allah Almighty is the same motivation that prevents a person from committing crimes even when he is alone, and the sacrifice has a special effect in strengthening this motivation.
As a result, the welfare of the people and the nation does not lie in the fact that a person abandons the sacrifice and spends his money on the satisfaction of carnal desires; Rather, true happiness lies in the fact that each person carries out this Abrahamic tradition (peace be upon him) with passion and love and strengthens the motivation of self-sacrifice and sacrifice in the hearts of others. After understanding the truth of the sacrifice, it becomes clear that the purpose of the sacrifice is not to eat meat and grow the body, but the main purpose is to fulfil Allah’s decree and revive the Abrahamic tradition and to achieve the motivation of sacrifice and sacrifice.
The Holy Qur’an says about the sacrifice: “May Allah obtain its flesh and not its blood, but may Allah obtain piety from you”; “The blood and flesh of your sacrifices do not reach Allah, but only piety, that is, the motivation of your obedience, reaches Allah.”
Anyway, the purpose of the sacrifice is not blood and meat, even in the past nations, meat was not halal, this is one of the characteristics of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, who made the meat of the sacrifice halal for his Ummah. Rather, the main goal is to find motivation, obedience and pride in the face of Allah’s trials.
Some people say: a large number of animals are slaughtered in a short time; this is an economic loss that has a great impact on people’s lives. This makes animals and meat scarce become but these ideas affect the mind when a person is unaware of the complete power of the creator of the universe and the observation of the firm order of the world.
The system of Allah’s power has always been and is in the whole world that if people need something more, Allah Almighty will increase that thing and when people’s need for it is less, that thing will decrease day by day. be Like the water of a well, the more it is drawn, the more its springs will be blocked, and eventually the water will dry up. If we pay attention to the past, we will realize that people at that time used to slaughter sacrifices more often, because just as people today have become lax and indifferent towards prayer, fasting, Hajj, etc., they also show a willingness to sacrifice. They do not give in the first century of Islam, Muslims used to sacrifice a hundred camels at once. As once the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sacrificed (slaughtered) a hundred camels at the same time in the Mani field. If we carefully pay attention to this issue, we will realize that with this abundance of sacrifices in the Islamic world, there is still no shortage of meat and animals for sacrifice, or the increase in its price is very insignificant.
Nowadays, most of the people are neglectful in worship such as prayer, fasting, etc. There are many people for whom sacrifice is obligatory, but they do not sacrifice. If someone claims that the lack of sacrificial animals is due to the fact that a large number of them are slaughtered during Eid al-Adha, it is not only untrue but also a lie. Because in this era, there are countries whose people do not slaughter sacrifices at all, but still, meat in those countries is rarer and more expensive than countries where sacrifices are slaughtered.
If you want to investigate this issue, stop the people of a city from sacrificing for a year and after some time see what beneficial effect it will have on the people of that city and how much the price of meat, milk and oil will decrease, but No Islamic country will be willing to do this. Now, for example, look at the country of India, which is the sacrifice of cows, but with this description, has anyone observed that cows wander in the streets and alleys due to their abundance? Or because of the abundance of cows, the milk in the streams is flowing, or at least the oil is cheap? No, before the independence of Pakistan, India had a hundred million Muslims, every year they sacrificed and the British slaughtered hundreds of cows every day, but at that time the price of meat and milk was cheaper than today and the number of cows was more. But if the killing of cows is completely prohibited in India for several years, it is likely that after some time cows will be very rare there.
Dear readers! Several years ago, when the horse was a means of travel and jihad, it was available in abundance; But today, when advanced means of transportation have taken their place and they are used much less compared to the past, their number is more and their price has become cheaper, or on the contrary, their number has become less and their price has become more expensive due to the lack of people’s needs.
One must be sure that Allah’s wisdom is higher than human understanding and knowledge. I wish the Muslims of the world would think about the virtues and merits of sacrifice and not consider sacrifice as a religious act. Rather, they considered it the Sunnah of Abraham, peace be upon him, until strength was created in their faith and actions, and blessings They saw sincerity with their own eyes. Also, in addition to the reward of every act of worship, other special effects such as: (modesty and humility in prayer, purification of the heart from the love of wealth in zakat and increase in Allah’s love from fasting and Hajj) are deposited, in the sacrifice, the strength of faith and morals and Determination and effort in actions have also been deposited.
And finally, that the performance of these memorials, which have practically become obligatory and necessary for the Ummah of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and their rulings are preserved in the Qur’an and Sunnah; They will remain constant and ongoing until the Day of Resurrection, and in every age and time, this act of Khalilullah teaches that if a person sacrifices all his wealth and life in the way of Allah, he will not be relieved of the right of servitude.
1- Holy Quran.
2- Prophetic hadiths.
3- Issues of Eid and Sacrifice, Maulana Rifat Ghasemi.
4- Reformatory sermons, Mufti Mohammad Taghi Osmani, translator: Mohammad Omar Eidi.
5- Tarikh Ghorbani, Mufti Mohammad Shafi, translator: Mohammad Amin Hosseinbar.
6- Beheshti Zivar, Maulana Ashraf Ali Tahanvi.
7- Marqaat al-Mufatih, Mulla Ali Qari Heravi.
8- Radal Muhtar Ali Al Durr Al Mokhtar, Mohammad Amin Bin Omar Abedin.
9- Tafsir Kabir, Fakhr al-Din Muhammad bin Umar Razi.
10- Persuasion and intimidation, Hafiz Abdul Azim bin Abdul Qavi Manzari.
11- Ighlat al-Awam, Ashraf Ali Tahanvi.