Author: M. Asem Ismail Zahi
The history of Sacrifice and it’s truth (4th part)
Condemnation of leaving the victim
The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said about a person who is obligated to sacrifice and does not sacrifice, should not come near our place of worship.
Hafiz Zaki-al-Din writes in Persuasion and Intimidation If someone has the power and despite this, he does not fulfill this important slogan of Islamic Sharia and the memory of Abu Anbiyyah Ibrahim Khalil-Ur-Rahman, and he shows indifference to it, how can it be accepted that he gathers together with the people who have performed this obligation.
Maulana Ashraf Ali Tahanwi of Quds-Sarrah says about someone who has the ability to sacrifice, but still refrains from this great act of worship Many people, despite the fact that they have the ability to sacrifice, unfortunately do not sacrifice, especially in the villages, most people neglect it.
While it is mentioned in the hadith If a strong (rich) person does not sacrifice, he should not approach our Eidgah; And it is clear that someone who is a Muslim attends the Eidgah and does not approach the Eidgah of someone who is not a Muslim. Now think for yourself how hard a promise is made in the hadith for someone who has the ability to sacrifice and does not sacrifice.
Imam Ali Qari Haravi, may Allah have mercy on him, says The Shariah ruling of the sacrifice has been established with all the pure reasons of the Sharia, and the consensus of the scholars has been reached on it. For this reason, the jurists have considered denying the Shariah ruling of the sacrifice as blasphemy.
And it is also stated in Radal al-Muhtar and a disbeliever in denying the principle of Al-Watr and Al-Adhaya; A Muslim man becomes an infidel by denying the principle of Witr and sacrifice.
hard test
Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) who was the only child of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and who was achieved after prayers and wishes, was finally put to the greatest test for Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). As after the birth of Hazrat Ismael (peace be upon him), Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was ordered to take his son with his mother (Hajira) from the land of Syria to the flat and smooth land and the very hot desert of Hijaz, where there are no human names and symbols, no trees and no animals.
There are slaves and settlers; Just as Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) went to that field of destruction with his wife Hajra (peace be upon him) and his infant son Ismail (peace be upon him) according to the order of Allah Almighty. The purpose of the Almighty Allah for this order was that that land devoid of water and vegetation would be transformed by him into Mecca and Umm al-Qari.
When they reached there, Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was again ordered to leave his wife and child there and leave for dinner himself. As Hazrat Ibrahim, peace be upon him, left for Syria without thinking, even without consoling his wife and children. When Hajra (peace be upon him) saw that Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) returned without saying anything, she said to him: He left us in this land without water and vegetation, where are you going? Hazrat Khalilullah (peace be upon him) did not pay attention to his words and continued to leave.
Then Hajra (peace be upon him) said to herself: He is the chosen servant of Allah Almighty and he does not do anything without Allah’s command. Indeed, Almighty Allah has given him such an order; As he asked him, has Allah ordered you to return? He replied: Yes. Upon hearing this, Hazrat Hajra (peace be upon him) said: “Permission is not to waste.” If you have been given a mission from Allah, then He will not destroy us. The story of how they lived in that terrible land is long, in fact their life in that land without water and vegetation is a strange manifestation of Allah’s power and a lesson for the world. Because the details of this incident have nothing to do with the victim, we will only talk about the victim.
Almighty Allah says: «فَلَمَّا بَلَغَ مَعَهُ السَّعْيَ قَالُ يَا بُنَيَّ إِنِّى أَرى فِى المَنَامِ أَنِّي أَذْبَحُكَ فَانْظُرْ مَاذَاتری»؛”Because Hazrat Ismail reached the age to go with his father and be his guide and helper in his work. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said: “O my dear child, I see in my dream that I am sacrificing you, what is your opinion about this?”
Are you ready to follow Allah’s command or not? Because the dream of the prophets is like a revelation, slaughtering in a dream is synonymous with slaughtering. After Ibrahim, peace be upon him, was assigned to do this work by Allah Almighty, he did not need to consult, nor did he have such an idea in his heart; Rather, his advice was only due to the following matters:
That he should know how determined and motivated his son is to obey Allah.
That if he obeys in this matter, he will be rewarded, Because the validity and result of the reward is based on intention.
That he is sure of paternal compassion and emotional anxiety during slaughter.
According to historical traditions, Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) was nine years old at that time.
When Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) consulted with his blessed son about his slaughter, he immediately replied:
«يَا أَبَتِ افْعَلْ مَا تُؤْمَرْ سَتَجِدُنِي إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ مِنَ الصَّابِرِيْنَ» “Father, do whatever mission you have from Allah, Allah willing, you will find me among the servants with patience.”
As the slaughter of a child was a very difficult test for Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Obedience to the father in order to give up the right to life was a very difficult test for Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him). But because Almighty Allah had chosen this family for himself; Therefore, they were successful in any type of exam. The motive of obeying Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) is remarkable that he did not rely on his determination and willpower.
Rather, he related this to the providence of Almighty Allah, he did not say that he will wait; Rather, he said that if it is Allah’s will, you will find me among those who are patient, which is a type of humility, that is, patience and independence are not my only perfection, but Allah has thousands of patient servants, and I am one of them. It was due to the blessing of this assignment and humility that he succeeded in that very difficult position. In short, the father and son left behind any kind of material demand and hope of life and went to the slaughterhouse.