Increasing or decreasing faith from the point of view of the Morjaeh sect
Another opinion of the Morjaeh sect regarding faith is the increase or decrease of faith, which can be divided into two categories:
The first group believe that faith can be increased, but not decreased; So according to this group, a believer can have superior and stronger faith than other believers. The sects of this category are: Ghassaniyyah, Thobaniyyah, Najariyyah and Shabibiyyah.
The second category believes that basically faith does not have parts to be separated and questionable; Rather, it is an interconnected and simple whole that neither increases nor decreases; According to this category, no believer is superior to another believer in terms of faith. The sects of this category are: Ghailaniyyah, Shamriya and Jahmiyyah.
The point of view of Ahl al-Sunnah and Jamaat
There are two opinions in this matter; According to the first vote: faith increases and decreases; This is the opinion of those who consider actions as a complete pillar of faith because God Almighty says: «فأما الذین آمنوا فزادتهم إیمانا و هم یستبشرون»؛[2]
Translation: “But the believers [verses of the Qur’an] will increase their faith and they will be happy.” And the verse: «وإذا تلیت علیهم ءایاته زادتهم ایمانا»[3]
Translation: “And when His verses are recited to them, it increases their faith.” And the verse that expresses the saying of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him): «ولکن لیطمئن قلبی
“But until I find confidence in my heart.”
Hosseini, Mohammad Reza, “Examination and criticism of faith from the point of view of reference”, Philosophy of Religion, page: 668, volume 11, number 4, winter 2013.
Surah Towbah, verse: 124.
Surah Anfal, verse: 2.
Surah Al-Baqarah, verse: 260.
The confidence of the heart is the increase of faith and belief. And they have also argued that there is a difference between the faith of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and the faith of each member of the Ummah.
And they have also referred to this saying of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, who said: «لو وزن إیمان أبيبکر رضیاللهعنه بإیمان أهل الأرض لرجح بهم»؛”If the faith of Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, is weighed with the faith of all the people on earth, the faith of Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, will be superior and greater.
And according to the second opinion: faith doesn’t increase or decrease. This is the opinion of those who believe that when the affirmation of the heart reaches the level of dogma and acknowledgment, neither increase nor decrease can be imagined in it, and regarding the verses and hadiths that indicate the increase of faith, they have said that what is meant by it is the increase of its fruits and effects and It is the radiance of the light of the heart that is characterized by faith; Therefore, the fruits and effects of faith increase through obedience and servitude and decrease with sin, and it may be answered by those who say that faith increases and decreases, for these reasons, surely when we say that actions increase faith, we mean it. It isn’t that actions are an essential part of faith and when action is lost, faith is also lost; Rather, action is a partial complement to faith; So these reasons aren’t evidence against us; Rather, it is against those who reject faith from someone who fails in worship.
And it is right that to the same extent that the verses of the Great Lord become clear to a Muslim, and he becomes aware of the wonders of His creation and the planning of the world and the creation of some things that don’t fit into the understanding of man, his faith becomes stronger and as much as he learns from the observance of the Shariah obligations. He goes away, his faith becomes weak
The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, says: «إن الإیمان لیخلق في جوف أحدكم کما یخلق الثوب فسئلوا الله أن یجدد الایمان في قلوبکم»؛”Faith grows old in your hearts as clothes grow old; So, ask God Almighty to renew it in your hearts. Dr. Majd Makki, a complete collection of Sunni beliefs, p.: 80, first edition: 2014, Torbat Jam, Khwaja Abdullah Ansari Publications. Dr.Majd Makki, a complete collection of Sunni beliefs, p.: 80, first edition: 2014, Torbat Jam, Khwaja Abdullah Ansari Publications.ص 81Al-Mu’jam al-Kabir Lal-Tabarani, vol. 14, p. 69. Hadith number: 14668.
Allameh Taftazani, may God have mercy on him, says: “Truly, faith can’t be added or subtracted. In its definition, it was already mentioned that the truth of faith means the acknowledgment of the heart that reaches the point of certainty and confession, in which there is no increase or decrease; Even if the truth is confirmed for someone, it is the same if he has performed obedience or committed a sin. Therefore, his confirmation remains as it is and there is no change in it, and those verses that indicate the greatness of faith, according to Imam Abu Hanifah, may God have mercy on him, are predicated on the fact that the Companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, first believed briefly; Then, every assumption that was revealed, they would believe in it specifically [that is, the believer would increase, not the faith itself].[1]