Author: Abu Aisha
Orientalism (Part: 4 The Conclusion)
Orientalism and the Sunnah of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace
Some Orientalists have been trying to deny the Prophet’s tradition, which is the second source of Islamic Sharia, and make it look like this for Muslims as well.
Robson (one of the Orientalists) believes that the idea of the validity of hadith As the second source of Sharia after the Quran, it emerged in recent centuries after the emergence of problems and the creation of solutions for them. Before Robson, Juel Zeiher, and Schacht also tried to establish this theory.
Aburia, one of the authors of this theory, mentioned these verses in his book “أضواء علی السنة النبویة”: Allah Almighty says: “ما فرطنا في الكتاب من شي” (We did not put anything in the book [the tablet]). In another place, he says: “ونزلنا عليك الكتاب تبيانا لكل شيء” (And We sent down upon you the [Heavenly] Book to clarify everything…). Arguing from these verses, he writes: One should not argue with anything other than the Qur’an in Sharia because the Qur’an itself is self-explanatory, clear, and does not need another explanation. In response, it should be said: Either Aburieh was ignorant and unaware of this statement, or he deceived himself into ignorance.
Allah Almighty Himself gave importance and value to the Sunnah of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and bound Muslims to it. Many verses have confirmed and emphasized this position. Allah Almighty says: “من يطع الرسول فقد أطاع الله” (Whoever obeys the Messenger of Allah has, in fact, obeyed Allah) and “وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا” (And take what the Messenger of Allah gives you and avoid what hinders you).
Almighty Allah has ordered us to obey the command of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and to avoid his prohibitions. There are many hadiths about the followers of the Prophet’s tradition, some of which are mentioned below: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, says: “ألا إنني أوتيت الكتاب، ومثله معه، ألا يوشك رجل شبعان متكئ على أريكته يقول: عليكم بالقرآن فما وجدتم فيه من حلال فأحلوه، وما وجدتم فيه من حرام فحرّموه” (Be aware that I have been given the Qur’an and its similes along with it. Be careful that a person does not come to you with a full belly while sitting on your throne and say to you: Hold on to the Qur’an and everything that is lawful in the Qur’an. Consider what is halal as halal and consider everything that is haram as haram.)
In another place he says: «لیکم بسنتي، وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين من بعدي عضوا عليها بالنواجذ»؛ (You have been guided by my traditions and the traditions of the rightly guided caliphs who came after me, so hold them seriously.
Juld Tsehir writes: A large part of hadiths was created as a result of the religious expansion and political and social developments of Islam in the first and second centuries. Allamah Saba’i, may Allah have mercy on him, wrote in response to this orientalist: We do not know how this orientalist had the courage to say such a thing, while many narrations refute him, and despite the fact that he knows the Messenger of Allah.
The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, had not yet departed this world until he had laid down all the foundations of this towering edifice of Islam, including the methodologies, sharia, and comprehensive laws, with the Book of Allah and his fruitful Sunnah, to the extent that he said before his death….: «تركت فيكم أمرین لن تضلوا ما تمسکتم بهما کتاب الله وسنتي» (I have left two things among you that if you hold on to them you will never go astray, one is the Book of Allah Almighty and the other is my Sunnah.)
وقال: «لقد تركتكم على الحنيفية السمحة ليلها كنهارها»؛(I have set you on a very clear and bright path [the Islamic religion] whose night is as clear and bright as its day). «الیوم أکملت لکم دینکم وأتممت علیکم نعمتي ورضیت لکم الإسلام دینا»؛ (Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My favor upon you, and I have favored Islam [as] a religion for you.) These verses show the perfection of this religion. When the Prophet, peace be upon him, passed away from this world, the religion of Islam had reached the level of perfection, not as this orientalist claims.
Orientalists have other objections to the Sunnah and its validity, which include compilation of the Sunnah; Narrative means; The situation is in hadiths and… The honorable scholars of Islam have answered their doubts in detail in their books.
Orientalism And the life of Hazrat Abu Hurairah?
After exposing the Sunnah itself to the attack of their doubts, the Orientalists did not stop there but went further. They tried to ridicule those who carried this tradition and passed it on to others. As mentioned earlier, one of the people who was affected by the poison of the Orientalists and whose pen was completely at their service was Abu Ryah. He said things about Hazrat Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, that even Jews, Christians, Rawafiz, Zanadaqah and Mu’tazila did not say.
such words that cannot be attributed to anyone; Following his great masters (Western Orientalists), he has made several objections to Hazrat Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, in order to reduce his position and dignity and make him look insignificant, so that his traditions are considered ineffective and invalid, of course, it should be known that these cases It is a slander and they are completely far from the dignity and status of Hazrat Abu Hurairah, who was one of the close companions of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and one of his disciples who was always with him.
1.Difference in their names:
He says that in Jahiliya and Islam, there was no such difference in anyone’s name. Here, one should ask Abu Ryah and his professors whether science and human action are valid and effective, or are they just names? After that, aren’t they considered nicknames? Aren’t there other companions who became famous with nicknames such as Abu Bakr, Abu Ubaidah, and Abu Dujana? In addition to this, his name has been known; Rajeh’s opinion among scholars is that his name was Abdul Shams in Jahiliya and Abd al-Rahman in Islam.
2. Amity and illiteracy of Hazrat Abu Hurairah:
He says: Abu Hurairah was illiterate and could neither read nor write. Of course, it should be said: Abu Hurayrah’s purpose with this work is to ridicule Hazrat Abu Huraira because of his being an Umi. It is strange that among the companions, not only Abu Huraira was an Umi, but many of the companions were Umi. At that time, most of the Arabs were illiterate, and this is not considered a defect; therefore, it should be said that their goal is only to raise doubts.
3. Plurality of hadith narrations:
One of the objections that Abu Ryah mentioned about Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, is the multiplicity of narrations of his hadiths. This argument and reason of Abu Ryah are also useless and worthless.
4. Abu Hurairah’s poverty:
Another objection of Aburiya against Hazrat Abu Huraira is because of his poverty. He says: Abu Hurairah, because he was poor and had nothing to eat, used to meet and accompany the Prophet (PBUH) and fill his stomach in front of him, that’s why he humiliated him.
Here, it should be said to Abu Ryah that in Islam, poverty has never caused a person to be worthless and humiliated; because there were many poor people who were ahead of the rich people in many places. Dr. Saba’i writes: Perhaps the same objection will be raised against Abu Ryah himself, and someone will humiliate him because he has no place and honor among his people. Willingness and inclination towards the Umayyads. In this matter, Abu Ryah has collected all the insults and curses of the Orientalists and Shiites against Abu Hurairah. This is while the position of Hazrat Abu Hurairah was clear and lucid like the position of other companions.
Dr. Mustafa Saba’i has written I testify that Abu Ryah was the worst person among all those who spoke against Hazrat Abu Hurairah, such as Mu’tazila, Rawafiz, and Orientalists of old and new, something that is based on evil and corruption. He implies. May Allah punish him for the slander, calumny, humiliation, and falsification of the facts that he has done.
Consequences of Orientalism and Orientalists on Islamic society
One of the most important issues that should be discussed is the effects that Orientalism and Orientalists have had on our society. Some scholars have divided these effects and consequences into two types: positive effects and negative effects, which we describe below some of these effects. We leave it to the Judgment of dear readers:
Positive effects
If we evaluate the efforts of Orientalists correctly, we will find that some of them presented genuinely good scientific works. Dr. Hassan Kharbouti writes: “The truth is that the methods of Orientalists in discussion and research are characterized by seriousness, effort, meditation, analysis, correct investigation, and conclusions.” He writes in another place: “Without a doubt, we are still indebted to many Orientalists who contributed to the fertility of thought and thinking with their writings, especially after their books were translated into Arabic. This research proved many scientific facts and added many books and studies to our libraries.”
Dr. Mohammad Farooq Nabhan, in his book “Orientalism, its definition, schools, and effects,” mentions the positive effects of Orientalism as follows: The most important positive works of Orientalist schools of thought are:
First: In the field of manuscript research, Orientalists have focused on the study of Arabic and Islamic books and have published excellent works. Their efforts in this field are evident and undeniable. They courageously endeavored to uncover the cultural heritage and patiently endured the hardships of research and discussion.
Second: Orientalists paid great attention to the compilation of dictionaries and encyclopedias of the Arabic and Islamic languages. In this field, they rendered great services to the Arab cultural heritage and the compilation of the history of Arab literature. In the end, he writes: “In the past, our scholars used to provide us with the necessary books and methods, but after we became weak and feeble, the Orientalists were able to complete these methods.” If we truly want to be fair, we should acknowledge their efforts.
Negative effects
Apparently, although the phenomenon of Orientalism and Orientalist research has had benefits, we must not forget that the consequences and negative outcomes of this movement are far more than can be listed in this field. In short, its negative effects can be expressed as follows:
1. Worrying the minds of the general public (especially the youth, who are the active and energetic force of society) with the books they wrote about Islam, Muslims, the Quran, the authority of the Sunnah, etc. With this work, they have been trying to alienate Muslims from their religion and create a gap between the religion of Islam and the generality of Muslims through their propaganda.
2. Insulting and offending the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and questioning his character. As stated before, they have tried to distance the Ummah from their teacher, separate their paths, and make it seem Like this. They are said to have learned religion from Jews and Christians.
3. Objecting to the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, especially those whose narrations are more numerous than the rest of the Companions, including Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him.
4. Most of the orientalists who conducted research did not have pure research as their goal. Rather, they received huge salaries from the colonial countries and worked for them, as mentioned in the section The past of this article was stated.
5. Training people with Islamic names to advance their goals, among whom we can mention Salman Rushdie and Saeed Habib. The first person insulted the Quran and became famous, and the second person insulted the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. The case received attention.
6. Helping the needy people and directing them towards themselves, creating schools for the needy people, and inviting them to Christianity and the Crusades, which were their greatest ideal and wish. Of course, the Orientalists were the hands of these people, and the same movement exists in our society today, so that the enemies will take them out of Islam in any way they want.
7. Mocking the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and making his character look ugly because of his wives, making it appear that he was a lustful person and only paid attention to physical and sexual desires. Because they know that if they enter through this way, they will definitely tarnish the face of Islam. It should be said here: they read blindly. In front of this group of people, Allah Almighty raised such people from among them who defend the privacy of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
8. Aiming for the eloquent Arabic language and the spread of local and vernacular dialects in order to reduce the position of the eloquent Arabic language and the language of the Quran.
9. The idea of separating politics from religion and creating a distinction between the two, so that scholars can be placed ahead of politicians and rulers, thereby creating conflict and enmity between these two groups.
10. Discrediting Islamic history and portraying the early centuries of Islamic rule in a negative light, they have quoted words about Umayyad caliphs, Abbasid caliphs, and other Muslim caliphs and rulers.
11. Liberating the Muslim woman, expelling her from the home, and rendering her unmarried, all the while protesting against Islam and accusing it of harshness and cruelty towards women’s rights. To this end, they had trained several men and women to preach in Islamic countries, including Al-Tahtawi, Huda Shaarawi, and Safia Zaghloul, who were all active in Egypt.
12. The phenomenon of religious convergence, which is considered one of the most dangerous phenomena threatening Islam and Muslims; the purpose of this phenomenon is to merge Islam with other religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity, and to lead Muslims to abandon their religion.
For this purpose, They did many activities and held countless conferences. The points that were expressed concerning the negative effects of Orientalism are not my findings, but are the contents of important and reliable books such as “The Sunnah of the Prophet and its Place in Islamic Law” by Dr. Mostafa Al-Sabaei, “The Impact of Evangelism and Orientalism on Muslim Youth” by Dr. Jaber Qeimha, and “The Impact of the Orientalists on the Children of Muslims” by Dr. Saad Al Hamid, among other reliable books.
My Take on This Article
According to the previous parts and this part of the article, the most important point that a person discovers is the stubbornness, enmity, and opposition of Orientalists toward Islam and Muslims. The scholars did not remain silent in the face of this, but did their best to resist and stand against this insurgent flood and raging wave, which, by the grace of Allah Almighty, was largely successful. They have written many books, some of which are truly useful, effective, and efficient.
Here, it is appropriate to raise this question and provide an answer for it: Is today’s chaos and frenzy of Orientalists over, or are they still trying with all their might to learn about Islam, Islamic countries, and Muslims, especially in the Middle East, to obtain information and deliver it to their masters?
Although some scholars say that the authority and power of Orientalism and Orientalists have ended, one of these scholars is Ali Hosni Kharbouti, who in his book discusses the decline of Orientalists and the narrowing of their scope of activity. He writes: “In our opinion, the future of Orientalism is limited and its fields are deteriorating day by day. Arab researchers are dominant.
The Arabs no longer allow foreign thoughts to enter, and the Orientalists are content to recall their past research, and their new research is also limited to narrow circles. This theory may be true to some extent. However, I have another opinion, and it may not be to everyone’s liking.
My opinion is the same as I mentioned before: most orientalists are mercenaries who work for others and whose goal is to make money (of course, there are exceptions to this rule). Perhaps they needed to advance their plans in the same way in the past. However, today, there are other ways for them to advance their plans and programs, including foreign institutions, day classes for both boys and girls, patrolling people’s houses, advocating for women’s rights, claiming freedom, claiming human rights, and other plans.
Referring to the book “The Impact of Evangelism and Orientalism on Muslim Youth,” this opinion is largely confirmed. There are things mentioned in that book that are truly surprising.
In order to prevent their plans and programs, we must wake up and make our youth aware…ke, and in our society, we must create excellence and intellectual growth, and revive Islamic culture in homes, cities, etc., and in this regard, from nothing You should not hesitate to try.
In this article, a lot of effort was made to show the true face of Orientalism and Orientalists to everyone, and Alhamdulillah, by searching in various sources, very good topics were obtained, and the veil of Orientalism and Orientalists was largely removed, and the fair Orientalists were separated from the others, and so on. For their well-known doubts, brief answers were provided.
Here, I must admit that the doubts of Orientalists are really many, but our effort has been to examine and analyze their most famous doubts and provide answers to them. This article, which is written in several parts, was an attempt to defend the sacred area of Islam from the attack of its sworn and long-standing enemies; Enemies who are trying day and night with all possible means to destroy dear Islam; He is a guardian, and Allah will perfect his light, even if the disbelievers hate it
Recently, we are asking the Almighty Allah to give the Islamic Ummah an awakening so that it can return to its ancient glory and honor and regain its lofty position. Hoping that day.
Wa MinAllah Towfiq
sources and resources
1. The Holy Qur’an.
2. Al-Sibai, Mustafa, the Sunnah of the Prophet and its place in Islamic legislation, Dar Al-Warq, Al-Maktab Al-Islami, 2000 AD.
3. Zaqzouq, Mahmoud Hamdi: Orientalism and the Intellectual Background to the Civilizational Conflict, Egypt – Cairo: Dar Al Maaref.
4. Ali Muhammad, Ismail: Orientalism between truth and deception, Egypt – Cairo: Dar Al-Kalima.
5. Sheikh Dr. Saad Al Hamid: The goals and means of Orientalism, King Saud University, College of Education, Department of Islamic Culture.
6. Al-Sibai, Dr. Mustafa: Orientalism and Orientalists, Dar Al-Warraq, Al-Maktab Al-Islami.
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10. Al Hamid, Saad, The Impact of Orientalists on Muslim Children, King Saud University, College of Education, Department of Islamic Culture.
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14. Some modern programs.
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17. Collectively, An Analytical Criticism of Doubts Arriving in the History of the Qur’an, “Noldeke Piramun,” a distortion that results in deficiency in the Qur’an, 1397, p. 32.