Author: Abu Jurair
The Middle Ages (First part)
Unfortunately, today many Muslims believe that the secret of the success of the Muslims of early Islam and the reason for our weakness and inability in the present age is the weakness of morals, laxity in worship, lack of attention to self-cultivation (which they misinterpret) and There are other such cases, which all have an individual aspect and have nothing to do with space and guarding space; Correcting this misunderstanding of the people, along with the corruptions in the society, is considered the main weakness of the Islamic nation.
As well as abandoning Islam in the political and economic dimension, abandoning the nobles, and avoiding Islam, which are neither considered civilization nor growth; Due to the lack of Islamic rule, all the material possessions of the Islamic Ummah have been taken as hostages by the infidels and they have taken over the management of the extraction of most of the natural resources of the Islamic Ummah. Therefore, as in the past, Islam should be the center of our life, so that not only like in the past, but others also benefited from our civilization, but they also save themselves and others also become saved.
Keywords: Middle Ages, civilization, Europe, West and Islam.
With a quick glance at the history of the world, we find out that at that time when humanity was in the worst state, in chaos and in the turmoil of misfortunes, the Islamic Ummah had a golden and unique history and throughout history, for humanity in various fields: civilization, culture, technology, Science, inventions and astronomy have left behind great achievements.
The most Muslim inventors and thinkers appeared in this era and were able to bring the best discoveries and inventions to the world with their scientific discoveries, so that even knowledgeable non-Muslims are witnesses and confirmers of that golden period.
In the history of mankind, the Islamic nation has left a great place in the fields of civilization and culture, and throughout history, it has led mankind in the path of civilization, science and technology in an efficient way for many years. It has even reached the point that the Middle Ages was a dark century for the people of Europe, not for Muslims; But today, for Muslim children in schools and universities, it is shown that the Middle Ages was a dark age for humanity, and it is shown that the only people who brought civilization and progress to humanity were the people of Europe.
That this is a big blow to the body of the Islamic nation and falsification of the history of humanity, and for years, non-Islamic thought has been taught in universities, especially the faculty of law and political science, and other educational institutions, and it is known from the content of their words that civilization and progress are born in Europe.


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