Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
Syedna Osman bin Affan, “MAPH” (Part 4)
A well in heaven
After the migration of Muslims to Medina and the subsequent increase in numbers, Jewish conspiracies against them intensified. One particularly avaricious plot involved a well in Medina called Rumah, which belonged to a Jewish individual. This Jewish person charged Muslims for water, exploiting their dire need by raising the price. Consequently, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, declared, “Whoever buys the well of Rumah, in return, Allah will give him a well in heaven.” Osman, may Allah be pleased with him, approached the Jewish owner and offered to purchase the Rumah well.
The Jew demanded an exorbitant amount of fifty thousand dirhams for the well, Osman offered him to buy half of the well for twelve thousand dirhams, on the basis that he would use the water from the well for one day and Osman, may Allah be pleased with him, for one day; The Jew agreed, Hazrat Osman, may Allah be pleased with him, declared his day free and asked the Muslims to take water for free on the day of his turn None of the Muslims went to get water on the Jewish day, Jew came to Osman and offered him to buy his share of the well for eight thousand dirhams; Osman agreed and bought the well “Rumah” and prepared a well for himself in heaven.
Battle of Tabuk
This war was called a (Asra;) difficult war; because the time of this war was in extreme heat and before fruits ripened and crops were harvested, the number of Muslims reached “thirty thousand”, this number needed food, cattle and other things, Abu Bakr brought all his belongings and Umar brought half of his belongings; but this was not enough. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stood on the pulpit and said: Who will equip the army of Asra, and Paradise belongs to him instead? Osman stood and said: I will give hundred camels with equipment. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: May Allah reward you well, may Allah be pleased with Osman and forgive him. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came down one step from the pulpit, Osman said: I will give thirty hundred camels with loads and equipment. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, prayed for him: He said that from today onwards, whatever Osman does will not disadvantage for him. When he heard this, he said: O Messenger of Allah, I will give nine hundred and fifty equipped camels, fifty horses, seven hundred ounces of gold and ten thousand dinars. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) raised his hands and prayed: O Allah, forgive Osman, what he has sent ahead and what he has delayed. Osma alone prepared and equipped one third of the army.
Allegiance to him
Osman played the role of Khalifa’s adviser during the era of Umar Farooq. When Farooq, may Allah be pleased with him, was struck, he did not want to choose a caliph after him; But he chose six people, which were: Osman, may Allah be pleased with him, Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, Talha, Zubair, and Saad bin Abi Waqqas, may Allah be pleased with them; On this basis, one of them should be chosen and he ordered Sohaib Rumi, may Allah be pleased with him, to lead the people until the caliph is chosen. Finally, Osman was chosen as the caliph and after they pledged allegiance to him, he went on the pulpit and gave a speech to the people and said: But then, it was imposed on me and I accepted it. I am a follower and not an innovator.
The conquests of the caliphate of Hazrat Osman, may Allah be pleased with him
During his caliphate, two types of conquests were granted to Muslims. First, those countries that were conquered during the reign of Hazrat Faureq Azam, may Allah be pleased with him, and later rebelled and separated from the Islamic government. Once again, during the time of Hazrat Osman, may Allah be pleased with him, they rejoined the realm of Islam. Second, the new conquests in which Jihad has been started taken over by Muslims. Here, a brief description of both types of conquests is given as an example.
The annexation of the separated lands of the people of Hamedan, whose land was under the control of Muslims, rebelled and separated from the control of the Islamic government, The rebellion of this land was suppressed and conquered by Hazrat Mugheera bin Shuba, may Allah be pleased with him. The people of Ray also raised the flag of rebellion, but Islam won over them once again through Hazrat Abu Musa Ash’ari and Hazrat Bara bin Azeb. In Alexandria, Egypt, the fire of evil and rebellion flared up; but with the efforts of Hazrat Amr bin As, this city was also conquered. The people of Azerbaijan also betrayed; but, due to the efforts of Waleed bin Uqbah, the Muslims once again dominated there and the neighboring parts of Azerbaijan were also conquered. Armenia, which had separated from Islam, was conquered again.
These conquests of Hazrat Osman (MAPH) were similar to the service of fighting against the apostates, which was carried out by Hazrat Abu Bakr (MAPH). If his efforts were not used and these riots were not extinguished, Allah knows what would have happened to the Muslims!?