The Phenomenon of Atheism and Ways to Combat It (Part 23)
Article Four: Ways to Combat Atheism
Control of audio, visual, written media, social networks, broadcasting organizations, and libraries
It is clear that atheism does not arise in a vacuum; rather, it is propagated and spread through the media and the distribution of books that contain atheistic thoughts and doubts related to religion, Islamic laws, and beliefs, leading individuals to fall into its trap.
If a country has a strong Islamic system in place and the media and internet platforms that promote atheism are blocked, and libraries are cleansed of books that contain atheistic theories and misleading thoughts, it may be possible to curb the spread of atheism to some extent.
Training and Education of Specialists in the Fields of Invitation and Propaganda, and Enjoining Good and Forbidding Wrong
To this end, a group of talented young scholars and graduates with intelligence and high academic ability can be selected and trained within the framework of a structured, time-bound educational program that includes the following subjects:
a. Practicing jurisprudence and issuing fatwas, teaching methods of deriving legislative rulings and contemporary issues related to politics, economics, transactions, medicine, technology, and more.
b. Learning Arabic, English, Urdu, and national and local languages.
c. Intensive learning of the principles and general laws of experimental sciences, such as chemistry, biology, physics, and astronomy.
d. Studying the basics and fundamentals of political science, law, jurisprudence, economics, history, and sociology.
e. Gaining sufficient knowledge of philosophical schools, contemporary religions and sects, objections and challenges from atheists across various areas, addressing and overcoming them, and strategies for intellectual warfare, debate, and countering objections.
If the curriculum is developed in the aforementioned manner, those educated through this program will emerge as knowledgeable invitees who understand their world and comprehend the needs of the era and existing conditions. These individuals will demonstrate proper effectiveness in the fields of invitation and fatwa, and the Islamic state can greatly benefit from their opinions and guidance in implementing Islamic law. Even these individuals can establish the policies of the government in all areas. Furthermore, the essential and significant efficacy of these invitees lies in their unique ability to repel doubts and objections from atheists, fulfilling their responsibilities well when necessary.
Experience has shown that in refuting the doubts of atheists, only those who have thoroughly and fundamentally mastered Islamic sciences and developed skill and expertise in them achieve greater success. Additionally, these individuals must be familiar with the general sciences of their age and actively engage with contemporary issues to accurately understand current conditions.
Reforming the Actions of Muslims and Leaders of the Islamic Community (Politicians, Scholars, Muslim Scientists, and Intellectuals)
It is essential to reform individuals in leadership positions within the Islamic community, whether in the realm of invitation and propagation, in the fields of education and upbringing, or in politics and governance. The faith, honesty, fairness, and justice of leaders, along with their admirable ethics, compassion, and adherence to Sharia, directly influence the general public. These factors help people develop greater trust in religion and Sharia, follow their leaders in faith, and remain safe from the dangers and trials that threaten their faith.
However, if the public does not find righteousness and piety in their leaders, especially in scholars and preachers, perceives a discrepancy between their words and actions, and becomes aware of their corruption and moral laxity, they will become skeptical and disbelieving toward the essence of religion, potentially falling into atheism. For example, one factor contributing to the spread of atheism in the West has been the misconduct of churches and Christian clerics.
Reforming the Educational System
Education and upbringing are among the most important and effective tools for changing and transforming societies and have always determined the fate of nations, countries, and governments. Although some countries may be conquered and occupied through military means, which may be temporary, capturing minds, thoughts, hearts, and consciousness through education and upbringing is fundamental and enduring.
For this reason, after Western colonizers gain dominion over Islamic countries, the first target they aim for is the Islamic educational system. By employing tricks and deceit, they destroy this system and replace it with an educational framework that ensures their survival and permanence. The result of this action is the upbringing of a generation that is alienated from their religion, beliefs, and nation, and intellectually and culturally resembles the colonizers.
Today, most of the crises, challenges, and significant problems that the Muslim community and the Islamic world grapple with stem from the intellectual and cultural war initiated by Western colonizers through their educational systems. Therefore, if an ideal and desirable educational system is established in a country and implemented by capable teachers, it will bring about fundamental, sustainable, and comprehensive changes in the realms of religion and ethics, development and prosperity, as well as worldly progress.
There is no doubt that human beings are dual entities consisting of both spirit and body, possessing material and spiritual needs. If the educational system is designed and organized in a way that considers all of human beings’ material and spiritual needs, it will foster both knowledge and ethics in students, resulting in a healthy, desirable, progressive, and secure society. Such a society will be primed and ready for the application and enforcement of all Islamic laws. Additionally, Islamic governments and Muslim advocates will not face any obstacles or challenges in this regard. This state of affairs will create an ironclad barrier against the spread and proliferation of atheism.