Night prayer is one of the significant and virtuous acts of Ramadan. Whoever spends the nights of this blessed month in worship—performing Tarawih and Tahajjud, supplicating, and humbly seeking Allah’s mercy—receives special divine favors and unique blessings from the Almighty:
1. Their past sins are forgiven.
2. Their rank and status are elevated.
3. Their body remains healthy, their soul is purified, and their face becomes radiant.
Night prayer in Ramadan leads to the forgiveness of sins. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “مَنْ قَامَ رَمَضَانَ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا، غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ” Translation: “Whoever stands in prayer during the nights of Ramadan, out of faith and in hope of divine reward, will have their past sins forgiven.”
Night prayer is the most virtuous prayer after the obligatory prayers. As narrated by Abu Huraira (MABH), the Prophet (PBUH) said: “The best fast after the month of Ramadan is the fast in the month of Muharram, and the best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer.”
The honor of a believer lies in standing for night prayer. As narrated by Sahl ibn Sa’d (MABH), Jibreel came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said: “O Muhammad! Live as long as you wish but know that you will die. Love whomever you wish but know that you will be separated from them. Do whatever you wish but know that you will be held accountable for it.”
Then he said: “O Muhammad! The honor of a believer is in standing for night prayer, and their dignity is in being independent of people.”
Abu Sulayman al-Darani said: “By Allah, if it were not for the night prayer, I would not have loved this world. By Allah, the people of the night experience such joy in their nights that it surpasses the pleasure of those indulging in amusements. Sometimes, a moment passes in my heart when, out of longing for the remembrance of Allah, my soul is overwhelmed with ecstasy, and I say: If the people of Paradise experience such bliss, then indeed, they are in a great blessing.”
The Superiority of Night Worship Over Day Worship
1. Night worship is more challenging for the soul and requires greater effort; therefore, its reward is greater. Allah the Almighty says: “إن ناشئة الليل هي أشد وطئا وأقوم قيلا” Translation: “Indeed, the worship at night is more impactful and the speech therein is more steadfast.”
Thus, if a person strives against their own soul for the sake of Allah, He will guide them to the right path and count them among the righteous, as He says: “والذين جاهدوا فينا لنهدينهم سبلنا وإن الله لمع المحسنين” Translation: “And those who strive in Our cause—We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.”
3. Night worship encourages deeper reflection and contemplation.
At night, there are no daily distractions, allowing the heart and tongue to be more synchronized in pondering and understanding the divine verses.
4. The night is a time for divine mercy and the descent of the Lord of the heavens and the earth.
Thus, worship during this time is more valuable and impactful.
5. Night worship elevates a person’s rank.
On one hand, it purifies the heart from vices by granting forgiveness for sins; on the other, it adorns the heart with virtues and good deeds.
The Benefits of Night Prayer
1. Ease in standing on the Day of Judgment
Whoever rises for night prayer and stands humbly before their Lord will find it easier to stand on the Day when all people will be presented before Allah. Those who live comfortably in this world without devotion may face hardship in the Hereafter, for the reward is of the same nature as the deed.
2. A great reward in the Hereafter
Whoever persists in night prayer and is among the righteous, Allah will reward them in the Hereafter by marrying them to Hoor al- ‘Ayn, as compensation for leaving their soft and comfortable bed to worship the Lord of the heavens and the earth.
3. Physical health, spiritual purity, and a radiant face
Those who engage in night prayer will have a healthy body, a pure soul, and a glowing face. When Hasan al-Basri (MABH) was asked why those who pray at night have the most beautiful faces, he replied: “Because they secluded themselves with their Lord, so He bestowed upon them light from His own light.”