Author: Ahmad Shoaib Ghaznavi
Why Have Muslims Fallen into Despair?! (Part One)
The dire and distressing state of the Muslim world has profoundly impacted the politics and economy of Islamic countries, affecting individuals at all levels of society—from the general public to the elite. The consequences of this crisis have entrenched themselves so deeply within the fabric of society that eradicating them has become extremely difficult.
Although reformers and concerned members of society have occasionally analyzed this situation, no group or sector has taken the necessary steps to bring about real change. This is because all relevant institutions and organizations have, in some way, become entangled in the negative repercussions of these circumstances.
This void has led to the occupation of Muslim countries, turning them into testing grounds for the latest weapons from both the East and the West. Under various pretexts, these nations have been attacked, and destructive missiles and bombs have been tested on their lands.
In terms of cultural invasion, the forces of disbelief have launched widespread attacks against the beliefs and convictions of Muslim youth by utilizing modern tools and advanced strategies. Their primary target is the pure-hearted, courageous, and energetic Muslim youth. Many of these young individuals have suffered in this cultural onslaught, with some even abandoning their faith and beliefs (may Allah protect us).
It was expected that these very youth would rise against such invasions with firm faith and unwavering determination, making history like the People of the Cave or—like the valiant Turkish youth—reestablishing a caliphate similar to the Ottoman Empire. Unfortunately, this has not yet materialized. However, there is no need for despair. Even in the worst circumstances, there is always hope that a group of young individuals will emerge upon the principles and teachings of Islam. In the not-so-distant future, they may change the current situation and carve out a new and brighter destiny for Islam and Muslims.
Anyone observing the conditions of Islamic countries will realize that despair has taken hold of many Muslim youths. They have lost hope in Islam’s revival and its ability to rise again with renewed strength and momentum.
Some young Muslims believe that the leadership and dominance of Muslims over the world are things of the past, merely a part of history that has come to an end. They assume that the future belongs either to the powers of the East or the West. According to this perspective, Muslims will certainly (or most likely) have no role in shaping the future leadership of the world.
On the other hand, some optimistic young Muslims believe that if Islam does regain global leadership, it will happen only after a very long time—so long that neither they nor their children or grandchildren will witness it.
In such an atmosphere filled with despair and hopelessness, even contemplating the crises in certain Muslim countries becomes difficult, let alone taking action to change their circumstances. However, there is no reason for complete despair. At any moment, courageous Muslim youth may awaken and shape a new destiny for the Muslim Ummah. The high aspirations of Muslim youth can dispel despair, depression, and stagnation from their hearts, reviving hope for a bright future.