Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
Philosopher of Afghanistan; Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan (Part 12)
Sayyed Afghan also points out one of the biggest problems of Eastern countries: pride in the past and in their ancestors. He addresses the issue that many Eastern people, especially in the Arab and Persian worlds, are proud of being descendants of great ancestors who won wars and built great empires. This attitude, according to Sayyed Afghan, prevents the progress and growth of these nations because instead of looking to the future, they remain stuck in the past and make no effort to change their current situation. Not only is this boasting and snobbery not in the interest of Eastern people, but it also renders them powerless in the face of their increasing problems and challenges.
Sayyed Afghan clearly states that if the people of the East want to be true and worthy heirs to the heritage of their ancestors, they must stop being proud of the past and instead analyze and study their current situation to build a better future. He believed that nothing but continuous and conscious effort to achieve knowledge, economic and social development, and political independence could change the fate of Eastern nations. In this regard, the past should be used as a source of lessons, and instead of merely discussing past victories, practical and serious work should be done to change the current situation.
In short, Sayyed Afghan believed that to achieve the freedom and independence of Eastern countries, it was necessary to rely on three basic principles: freedom from internal tyranny, freedom from foreign colonialists, and science as a weapon to combat colonialism. It was only under the shadow of these three principles that Eastern nations could achieve true independence and progress.
Yes, the people of the East should stop boasting about their past and the glories of their ancestors and instead examine their current situation carefully and patiently. Reflecting on the past should serve as a reference and source of lessons for reform, not as an excuse to remain complacent with the current situation. Many people in the East still boast about the distant past and the glories of their ancestors and use it as a benchmark for measuring today’s progress, but such a view alone cannot resolve today’s issues. The past should serve as an incentive for the people of the East to make greater and more targeted efforts to reform the current situation. If people only look at that era for the glory and greatness of their past, they will not only be unable to withstand today’s challenges, but they will also hinder their dynamism and progress.
Some people in the East think that they should be content with the status of their ancestors because of their glories and make no further efforts to change it. This false thinking can lead to the decline and stagnation of nations. On the contrary, reflecting on the past should inspire them to think and work harder; it should not lead them to euphoria and a false sense of satisfaction with their status. If the people of the East, instead of dwelling on the past, focus on the future and strive to solve the challenges of today, they can achieve sustainable progress and development. The past should be regarded as a significant lesson and a source of inspiration to tackle contemporary problems.
Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan articulated this thought in the second half of the 19th century and consistently warned the people of the East that only through awareness and continuous effort could they avoid drowning in the status of the past. He emphasized that if the people of the East did not awaken from their slumber, they would not be able to resist colonialists and global challenges. At a time when Eastern countries were under colonial rule, Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan emerged as a guide and intellectual leader, striving to awaken the people of the East from their inertia. He sought the social and political awakening of the Eastern populace to prepare them for a better and more independent future. He understood well that only through education and awareness could people be liberated from the clutches of colonialism and attain independence and freedom.
Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan believed that the people of the East should learn from the past—not as a tool for boasting or complacency, but as a reference for striving and progress. He taught that if they did not want to repeat history, they should learn from their past and plan to change their current situation. The past should serve as a stepping stone and a turning point for building a better future. He always reminded the people of the East that they should learn from past mistakes and, instead of living in the past, look to the future and build it.
Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan also emphasized that the people of the East must awaken from their neglect and achieve unity and solidarity. He asserted that internal differences should not hinder their progress, emphasizing that only through unity and solidarity could they withstand colonialism and internal oppression. According to Sayyed Afghan, the unity and solidarity of nations are the most crucial factors in achieving independence and freedom. He cautioned Eastern countries that if they could not overcome their internal divisions, they would never be able to resist colonialists and global threats.
In this regard, Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan urged the people of the East to set aside their internal differences and unite above all. He reminded them that only through cooperation and unity could they stand against colonial powers. He pointed out that colonialists always aimed to weaken the people of the East from within, hindering their ability to resist. Therefore, the unity of the people and their solidarity was vital and necessary. Simultaneously, he called upon those who remained indifferent and passive during the oppressive conditions of that era to awaken from their slumber and take proactive steps towards freedom and independence.
Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan articulated that individual freedom and national independence could not be attained through any means imposed by colonialists. These could only be achieved through struggle, sacrifice, and the collective efforts of the people. He reminded them that no foreign power relinquishes its rule out of love or justice; rather, it is only when nations fight for their freedom that colonialists are compelled to vacate their lands. It is only then that the soil becomes enriched with the blood of the homeland’s martyrs, leading to true freedom. This concept of struggle and sacrifice was continually embedded in Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan’s philosophy.
During his travels to various countries in the East, including Turkey, Egypt, Iran, as well as Russia and India, Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan conducted thorough research and studies. He also journeyed to the capitals of Europe, seeking to break the chains of colonialism and liberate the people of the East from colonial rule. He was unafraid to confront colonialists during these trips, believing that knowledge and awareness were the keys to ending foreign dominion.
In essence, Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan believed that only through knowledge and understanding could one fight against oppression and injustice and ultimately secure victory. He emphasized that nations should confront colonialists and foreign powers using the weapons of knowledge and awareness.
Moreover, Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan advocated for reforms in Eastern countries. He believed that many of the rulers of these nations had fallen into the trap of oppression and tyranny, and instead of pursuing reforms for their countries, they focused solely on their personal interests. In this context, Sayyed Afghan criticized the governments of the time and called for social and political reforms. Unfortunately, these reforms were often delayed due to fears of a decline in the rulers’ political power. These concerns caused governments to resist Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan’s calls for change and even led to his exile from one country to another.
Despite these exiles, Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan’s efforts never ceased. He relentlessly pursued his goals and showed remarkable bravery. Sheikh Ibrahim Yazji describes Sayyed as a political figure with far-reaching ambitions, who continually worked towards his objectives. He traveled extensively, advocating for reform in various countries. Even when faced with difficult circumstances, he never wavered from his goals. This highlights Sayyed Afghan’s unwavering determination and strong will, which remained undiminished.
Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan understood that reforms within society could only be actualized through political efforts. He believed that social and cultural reforms would thrive within the context of politics and wield greater influence. Thus, he embraced the path of political reform without fear. He recognized the necessity of actively participating in the political arena to achieve his lofty aspirations. On this path, Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan spared no effort and exhausted all his resources to realize his vision.
Ultimately, Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan was recognized as a political and social reformer who devoted his life to awakening and educating the people of the East. He faced numerous challenges and obstacles but remained steadfast in his commitment to achieving the ideals of freedom and independence for the people of the East.
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