Author: Ahmad Shoaib Ghaznavi
A Word from the Depths of my Soul to my esteemed Sisters
Dedicated to you, my sister:
This message might be painful to hear, but it is not meant to offend anyone. The only purpose is love, compassion, and expressing heartfelt concern.
In the past, when there was no sign of virtual spaces, mobile phones, satellites, and the like, it was rare to hear about any seemingly friendly interactions between the opposite genders who were non-mahram (unrelated).
But in the 21st century, the era of communications and media dominance over the world, illicit and forbidden relationships have become a controversial and destructive issue, ensnaring many nations, including Muslim Ummah.
There are betrayers who spend their days and nights chatting with Muslim girls in virtual spaces, gradually robbing them of the precious jewels of modesty and chastity. With various personalities, disguised as humans but wolf-hearted and vile within, they drag Muslim sisters toward ruin.
My Sister, never fall for the traps of such wolves, whose entire existence is driven by lust! Their sole aim is to steal the pure essence of your being.
My Sister, those same strangers and individuals who claim affection for you in virtual spaces are actually the instruments of your destruction. They will cause you the greatest and most harmful pain.
Do you truly believe in such “love”? This is not love but fleeting lust, which will not last long and will eventually lead to disgrace. As Mawlana (Rumi) said: > “Love that is based on superficiality > Is not true love; it ultimately leads to disgrace.”
Once they achieve their vile objectives, they will treat you like a disposable tissue, throwing you away and forgetting about you.
My Sister, True love is only with Allah! All you need to do is turn to Him, respond to His call, and He will warmly welcome you, granting you success in this world and the Hereafter. Only love for Allah will never let you down.
My Sister, if you have already fallen for such wolves and are secretly involved with them, do not think you can continue these relationships just because your family is unaware. Know that Allah, the All-Seeing, is witnessing your actions. As the saying goes, “The moon cannot remain hidden behind the clouds forever.” Your family will eventually find out, and that day is not far. By then, regret will be of no use.
My Sister, Act wisely and don’t let yourself become a plaything in the hands of such people! You are worth so much more than this. Allah created you as a noble angel, so do not lose this high status with the smallest of actions! If your family trusts you, never betray their trust.
Many deceive with promises of marriage to ensnare you. But remember, everything has its proper path and tradition. Such matters cannot be resolved through chatting on phones and social media.
Remember, My Sister!
The greatest harm will come to you, while they will continue on their dirty paths, laughing at your naivety and mocking you.
You will be left with a heart full of sorrow and regret, posting profiles that reflect nothing but pain and heartbreak.
Arrogance is a negative trait, but when facing such individuals, be proud and unyielding. Don’t be swayed by a few sweet words; stay alert so that you never fall victim to such a calamity.
Think about Allah and your family! Preserve their honor. How many sisters display photos of their bodies on Instagram and other social networks? This is not modernization or progress! All such thoughts are shallow and short-sighted. Why would you question your own modesty and dignity?
What determines a person’s worth is not their appearances, as those are ambiguous and hold different meanings. True greatness lies in having faith in one’s purpose and ideals.
Do not fear death! Fear losing your modesty while you are alive. Why turn a tool meant for convenience, like a phone, into a calamity for yourself?
Let us change our mindset and perspectives. Living one day with enlightenment is far better than a hundred years of life in darkness.
A person is shaped by their thoughts. Tomorrow will be what you think of today.
Cities are beautiful from above, and people are attractive from afar. So please, maintain your distance to remain graceful.
May no one, especially no Muslim, ever fall into such a devastating trap!
Under Allah’s Protection!
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