Islamic Beliefs and Thoughts, a Beacon for Children (Part Two)
Questions and Answers
Question: What is the first pillar of Islam?
Answer: It is the holy (Tayyiba) Kalima, which is the phrase: «لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله» “La ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah.”
Question: What is the meaning of this Kalima?
Answer: There is no true god except Allah, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah.
Question: What is the content of this phrase “La ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah”?
Answer: The meaning and content of this phrase “La ilaha” is the rejection and declaration of nullity of all false gods and tyrants of the world. By saying “Illallah,” we acknowledge only one Allah as the true god—the authority for what is lawful and unlawful, the solver of problems and the fulfiller of needs, the creator and possessor of good and evil, and the disposer and planner of the entire universe. By saying “Muhammad Rasool Allah,” we recognize Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the messenger of Allah. Everything that has been conveyed to us is from Allah Almighty. He has not created any matters of religion, including religious commands and prohibitions. When we accept that all matters were revealed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) by our Creator, we accept the laws governing all aspects of our lives—such as worship, politics, economics, society, and ethics—as brought by Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. The only great example and leader in all matters of life is our Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.
Question: What is a Taghut (tyrant)?
Answer: Taghut has several meanings: Satan, a person who rebels against the laws of Allah, a ruler who does not implement the laws of Allah, or an idol. Denying and rejecting Taghut is a fundamental condition of faith in Allah, and Taghuts vary across different times.
Question: If someone does not know the meaning of the words “La ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah,” is his faith correct?
Answer: No, because imitation in faith is forbidden and insufficient.
Question: How many parts does the phrase “La ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah” have and what is its purpose?
Answer: The phrase has two parts:
1. Tawhid (Monotheism)
2. Risalat (Mission)
Its purpose is to be a servant of Allah and part of the nation of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.
Question: What does a servant mean?
Answer: A servant is one who adheres to the divine law and is bound by the law of Allah and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).
Question: Aren’t we humans created free?
Answer: Yes, we humans were created free, but we cannot live a free life if we choose to be enslaved by other creatures, Satan, or follow laws made by man and our own desires. We are not free in all our actions, words, and beliefs; instead, we should align our entire lives according to the commands of Allah and His Messenger.
Question: Does Allah (Glory be to Him) have a plan to fulfill the instincts and desires that He Himself has placed in man?
Answer: Yes, the Merciful Allah has sent plans and instructions to fulfill all our desires and has explained how to satisfy them through the Quran and His Prophet (peace be upon him).
Question: Who is Allah?
Answer: Allah is the essence that created us and all the universes from nothing. He is the Lord, the Creator, the Owner, and Originator of the heavens and the earth. He does whatever He wills. He neither begets nor is begotten. He is independent of anything. He has no equal and is unique in His essence and attributes.
Question: Give examples of how many attributes of Allah are associated with polytheism by modern people?
Answer: Among them are Ghous (the true helper of the calls), the Provider, the Owner of good and evil, the Fulfiller of needs, the Remover of problems, the Helper, the Lord of the worlds, the Seer, the Hearer, the Judge, the Giver of honor and humiliation. These are the attributes that modern people often associate with polytheism.
Question: What does Rabb mean?
Answer: “Rabb” means the teacher (the one who gradually brings the whole world to perfection) and, in the sense of ownership, refers to the one who has authority over all areas of life, such as worship, politics, and economics; the authority for what is lawful and unlawful is also called Rabb.
Question: Give an example from the Quran in which the meaning of “Rabb” is mentioned.
Answer: In verse 31 of Surah At-Tawbah, Allah says: “The Jews and Christians have taken their scholars and worshippers as lords besides Allah,” meaning their scholars were regarded as their lawful and trustworthy authorities.
Question: What do Naser (helper), Nafeh (benefiter), and Za’ar (harmer) mean?
Answer: Naser means helper, Nafeh means the one who brings benefit, and Za’ar means the one who brings harm.
Question: What do Sami and Basir mean?
Answer: Sami means (hearing from far and near without means) and Basir means (seeing from far and near without means).