31. O dear sister! Fulfill your husband’s rights and always follow him in matters; because the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH has ordered women to follow their husbands in numerous hadiths, to the extent that he says: “If I were to order anyone to prostrate for another, I would have ordered a woman to prostrate for her husband.”
32. O my sister! Keep the secrets of your husband and your home! One of the rights of a husband over his wife is to keep the secrets that exist between them, as Allah the Almighty has clearly stated in the Holy Quran: «هن لباس لکم وأنتم لباس لهن» (They are clothing for you, and you are clothing for them.) With a comprehensive understanding of this verse, we can see that Allah Almighty indicates that husband and wife are clothing and covering for each other, thus they should not reveal each other’s secrets to others; therefore, maintain confidentiality.
33. O my sister! In the absence of your husband, maintain your chastity and trustworthiness; for chastity and trustworthiness in the absence of your husband are vital for the continuity and strength of the shared life between men and women. Betrayal and lack of chastity can turn the warm heart of the family into coldness and may lead to its disintegration. Chastity and trustworthiness in your absence from your husband are exemplary and admirable traits for women.
34. O my sister! Never leave the house without your husband’s permission! Whenever you want to leave the house, you must ask for your husband’s permission and gain his consent. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Any woman who dies while her husband is pleased with her will enter Paradise.”
35. O my sister! Only adorn yourself at home for your husband, for adorning yourself for him brings love and affection. Unfortunately, another ugly and unpleasant habit that exists among some Muslim women today, which causes husbands to be less affectionate towards their wives and leads to suspicion, is the adornment and grooming of women outside the home, which they engage in at gatherings and similar settings. Therefore, avoid this ugly and inappropriate trait!
36. O my sister! Carry out with diligence the great and valuable responsibility and duty that Islam has entrusted to you; the task of raising a child is immense. You may not realize that the child you are raising today could have a bright future, potentially influencing the fate of a nation, a society, or a country tomorrow. Women are often the unsung heroes who support every great man in history, and it is beautifully said: “If a man builds a society, it is a woman who builds a man.” A woman who rocks the cradle actually shapes the world. Understand that a mother’s guidance plays a pivotal role in her children’s development, so raise them well and contribute positively to the Islamic society.
37. O my sister! Avoid making harmful prayers for others, especially for your children; one unfortunate trait present among women of this era is the tendency to pray negatively against their own children. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not pray for the harm of yourselves, your children, and your property; (because) there are times when if you ask Allah for something, He will answer immediately.” When you make negative prayers against your child, you will ultimately regret it; therefore, refrain from this detrimental habit.
38. My dear sister! The best approach is to say, “May Allah guide you” whenever you see your child doing something inappropriate; this method is beneficial for both you and your beloved child, and it constitutes a form of proper upbringing that you impart by saying this.
39. O my sister! Maintain your dignity and honor; be wary of being deceived by the immoral calls of secular missionaries, Westerners, and hypocrites who have filled the media with their rhetoric. Do you understand what they desire? They wish to strip you of your chastity and dignity—the qualities you possess, but they lack. What does it mean when a lewd woman writes in a magazine that a dance center should be established for the enjoyment of young girls and boys? They are envious of your modesty and attire and wish for you to emulate them; so, stay vigilant!
40. O my sister! This worthless world is nothing more than fleeting hours and moments; as each day passes, parts of humanity are lost. Close your eyes and open them again, and you will find the angel of death standing before you, ready to take your life, and none can obstruct him. Look around—who lived amongst us just a day ago, a week ago, a month ago, or even a year ago? Yet now they are gone, resting in their graves, awaiting resurrection. We, too, are in line, and our day will arrive. We must prepare ourselves for that day from now on.
41. My sister! Even if you live many years, you will one day depart from this world, and in that moment, no one will be able to assist you, nor can anyone avert the punishment of Allah. The intercession of no advocate will be accepted without Allah’s permission. Reflect on the words of the Mercy of the Worlds, the Master of the Messengers, the Beloved of Allah Almighty, speaking to his beloved daughter: “O Fatima! Protect yourself from the Fire of Hell, for I cannot intervene against the command of Allah.”
42. My sister! Know that Allah Almighty has provided you with exemplary role models in His eternal book. So, what need do you have to imitate the unruly and uncovered women? Your best and most noble role models are Asiya, the wife of Pharaoh, Maryam bint Imran, the Umm al-Momineen, the righteous wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and the erudite scholars from the Sahaba and Tabi’een. By studying their lives, seek your happiness, for this is the highest and most exalted form of happiness.