– My sister! Avoid extravagance and overconsumption! Wastefulness and excessiveness in life are considered haram (forbidden) and impermissible in the sacred religion of Islam. As followers of the Islamic faith, we must strive to implement its teachings, avoid wastefulness in our lives, and adhere to moderation. Sometimes, women engage in such extravagant purchases that their actions defy logic.
– My sister! Be content with what you have. If you seek wealth, find it through contentment. Without contentment, even material possessions cannot bring you satisfaction. True happiness is not about acquiring everything one desires but about being grateful for what one already possesses.
– My dear sister! Be cautious that this fleeting and insignificant world does not captivate and allure you. Do not be influenced by its glitz and glamour, for how can a world with no intrinsic value grant worth to its wealth, jewels, and superficial possessions? This does not mean you should refrain from enjoying worldly adornments, jewelry, and material goods. Rather, the warning is against excessive indulgence and competing with neighbors or relatives.
– My sister! If you desire a pure heart, know that its remedy lies in companionship with righteous and pious servants of Allah. Associating and conversing with virtuous individuals deeply influences self-improvement and spiritual growth.
– My sister! Refrain from bringing up past grievances. Some women, even after forgiving, habitually revisit old issues when new disagreements arise. This is a grave sin, as rehashing past matters only rekindles hurt and bitterness.
– My sister! Avoid excessive talking, as it can lead to inappropriate speech. Such words may cause sorrow in this world and result in sin in the Hereafter.
– My dear sister! Stay away from imitating foreign women. During the time of ignorance (Jahiliyyah), immodesty and lack of clothing were at their peak. Allah Almighty forbade Muslim women from mimicking the ways of women in the era of ignorance and declared: «ولا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلیة الأولی» (Do not adorn yourself like the women of the pre-Islamic era.)
The women of the Prophet’s time (peace be upon him) were forbidden from “tabarruj,” which refers to displaying their adornments in public and in the presence of non-mahram men. During the period of ignorance (Jahiliyyah), women used to reveal their adornments and display their private parts, even performing tawaf (circumambulation of the Kaaba) in a naked state, considering it an honor.
– My sister, know that immodesty and deviating from the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him) stem from ignorance of religious matters and imitation of foreigners. Muslim women with dignity should not imitate foreigners; instead, they must seek all their material and spiritual needs from the traditions and teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him). They should distance themselves from customs, fashion trends, and especially from the un-Islamic practices of non-believers and polytheists.
– My sister, know that hijab is obedience to Allah and His Messenger. Hijab is modesty, dignity, and honor for a Muslim woman. It transforms a woman into a valuable and dynamic being. Hijab is the control of thoughts and ideas from sinful and immoral displays. Hijab preserves the value and sanctity of family. Hijab ensures cleanliness, prevents corruption, and protects from illicit relationships. Hijab is a safeguard against violence against women and more.
– My sister, immodesty means ignorance and disobedience to Allah and His Messenger. Immodesty is retrogression, backwardness, the spread of immorality, and the increase of illegitimate children. Immodesty means the neglect of a husband’s rights and deprivation of love and affection.
– My faithful sister, a society in which Islamic hijab is not observed falls into a crisis and psychological illness. Therefore, you must preserve your Islamic modesty, hijab, and faith-based dignity in all aspects of life, so that, by the grace of Allah, you may live a life of faith, perform righteous deeds, and be resurrected on the Day of Judgment among the righteous believing women.
– My sister, never be deceived by the slogans of the Westerners! Know that modern Western colonialism consists of irreligious individuals and organizations claiming to liberate women in Islamic countries. The life of a Western woman is vastly different from that of a Muslim woman in Islam. The oppression faced by Western women is actually a deception by men to exploit them. Never fall for their propaganda.
– My sister, never leave your house without necessity! Leaving the house should be for work or urgent needs, not for leisure or trivial pursuits. When going outside, avoid using perfume, fragrances, or other adornments, as Islamic law strictly prohibits such actions, with severe warnings against them.
– My sister, refrain from listening to music and instruments. Know that, according to the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him), music fosters hypocrisy in the heart, just as water nurtures a plant.
– My sister, avoid attending gatherings of frivolity, play, and music, as they bring about the displeasure and wrath of Allah. They distract a person from prayer, waste time, and lead to loss on the Day of Judgment. Know that on that great day, your phone and computer will testify against you, just like your hands and other limbs will, in the presence of Allah. On that day, your tongue will be sealed, and no one can deceive others with sweet words, especially when standing in front of the King of the worlds.